Spider-Man 2

Spider-Man 2

100 Achievements


PlayStation Portable
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Tribute to--Wait, You're Not Bruce Campbell!

Tribute to--Wait, You're Not Bruce Campbell!

Complete "Basic Training"

2 76.79%
Helicopter Bandits

Helicopter Bandits

Clear "Rooftop Heist" on Normal or higher difficulty

5 51.34%
Business as Usual

Business as Usual

Clear "Burning Bridges" on Normal or higher difficulty

5 39.29%
Burning Down the (Ware)House

Burning Down the (Ware)House

Clear "Explosive Track Down" on Normal or higher difficulty

5 32.14%
Birth of an Octopus

Birth of an Octopus

Clear "Reactor Malfunction" on Normal or higher difficulty

5 23.66%
Medieval Times

Medieval Times

Clear "Illusions of Grandeur" on Normal or higher difficulty

5 20.54%
Menace of the Museum

Menace of the Museum

Clear "Waxy Residue" on Normal or higher difficulty

5 19.2%


Clear "Fish Bowl" on Normal or higher difficulty

5 16.07%
Banks & Robbers

Banks & Robbers

Clear "Smash and Grab" on Normal or higher difficulty

5 14.29%
Stay Above the Floor to Avoid the Sensor Beams

Stay Above the Floor to Avoid the Sensor Beams

Clear "Escape from the Vault" on Normal or higher difficulty

5 12.95%
Octopus Attack

Octopus Attack

Clear "Ock's Rampage" on Normal or higher difficulty

5 12.05%
Bomb Disposal Training

Bomb Disposal Training

Clear "Bombs Away!" on Normal or higher difficulty

5 10.71%
Corporate Vulture

Corporate Vulture

Clear "A Feathery Flight" on Normal or higher difficulty

5 9.82%
Rematch with Vulture

Rematch with Vulture

Clear "Vulture's Last Stand" on Normal or higher difficulty

5 8.93%
Shocking Warehouse

Shocking Warehouse

Clear "Cat and Mouse" on Normal or higher difficulty

5 8.93%
Horn of the Rhino

Horn of the Rhino

Clear "Spiked Charge" on Normal or higher difficulty

5 8.93%
Rhino & Shocker, Computer Dating

Rhino & Shocker, Computer Dating

Clear "A Botched Collaboration" on Normal or higher difficulty

5 8.93%
Railway Raid

Railway Raid

Clear "Meet Me at the Train" on Normal or higher difficulty

5 8.93%
You Have a Train to Catch

You Have a Train to Catch

Clear "Doc Ock Express" on Normal or higher difficulty

5 8.93%
Ock's Docks

Ock's Docks

Clear "Final Experiment" on Normal or higher difficulty

10 8.93%
Stylish on the Rooftops

Stylish on the Rooftops

Clear "Rooftop Heist" with 3000 or more Style Points

5 8.04%
Rooftop Resource Management

Rooftop Resource Management

Clear "Rooftop Heist" with a perfect Health/Web Bonus of 1000

5 9.38%
Speed Through the City

Speed Through the City

Clear "Rooftop Heist" on Normal or higher difficulty in under 28 seconds

10 3.57%
Secret of the Rooftops

Secret of the Rooftops

Find both secret golden spiders in "Rooftop Heist"

3 8.48%
Bridge-Style Acrobatics

Bridge-Style Acrobatics

Clear "Burning Bridges" with 4000 or more Style Points

5 4.02%
Bridge Survivor

Bridge Survivor

Clear "Burning Bridges" with a perfect Health/Web Bonus of 1000

5 7.14%
Speedy Bridge Extinguisher

Speedy Bridge Extinguisher

Clear "Burning Bridges" on Normal or higher difficulty in under 55 seconds

10 2.68%
Secret of the Bridge

Secret of the Bridge

Find the secret golden spider in "Burning Bridges"

2 4.02%
Explosive Style

Explosive Style

Clear "Explosive Track Down" with 9000 or more Style Points

5 4.91%
Explosive Resources

Explosive Resources

Clear "Explosive Track Down" with a perfect Health/Web Bonus of 1000

10 31.25%
Explosive Speed

Explosive Speed

Clear "Explosive Track Down" in under 55 seconds

25 2.23%
Explosive Secrets

Explosive Secrets

Find both secret golden spiders in "Explosive Track Down"

3 4.91%
How to Survive a Trip Through the Sun

How to Survive a Trip Through the Sun

Clear "Reactor Malfunction" with a perfect Health/Web Bonus of 1000

10 5.36%
Forget the People, I’ve Got a Reactor to Fix!

Forget the People, I’ve Got a Reactor to Fix!

