Spyro Reignited Trilogy

Spyro Reignited Trilogy

105 Achievements



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S2 | Hypersonic

S2 | Hypersonic

Glimmer: Light 6 gem lamps in 15 seconds



How to unlock the S2 | Hypersonic achievement in Spyro Reignited Trilogy - Definitive Guide

From the room where the end portal is located, there's a pathway on the left which leads to an extra area. Here you'll find a flying powerup which requires ten spirits to activate.

For the challenge, you'll need to flame six lamps which are located around the edges of the open area. As long as you're flying straight from lamp to lamp, completing the challenge in under 15 seconds shouldn't be a problem.

Here's a video showing the location and the challenge.

You can also get this achievement with the similar challenge in the cave, but you can only access it once you've learned to climb later in the game.

14 Nov 2018 18:05

This one glitched on me for both lamp challenges, luckily it is the first level in the game, so I can just try again on a new save slot.
By IceIceFadey on 17 Nov 2018 18:23
Just a quick heads up - when I unlocked this I had to wait until I'd finished the challenge and the mole had finished talking.
By nemesis646 on 17 Nov 2018 22:07
Must've done this at least 5 times now and it won't unlock.
By t0xz on 23 Nov 2018 21:38
Okay, this is definitely buggy. Tried it 5-6 times by restarting the level and it didn't work. Then I came back after getting the climb ability to try the other lamp challenge but that one didn't unlock it either. Restarted my console, came back to the original lamp challenge and tried it again and it finally worked.
By t0xz on 24 Nov 2018 12:56
Bugged for me as well, I think.
By BrandonKFTW on 28 Nov 2018 14:07
Also having problems getting this one to unlock. Buggy for sure.
By DeathDealingCat on 03 Dec 2018 22:33
I don't think it's buggy, it's just quite a short timeframe. In my video for example, I flame the first lamp at 0:21 and the last at 0:35, so I was only one second under. Might be better trying again once you've got the superflame powerup, you can take a shorter route as you can fire flameballs at the lamps to light them that way.
By Wyyvern on 05 Dec 2018 23:00
In oder to get this achievement you have to let him finish talking you can't skip it
By Scarlet Rose on 08 Dec 2018 16:51
DeathDealingCat’s solution worked for me. Thanks a bunch!
By Im One To Envy on 22 Dec 2018 15:02
clap Im One To Envy, I'm glad my comment was helpful for somebody else!
By DeathDealingCat on 22 Dec 2018 17:18
Deathdealings method worked instantly for me, thanks!toast
By zDrUnKeNMoNkEyz on 29 Dec 2018 02:35
I also thought this was bugged, but after trying again after getting super flame I got it straight away so perhaps I just wasn't doing it fast enough!
By BioFire64 on 01 Jan 2019 14:35
This popped ironically enough after i had acquired the climb ability and after completing the indoor cave light challenge. I then proceeded to the outdoor gem challenge and after completion, it popped for me. FYI you must wait for him to complete his dialog before it will pop, otherwise it wont work
By SoulessGinger12 on 07 Oct 2019 18:23
Just gonna add that quitting to main menu, going back into the game, redoing the challenge, and waiting for the mole to finish talking finally popped the achievement. Not sure which method actually made it pop, but it finally did.
By DropDeadArtemus on 25 Oct 2019 02:17
did the same as DropDead and it worked.
By TheOnlyMatto on 01 May 2020 05:28
Comigo acendi primeiro a das cavernas e nao deu certo ai acendi novamente à das cavernas e depois as de fora ai a conquista pipocou.
By LUBERSERK on 02 Oct 2020 17:38
Didn't get it in the cave (went through once for the orb challenge, and once more afterwards)

