Star Ocean: The Last Hope

Star Ocean: The Last Hope

50 Achievements



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Dutiful Deliverer

Dutiful Deliverer

Completed 100% of all quests.


How to unlock the Dutiful Deliverer achievement in Star Ocean: The Last Hope - Definitive Guide

Dutiful Deliverer - 30G (Original Achievement)

Difficulty: 8/10 (Easily Missable Quests, will take a long time)

Okay as it obviously sounds, in order to get this Achievement, we need to complete EVERY Quest in the game. Now there are quite a few missable quests that you can never go back and do unless you make a new file. This being the case make sure you note which ones I flag as missable and do them immediately.

Note: Shop Orders DO count as Quests so get them done!

Note: When Harvesting or Mining you can make the spots appear once again by returning to the Calnus and then going back.

Note: Arumat's Duplication ability is a lifesaver when a Shop Order requests 2 or more of an item that is annoying to make. Simply using Magical Clay (which is Mine-able in the Southern Reaches and Miga insect Warren of Aeos) to dupe an item instead of gathering say 12 Steel for the Ogre's Armor, is a massive time saver. Instead you could just skip everything and make a 2nd Ogre's Armor right away, however the amount of Magical Clay needed is different per Item. The Duplication ability is located in a Treasure Chest on the 7th floor of the Cave of the Seven Stars.

Note: You CAN NOT Duplicate Gabriel Celeste or the Ethereal Queens feathers! You MUST get 5 of each in order to make everything in Item Creation (not that that's what were after, just stating a warning.)

Most Shop Orders requests things that can only be made in Item Creation, remember that to make items you must be on your ship the Calnus. You must also first Invent the recipe before you can Create the item. If I write Lvl 4 Smithing for example, then you need to raise Edge's Smithing to lvl 4!
It would be best to level everyone's Skills to 10 as soon as possible.

Edge = Smithing
Reimi = Cooking
Faize = Alchemy
Lymle = Artistry
Bacchus = Engineering
Meracle = Crafting
Sarah = Synthesis (Not Needed at all)
Myuria = Compounding
Arumat = Alchemy

Base Shop: Alpha (Shop Orders)

1. White Rice x 3 - (Easily obtainable through harvesting here on Aeos) MISSABLE!!!

2. Pickled Plum x 5 - (Easily obtainable through harvesting on Lemuris) MISSABLE!!!

3. Seaweed x 5 - (Dropped by Gerels and Killer Chelae on Aeos after battle occasionally, also found in chests on the beach)MISSABLE!!!

4. Gambleberries x 3 - (Obtained through Harvesting on Lemuris in Thaila Plains) MISSABLE!!!

Base Shop: Omega (Shop Orders)

1. Iron x5 - (Can be found in various Treasure chests early on, also dropped by Polyphaga) MISSABLE!

2. Silver x4 - (Dropped by Stone Golem in VanElm Region on Lemuris or Mined by Bacchus) MISSABLE!

3. Lizardskin x5 - (Dropped by Lizard Soldiers and Wise Lizardmen in Thaila Plains on Lemuris) MISSABLE!

4. Lemon x5 - (In a box outside of the Exploration Base on Aeos, can be Harvested on Aeos) MISSABLE!

Quest: "The Missing Patient" MISSABLE! (Talk to Airi in the sickbay to start this, talk to Rich outside the Base and near the Calnus to make him go back. Complete.

Quest: "Leg Collector" MISSABLE! (Talk to Lilia in the research lab to start this. Get 10 Insect Leg drops off of Adephaga. Buy "Entomology" Skill for Faize and level it up as much as possible to increase the drop chance. Give to Lilia. Complete.

Quest: "Egg Collector" MISSABLE! (Only available from Lilia after completion of "Leg Collector". Do the same thing as "Leg Collector" except collect 8 Insect Eggs. Give to Lilia. Complete.

Reflected Moon Weapons (Shop Orders)
1. Flame Sword x 1 - (Can only be made in Item Creation Smithery Lvl 1, with a Blessed Sword, and 2Fire Gems. Fire Gems are dropped by Man Eating Trees in Van Elm Region of Lemuris. Blessed Sword can be bought from Reflected Moon Weapons.) MISSABLE!

2. Hunting Bow x 1 - (Can only be made in Item Creation Smithery Lvl 2, with an Eldarian Bow from Base Shop: Omega, and a Bowstring from Reflected Moon Weapons) MISSABLE!

3. Oyakodon x 2 - (Can only be made in Item Creation Cooking Lvl 3, requires 2 White Rice, 1 Common Egg, 1 Raw Animal Meat, and 1 Special Warishita Sauce. Rice and Eggs are in Can-Can General Goods in Triom. Meat and Sauce are in Thousand Gods General Store in Woodley Village on Lemuris.) MISSABLE!
Can-Can General Goods (Shop Orders)
1. Custard Pie x 2 - (Can only be created in Item Creation Cooking Lvl 4, requires Fresh Cream and Pie Crusts which are available here at Can-Can general Goods)

2. Ginseng x 5 - (Can be Harvested in Van Elm Region of Lemuris)

3. Crystal x 1 - (Dropped by Stone Golem in Van Elm Region of Lemuris)


Thousand Gods General Store (Shop Orders)
1. Shortcake x 2 - (Can only be made in Item Creation Cooking Lvl 5, requires 1 Common Egg, 2 Fresh Cream, and 1 Blueberries. All items can be bought here at Thousand Gods General Store.)