Clear "Reactor Malfunction" in under 30 seconds

10 2.68%
Secrets of the Sun

Secrets of the Sun

Find both secret golden spiders in "Reactor Malfunction"

3 4.46%
More Stylish Than Any Illusions

More Stylish Than Any Illusions

Clear "Illusions of Grandeur" with 14,000 or more Style Points

5 5.8%
Can’t Hurt Me, You’re Not Real!

Can’t Hurt Me, You’re Not Real!

Clear "Illusions of Grandeur" with a perfect Health/Web Bonus of 1000

10 4.02%
Illusory Speed

Illusory Speed

Clear "Illusions of Grandeur" on Normal or higher difficulty in under 2 minutes and 7 seconds

10 2.68%
Illusory Secrets

Illusory Secrets

Find both secret golden spiders in "Illusions of Grandeur"

3 8.93%
Waxing Stylishly

Waxing Stylishly

Clear "Waxy Residue" with 12,000 or more Style Points

5 4.91%
Museum Survival

Museum Survival

Clear "Waxy Residue" with a perfect Health/Web Bonus of 1000

10 7.59%
Hostages in a Hurry

Hostages in a Hurry

Clear "Waxy Residue" on Normal or higher difficulty in under 3 minutes and 33 seconds

10 2.23%
Secret of the Museum

Secret of the Museum

Find the secret golden spider in "Waxy Residue"

2 11.16%
Mysterio Beatdown

Mysterio Beatdown

Clear "Fish Bowl" with 1600 or more Style Points

5 9.38%
Spidey 1, Mysterio 0

Spidey 1, Mysterio 0

Clear "Fish Bowl" with a perfect Health/Web Bonus of 1000

10 2.68%
No Tricks, I Really Am That Good!

No Tricks, I Really Am That Good!

Clear "Fish Bowl" on Normal or higher difficulty in under 2 minutes and 6 seconds

25 2.68%
Smashing Thugs with Style

Smashing Thugs with Style

Clear "Smash and Grab" with 8000 or more Style Points

5 3.13%
Healthy Banking Practices

Healthy Banking Practices

Clear "Smash and Grab" with a perfect Health/Web Bonus of 1000

10 6.25%
Swift Withdrawal

Swift Withdrawal

Clear "Smash and Grab" on Normal or higher difficulty in under 2 minutes and 21 seconds

10 2.68%
Secrets of the Bank

Secrets of the Bank

Find both secret golden spiders in "Smash and Grab"

3 5.8%
There's Always Time to be Stylish

There's Always Time to be Stylish

Clear "Escape from the Vault" with 4000 or more Style Points

5 3.57%
Mostly Flawless Escape

Mostly Flawless Escape

Clear "Escape from the Vault" with a perfect Health/Web Bonus of 1000

10 4.02%
Escape Artist

Escape Artist

Clear "Escape from the Vault" on Normal or higher difficulty in under 1 minute and 27 seconds

10 2.23%
Secret of the Vault

Secret of the Vault

Find the secret golden spider in "Escape from the Vault"

2 10.27%
Quick Damage Control

Quick Damage Control

Clear "Ock's Rampage" on Normal or higher difficulty in under 1 minute and 57 seconds

5 5.36%
Secrets in the City

Secrets in the City

Find both secret golden spiders in "Ock's Rampage"

3 3.13%
Bomb Disposal Expert

Bomb Disposal Expert

Clear "Bombs Away!" on Normal or higher difficulty in under 3 minutes and 41 seconds

10 1.79%
Bomber's Secret

Bomber's Secret

Find all secret golden spiders in "Bombs Away!"

3 2.68%
Stylish Chase

Stylish Chase

Clear "A Feathery Flight" with 3000 or more Style Points

5 1.79%
Survival of the Bird-est

Survival of the Bird-est

Clear "A Feathery Flight" with a perfect Health/Web Bonus of 1000

10 3.13%
Webs Are Faster than Wings!

Webs Are Faster than Wings!

Clear "A Feathery Flight" in under 2 minutes and 30 seconds

5 4.46%
Vulture's Secret Spiders

Vulture's Secret Spiders

Find all secret golden spiders in "A Feathery Flight"

3 3.13%
Waltz with the Elders

Waltz with the Elders

Clear "Vulture's Last Stand" with 2500 or more Style Points

5 7.59%
Elder Invincibility

Elder Invincibility

Clear "Vulture's Last Stand" with a perfect Health/Web Bonus of 1000

10 2.23%
Old Man Defeated in Record Time!

Old Man Defeated in Record Time!

