Space Invaders Extreme
12 Achievements
Xbox 360
Lieutenant Rank A
Achieved Rank A at the end of a level.
How to unlock the Lieutenant Rank A achievement in Space Invaders Extreme - Definitive Guide
This is the video that I followed to get my first A rank, and if you can do it well then you can pull off an S rank as well using this method.
Note: This video is not my own work and I take no credit for it, it is simply the video that I used for this achievement.
Note: This video is not my own work and I take no credit for it, it is simply the video that I used for this achievement.
It's a pretty poor guide - all I managed to do with this video is get an S rank - you don't tell us how just to get the "A".
By grex9101 on 20 Apr 2011 00:06
to get an "A" rank you need to score around 1.1 mill
By ArcCsc on 28 Dec 2012 04:30
See Space Commander Rank S and follow the video for scoring tips. To earn an Rank A at end of any level, just keep hitting ships without missing and get as many bonuses as possible.