Speedball 2 Brutal Deluxe

Speedball 2 Brutal Deluxe

12 Achievements


Xbox 360
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Big Bonus

Big Bonus

With the Multiplier at maximum use an electrified ball to knock down 3 players and score a goal.


How to unlock the Big Bonus achievement in Speedball 2 Brutal Deluxe - Definitive Guide

First thing you need to do is get your multiplier up to max. Then go hit the electrified ball on the wall. Once that is done, hit 2 and only 2 enemies with the electrified ball (making sure u knock them down). You also need to catch it before it becomes un-electrified. Once thats done, you need to go score ensuring that you hit the goalie with the ball on its way into the goal. You only get the achievment if you hit a TOTAL of just 3 guys, not more, and scoring. This may take a couple tries but its fairly easy to do.

10 Nov 2009 23:08

I disagree with the above, this can actually be tricky to do.

In playing this game over the past 2 decades on my Amiga and now via XBLA, I reckon I've only ever done this 2 or 3 times. Certainly I didn't set out to try and do it, but there are plenty of variables to overcome.

It took me about 1 hour to do - and I had a two player local game going (probably the easiest way to get the achievement)

Firstly get the mutliplier to max and then ensure the ball is electrified. Now what you have to do is find a spot on the court where you can "line up" two players from the opposition, as well as the goalie, to knock down.

I found that a good spot is slightly behind, but to the right or left of, one of the "two-point floor buzzers" on the court. What naturally happens is that a defender will stand in front of you, and the goalie will line himself up to block the shot - so there's 2 players you can knock down.

What I then found was that your AI controlled teammates will knock down opposition AI players if they get nearby. Wait until one of them is knocked down and slides, prone, into line with the other two players you have "lined up".

As they get up, or perhaps slightly before, throw the ball and it should knock down the player who has just gotten up, as well as the other two players you have lined up. Ensure of course that you are going to actually get on target with your shot and score a goal!

Its tricky but doable. But much harder in a single player game.

03 Feb 2010 22:03