Went through to the original outside orb challenge and it popped after letting the mouse finish his speech and recollecting the orb
By GamePadZebby on 17 Jan 2021 17:56
I also struggeld to unlock this one and tried many times the things discussed above. Ulitmatly when i unlocked the superflame for 100% the game, i got it first try, just flying through the portal without speaking prior to the mouse, and doing the challenge much quicker as i could do with "normal" spyro, due to increased range.
Played on a Series X
By Spa1h on 14 Mar 2021 14:36
Got this first try in the first hub level right at the start of the game, as described in the solution.
By corpirate on 15 Aug 2021 17:56
Great solution ✔️
By on 11 Sep 2023 11:50
IT didn't unlock for me first time, but maybe I wasn't fast enough. The purple timer on the side of the screen is NOT 15 secs, you have to do it even quicker than within the time given. I tried it a 2nd time straight after the first and it unlocked. I was maybe a bit quicker the 2nd time
By Lewitunes on 01 Sep 2023 09:59
Okay, just unlocked this. If other people are having issues with this one being buggy, try this: complete the flight and light all the lamps and get the gem from the mouse. Then, go back through the flight portal and light all the lamps again. You should see them reconnect to the middle crystal on top of the building again and they'll stay that way even after you finish this flight (and you won't get another gem from the mouse, obviously). After doing this the achievement popped for me. If others can confirm that this method works it would be helpful to add it to the guide. Good luck everyone!

EDIT: This has been confirmed to work now by two others and I've created a separate solution since other gamers are apparently finding it buggy in the same way I did and my workaround hasn't been added to this guide. If my comment here helped you get the achievement, feel free to drop my solution an upvote so others know it worked. Happy hunting all!
By DeathDealingCat on 29 Dec 2018 04:39
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First things first, the area with the flight/lamps challenge you need to complete is near the end of the level, to the left of where you see the portal to the home world.

This achievement is known to be buggy. I tried re-entering the world and completing the challenge multiple times with no luck. I tried, as some have said worked for them, letting the mouse guy finish talking when I completed the flight. Didn't work. I tried restarting my console. Nothing. The other solutions didn't address the buggy problem I was having, but I discovered a way to trigger it popping. If you're having the same problem, try this method that worked for me:

Complete the flight and light all the lamps and get the gem from the mouse. Then, go back through the flight portal and light all the lamps again. You should see them reconnect to the middle crystal on top of the building again and they'll stay that way even after you finish this flight (and you won't get another gem from the mouse, obviously). After doing this the achievement popped for me.

This has worked for myself and at least two others. Please drop a comment if this works for you or if you have any questions. If you downvote, please state why so I can improve the solution for everyone.

29 Dec 2018 04:32

Thank you for this, I followed the guide of re entering and re doing and it unlocked!
By GivingPineapple on 08 Jan 2019 17:09
Sorry man, had to down vote as after 15+ tries it didn't work.
By SLAM PIG 86 on 22 Jan 2019 08:00
Sorry to hear it, DAKILLAHBEE. If you do manage to get it to pop be sure to post an update so others can see what worked for you.
By DeathDealingCat on 22 Jan 2019 08:30
DeathDealingCat- This did not work for me and i have tried multiple times with the challenge, restarting the system, trying new game saves, and still nothing. This is very upsetting, any other ideas?
By SoulessGinger12 on 07 Oct 2019 13:39
SoulessGinger12 I'm sorry to hear that. Buggy achievements are frustrating.

Another thought would be to try getting the achievement inside the cave (in the same level) once you've unlocked the climb ability a bit later in the game.

One more potential workaround that others have had success with is to try again once you've unlocked the Superflame ability. That might give you the edge to complete it in under 15 seconds.

If you do manage to unlock it, please remember to come back and comment so others can see what worked for you.
By DeathDealingCat on 07 Oct 2019 16:01
The achievement didnt pop for me either. After a couple tries I looked this guide up. First time trying it with letting the mouse finish talking it unlocked straight away.
By Tostiee on 16 Dec 2019 20:53
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In this video I will show you how to light 6 gem lamps in 15 seconds on the map Glimmer.


15 Nov 2018 14:31

Glimmer - 100% Complete & Achievement

400 Gems
3 Orbs
Talisman - Magic Pick
Achievement - Hypersonic - 25G


18 Nov 2018 14:45

As you play through this level, you’ll eventually meet Twitchy the Gemcutter who’ll open up the exit portal to the Summer Forest Homeworld. Instead of going through it, head back on yourself and up onto the platform to your right which will take you to a new area outside where Kanga the Gemcutter will be waiting.
He’ll now challenge you to light up all 6 Gem Lamps (Blue, Orange, Yellow, Green, Purple and Red) with the Superfly Powerup to help light up the Big Gem Lamp in the middle. The 15 second timer only starts when you light the first gem lamp but as long as you go around in a circle, you should light all 6 within 13-14 seconds.
If the achievement doesn’t unlock once you’re handed the Orb, then die or exit the level and re-enter.