Splosion Man

Splosion Man

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You're the Best Around!

You're the Best Around!

Complete the Single Player game.


How to unlock the You're the Best Around! achievement in Splosion Man - Definitive Guide

"You're The Best Around" - Complete the single player game

There are 50 levels in single Player. To get this Achievement you must finish all 50 levels. If a level frustrates you, go back later. To go back to skipped levels select Single Player (Normal) and then select "Time Trial"

Some advice for runnin through 'Splosion Man is to run fast. But back track if needed. There are certain areas that may not catch your eye at first but if you walk back farther then you may see it. Use barrels to your advantage.

Cakes: don't go for cakes at first, just concentrate on completing the level...

When being chased by the Charger, the really tall robot controlled by a scientist, run as fast as you can. they destroy platforms behind you.

There are 3 sections, which means 3 separate boss fights (which is why there are only 47 cakes).

First boss: The Mighty Eternal. (level 1-16)
He will fire missiles down towards you. What you want to do is deflect them and try to hit him in the head. After he gets hit by 3 of his own missiles the platforms will start to move. He will also start to shoot beams at you from his eyes... when he does that wait till he gets close to one of the walls then jump onto it. try to make it onto the platform from there. When on the platform jump over to his head and 'splode. He will then take the platform and throw it. He'll do the same with the other platform when you follow the same procedure. After he has both platforms gone it's mainly deflecting missiles. Just keep deflecting the missiles back at his head. After a while he will fall. And to finish him off, after he falls to the ground, 'SPLODE in his face and congrats, level 1-16 is finished.

Second Boss: Mr. NAHHH! (level 2-16) (Part 1)
He is the scientist that looks like Conway (The smallest/shortest scientist) after he takes a potion that makes his brain so big his scientist hat/head can't keep it in there. So he fires these black and purple balls of energy at you. Deflect them like you do everything else. He gets hit three times, runs to the center and tries to fling a scientist wearing a tutu at you. Here you have two options, attempt to splode the scientist in the tutu and quiet possibly killing you, or stay in one place till he launches it and move out of the way just in time. After he throws the frilly scientist at you he runs to the other side, just repeat the deflecting three more times and then he will attempt to throw another flamboyant scientist. He will then run back to the area that he started from. Deflect three more times and then you have finish part 1 of this boss fight.

Boss: Mr. NAHHH! (Level 2-16)(Part 2)
He drinks yet another potion which makes his brain grow telekinetic muscly arms. This whole section is about dodging him, and hitting him from behind. Like you do with the Rollerbots (the robots with one wheel and you have to hit their back to kill them) Just do this a few times and then you have beaten Mr. NAHHH!

Third (and Final) Boss: Meatenstein (Level 3-18)
You want to stand on the orange glass platforms and when he is just about to punch, jump off of them. You cannot wall jump because, surprisingly, the walls are too hot for you and you will die. So you have to jump towards the center. After he punches the glass 3 times on one side and eats his hand, go to the other side and repeat. Mind you there are little meat scientists running at you, splode them, or splode over them. They can knock you towards the wall which is instant death and you have to start all over. So once you have fried his first two sets of hands, then there will be two meat flies. Splode off of them both and he will grab you with his hand. Bash your buttons, that's right i said button mash. He will throw you on his back, keep button mashing after that and then splode his eye. Repeat with the other hand and he will have eaten all 4 of his hands. after that he will drop down and his toungue is now available to jump on. Go into his mouth and Splode and Splode some more. there will be like 2 second cutscenes every great while. but keep sploding until you get the credits rolling.

Congratulations, that is the end of the game. You have now unlocked a new premium theme for your Xbox dashboard.

Move onto Co-op and have some more fun. -waves- Ta-ta

P.S. Acid is bad, spikes are bad, water is bad... and they all come after you... happy hunting.

30 Jul 2009 13:48

cheers for the guide, still getting pretty frustrated, but if you skip then go back, I notice I can complete what I was stuck on quite easily.
The first boss is really annoying, I just don't have the patience for it.
By atc2008 on 03 Aug 2009 00:30
glad my guide is helping... and i know about frustrating bosses... I skipped Mr. NAHHH! at first cause he made me mad... but when i went back after beating meatenstein then i was all like "WTF. that was way easier than i was making it."
By Roadkill Toast on 03 Aug 2009 02:07
I used quite some time before I figured out Meatenstein... but it's actually easy when you know what you're doing. :)
By CassiopeiaGames on 14 Aug 2009 08:02
This game in general is *very* frustrating. It's all trial and error gameplay. Chain together a long sequence of jumps, then die because you didn't know the next one was coming, then repeat again, but oh yes, after that there is yet another crazy jump that you couldn't have seen coming.
By Pedle Zelnip on 05 Feb 2010 00:28
At the beginning of 3-14, it helps to land on top of one of the moving platforms and ride it down if anyone was having trouble.
By insinceremelody on 06 Feb 2010 06:45
That final boss is possibly the most aggravating boss I've ever fought. Took me over an hour. Glad that's over...
By APB Plays on 21 Feb 2010 14:22
Optimus, it took me a while as well. that's why i wrote this guide xP
By Roadkill Toast on 21 Feb 2010 23:10
Thanks, made the bosses easier. Still the programming on the final boss was really glitchy. It was really hard to time the point of impact on the left hand (our right). Oh well, thanks for the sexy guide.
By Sushi Bite on 28 Feb 2010 01:02
yay for sexy guides!
By Roadkill Toast on 28 Feb 2010 22:40
Great guide, the only thing I disagree on is the comment about the cakes. This campaign is long enough to do once (twice if you count a hardcore run), so methinks it's better to get the cakes out of the way on your first run rather than do a "mop-up" run.
By Pedle Zelnip on 03 Mar 2010 21:12
I wrote it that way because i had trouble getting the cakes the first time through and got frustrated, hence why i did what you call a "Mop-up" run. but thank you very much for the comment on the guide.
By Roadkill Toast on 04 Mar 2010 04:02
This game sucks big ass. So frustrating! Will never do the hardcore thing.
By beMoD on 20 May 2013 03:06
First boss, when he's about to die, launches missiles and tries to flick Splosion man at the camera. After the laser attacks I deflected two sets of missiles back at him from the left side then moved dead center for the rest. The flaming scientists from his pound attack won't hit you there and he can't flick you (as best I can tell).
By ChuckieJ on 16 Oct 2016 01:04
I think it counts as one death. Not 100% sure though. And your time in completing the level is not counted at all.
By CassiopeiaGames on 18 Aug 2014 20:53
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simply complete the whole game might take a little frustration but is totally worth it to hear the big Click in the end of unlocking the 25 g achievement and in case you have trouble on the last boss watch this video it helped me a lot

The story takes quite a while as it has 50 levels. If you use the 'Way of the Coward' maneuver then you will NOT get the achievement. If you then go back to time trials after using it then you can finish the level you skipped and in turn unlock the achievement.