Space Invaders Extreme
12 Achievements
Xbox 360
Space Invader Veteran
Won 25 online matches in VS Mode.
How to unlock the Space Invader Veteran achievement in Space Invaders Extreme - Definitive Guide
This achievement needs a more accurate guide. It cannot be completed in 15 minutes - boosting this achievement takes 60-90 minutes if two players need all 25 wins.
The fastest way is to use a player match on Survival mode. Survival is slightly faster than Score Attack (since both players have to die in the latter). The game does not allow you to stick around in a lobby after the match, so most of your time will be spent re-inviting your boosting partner. Don't waste time changing the match settings each time, since nobody plays this anyway and you can't use them to speed things up.
Whoever is dying should get shot by the first bullet, then use the shields in the following waves to die a little faster. Shaves a few seconds off each attempt.
The fastest way is to use a player match on Survival mode. Survival is slightly faster than Score Attack (since both players have to die in the latter). The game does not allow you to stick around in a lobby after the match, so most of your time will be spent re-inviting your boosting partner. Don't waste time changing the match settings each time, since nobody plays this anyway and you can't use them to speed things up.
Whoever is dying should get shot by the first bullet, then use the shields in the following waves to die a little faster. Shaves a few seconds off each attempt.
1 Comment
By MattiasAnderson on 04 Jun 2015 01:51
Not many people are online right now, so grab a friend to do it with.
invite them to the game and have them die quickly. (by moving into a rocket/missile)
and take it in turns dying. shouldnt take too long!
You can probly average around 3 a minute so,
around 15 minutes?
invite them to the game and have them die quickly. (by moving into a rocket/missile)
and take it in turns dying. shouldnt take too long!
You can probly average around 3 a minute so,
around 15 minutes?
With both players taking turns, it took us almost an hour to boost this achievement.
By Z 748 on 17 Jun 2011 15:12
this cannot be done in 15 minutes...not even close.
By wBRY on 14 Aug 2011 17:45
Defeat 25 people in VS online mode in the multiplayer. This can be done in a Player or Ranked match. If you're having trouble, trying boosting the achievement. You can find a boosting partner HERE.