Clear "Vulture's Last Stand" in under 57 seconds

25 1.79%
Stylish Takedown

Stylish Takedown

Clear "Cat and Mouse" with 7000 or more Style Points

5 3.13%
Don't Get Stomped

Don't Get Stomped

Clear "Cat and Mouse" with a perfect Health/Web Bonus of 1000

10 3.13%
Rapid Warehouse Running

Rapid Warehouse Running

Clear "Cat and Mouse" on Normal or higher difficulty in under 1 minute and 10 seconds

25 1.79%
Secrets of the Warehouse

Secrets of the Warehouse

Find both secret golden spiders in "Cat and Mouse"

3 4.91%
Styling on the Rhino

Styling on the Rhino

Clear "Spiked Charge!" with 4000 or more Style Points

5 3.57%
Talented Rhino Tamer

Talented Rhino Tamer

Clear "Spiked Charge!" with a perfect Health/Web Bonus of 1000

10 2.23%
Rhino Run

Rhino Run

Clear "Spiked Charge!" in under 1 minute and 10 seconds

25 2.23%
A Stylish Solo Effort

A Stylish Solo Effort

Clear "A Botched Collaboration" with 3000 or more Style Points

5 3.57%
A Not-So-Botched Victory

A Not-So-Botched Victory

Clear "A Botched Collaboration" with a Health/Web Bonus of 900 or more

10 2.23%
A Not-So-Botched Speedrun Attempt

A Not-So-Botched Speedrun Attempt

Clear "A Botched Collaboration" on Normal or higher difficulty in under 1 minute and 35 seconds

10 2.23%
Style All the Way

Style All the Way

Clear "Meet Me at the Train" with 8000 or more Style Points

5 2.23%
Train Stations Are Harmless

Train Stations Are Harmless

Clear "Meet Me at the Train" with a perfect Health/Web Bonus of 1000

10 3.57%
Mary Jane? Late. Octavius? Right on Time!

Mary Jane? Late. Octavius? Right on Time!

Clear "Meet Me at the Train" on Normal or higher difficulty in under 1 minute and 34 seconds

10 1.79%
Secret of the Train Station

Secret of the Train Station

Find the secret golden spider in "Meet Me at the Train Station"

2 3.57%
It’s the Rail Tracer!

It’s the Rail Tracer!

Clear "Doc Ock Express" with 7000 or more Style Points

5 2.68%
A Normal Train Ride

A Normal Train Ride

Clear "Doc Ock Express" with a Health/Web Bonus of 900 or more

10 4.02%
Express Expressway

Express Expressway

Clear "Doc Ock Express" on Normal or higher difficulty in under 1 minute and 40 seconds

25 1.79%
Secret of the Railway

Secret of the Railway

Find the secret golden spider in "Doc Ock Express"

3 5.8%
Getting Fancy with Octavius

Getting Fancy with Octavius

Clear "Final Experiment" with 3000 or more Style Points

5 2.23%
The Sun Isn’t Good for You

The Sun Isn’t Good for You

Clear "Final Experiment" with a Health/Web Bonus of 900 or more

10 2.23%
Escape from the Sun

Escape from the Sun

Clear "Final Experiment" on Normal or higher difficulty in under 1 minute and 33 seconds

25 1.79%
Spider's Health

Spider's Health

Purchase all Health upgrades from the Spidey Store

5 15.18%
Spider's Webs

Spider's Webs

Purchase all Web Shooter upgrades from the Spidey Store

5 7.59%
Spider's Combat

Spider's Combat

Purchase all physical abilities and Strength upgrades from the Spidey Store

5 7.59%
Spider's Art

Spider's Art

Purchase "Production Art" from the Spidey Store

3 7.59%
Spider Behind the Scenes

Spider Behind the Scenes

Purchase "Storyboards" from the Spidey Store

3 7.59%
Spider's Theater

Spider's Theater

Purchase "Movies" from the Spidey Store

3 6.25%
Heavy is Our Heads

Heavy is Our Heads

Clear Rooftop Heist, Burning Bridges, or Explosive Track Down with both the HEAVYHEAD and BAHLOONIE cheats enabled

3 3.13%
Mouse in the Maze

Mouse in the Maze

Clear Cat and Mouse with the SPIDEYMAN cheat enabled

3 2.68%
How to Web Your Foes

How to Web Your Foes

Complete "Target Training"

2 19.2%
How to Punch Your Foes

How to Punch Your Foes

Complete "Combat Training"

2 19.64%
Fastest Zipper

Fastest Zipper

Complete "Web Zip Race" in under 25 seconds

25 4.02%
Real Swinger

Real Swinger

Complete "Swing Race" in under 37 seconds

10 3.57%
Instant Action, Just Add Water!

Instant Action, Just Add Water!

Defeat at least 30 enemies in "Instant Action 1"

10 7.14%
Stylish Combatant

Stylish Combatant

Reach 10,000 Combat Style Points in "Instant Action 2" before 30 enemies are defeated

25 5.36%