Spectral Force 3

Spectral Force 3

40 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Recruited Break


How to unlock the Break achievement in Spectral Force 3 - Definitive Guide

This achievement requires you to recruit Break, the commander of the Underworld Army.

In order for this mission to show up, you need to kill the UNDERWORLD army before you kill the NAMELESS army. It's possible for both missions to show up for some reason, but after doing the US and JP version I can't seem to pin down exactly why. If this does happen to you, you CAN do Break's mission, get the achievement, and then reload a save and do Al's, but you'll need a second playthrough to get Special Character 2 anyway so I'm not sure it's worth it. Perhaps if you want to make playthrough 2 a bit easier you could do it that way.

Anyway, if you kill Underworld first, then after the story mission "Hunt the Fiends" a mission called "Soul Sinner" should appear. If the mission doesn't show up it's likely because your mercenary rank isn't high enough. In order to increase it, get A and S ranks in missions. You can get an A rank just be using a level 3/4 battle formation. As S rank requires much more effort and probably isn't worth it. Finish the mission with Break alive and he will join you.

07 Jun 2010 15:28

If I kill Underworld And then Nameless in the same attack round, will this Null the Mission to get Break (reverse order for Al) - ? On 2nd playthrugh, at the end of the game and this mission hasn't poped up - Not sure what rank I am right now since I havent played for 2 months, Needed a break lol
By VampericMist on 31 May 2012 17:07
It's been a really, really long time since I've played but I'm not sure what you mean by "in the same attack round" as I don't remember being able to take down two kingdoms in the same turn. If you mean you've killed both kingdoms, then I think you have stopped yourself from getting the achievement. As far as I remember killing the kingdom makes the mission disappear. I'd try getting your rank up first though, that could be it.
By LV 1 Blue Slime on 01 Jun 2012 05:23
Mission: Soul Sinner
How to get: He will join automatically after completing the mission.

To unlock this mission, you must defeat the Underworld Army while the Nameless
Army still exists and you must have obtained the Mercenary King rank.

This mission is available after completing Hunt the Fiends and after the
Underworld Army has been destroyed.

(i think it has to be done on 2nd play)

22 Apr 2012 23:33

1 Comment
It certainly does not have to be done on second play. I was able to get the missions for both Al and Break on my first play. When you do one, the other disappears, like LV 1 Blue Slime says.
By Scarlet Crusade on 20 Dec 2012 20:09