2. Caterpillar Fungus x 2 - (Can be Harvested in Van Elm Region of Lemuris)

3. Mercury x 3 - (Dropped by Horned Turtle in Van Elm Region of Lemuris)
Woodley Weapon Shop VIII (Shop Orders)
1. Fire Gem x 4 - Rare Drops from Man-Eating Trees in Van Elm Region and Dragon Newts on the Celestial Ship on Lemuris)

2. Wolf Fang x 3 - Dropped by Saber-Toothed Tigers in Thailia Plains on Lemuris

3. Lacquer x 5 - Can be Harvested rarely in Van Elm Region of Lemuris, Bought from Black Cat Material Shop in Tatroi on Roak

4. Iron Saber x 1 - Can only be made in Item Creation Smithery Lvl 2, FAIZE MUST INVENT IT ASAP. Requires 2 Sharkskin, 3 Iron and 1 Silver. Sharkskin is from Thousand Gods General Store, Iron and Silver dropped by Stone Golems) MISSABLE!!!

Quest: "The Little Lost Girl" - Talk to Thousand Gods General Store Shopkeep to start. The Foolhardy Girl is at the West Entrance of town, simply talk to her to get her to go back. Talk to Thousand Gods General Store Shop keep to Complete.

Quest: "The Curious Kitty" - Talk to the previous "Foolhardy Girl" to start. You will find the cat in the Silent Forest area of the Van Elm Region with it's own NPC marker on your mini-map.


Quest: "The Stubborn Matriarch" - Talk to "Obstinate Woman" in First Snow Inn to start. Go to Triom Village and persuade the "Chill Old Crone" to move to Woodley. Talk to Obstinate Woman to Complete.

Quest: "Oil for the Cold" - After the above mission talk to Chilly Old Crone to start. Give her Wolf Oil to Complete. (Dropped by Saber-Toothed Tigers in Wind Swallow Valleyon Lemuris)

Quest: "In Need of Nectar" - Talk to Storehouse Worker in the northern part of Woodley and give them 16 Nectar. (Is dropped by various monsters and obtained in Harvesting points all in Van Elm Region and Thailia Plaind of Lemuris)

Quest: "In Search of 'Shrooms" - Talk to the Storehouse Worker again to start. Deliver 16 Tasty Mushrooms to Complete. (Dropped by Man-Eating Trees and Giant Fungus or Harvested in Van Elm Region on Lemuris.)

Quest: "Fang Flute Fabrication" - Talk to Lonely Young Girl in southern Woodley to start. She wants a Fang Flute which can only be made by Meracle (when you get her later in the game) in Item Creation Crafting Lvl 3, and requires 1 Wolf Fang, and 1 Lacquer. (Wolf Fangs are dropped by Saber-Toothed Tigers in Wing Swallow Valley of Lemuris, and Lacquers can be bought in Black Cat Material Shop in Tatroi on Roak.) (MAKE 2 FANG FLUTES!)

Quest: "Further Fang Flute Fabrication" - Leave the town and return to talk to the Lonely Young Girl again to start. Simply give her another Fang Flute to Complete. Told you to make 2!


Quest: "A Cherished Keepsake" - Talk to the boy in Woodley Inn to start. Talk to the Cat in the Item shop with Meracle (Must have completed the Quest: "The Curious Kitty") and it will give you the Oracle's Charm, Return it to the boy to Complete.

Quest: "Wood for the Hearth" - Talk to the Accommodating Woman in the South parth of Woodley to start. Give her 10 Wooden Sticks to Complete. (Dropped by Man-Eating Trees and found in Harvesting points in the Van Elm Region of Lemuris.)

Quest: "Lutea's Secret Stone" - Talk to Lutea in Alanaire Citadel's Oracle Chamber to start. Giver her 1 Salamanderstone, 1 Gnomestone, 1 Sylphstone, 1 Nereidstone, 1 Thorstone, 1 Angelstone, and 1 Shadestone to Complete. (Salamanderstone, Shadestone, and Sylphstone can be mined in Astral Desert on Roak. Thorstone, Nereidstone, Angelstone, and Gnomestone can be Mined in En II: Sanctuary.)

Black Cat Material Shop (Shop Orders)
1. Holy Water x 4 - Dropped by Fire Corpses in the Purgatorium. Bought from Min Min's Rejuvenation Shop on En II, and Lil Vending Machine No.1.

2. Pumpkin Cider x 5 - Rare drop from Spirit Priests near the Prugatorium, can be made in Item Creation Compounding Lvl 1, requires 1 Empty Bottle, 1 Natural Water, and 1 Bunny Feed. Bottle and Water are bought from Can-Can General Goods, Bunny Feed can be bought from Imitation Gallery on En II, and Lil Vending Machine No. 2 on your ship after you make one. (Also available in a chest behind the Black Tribes Tent)

3. Silk x 10 - Dropped by Harpy's near Tropp, Bought from Mobius' One-Stop Shop in Astral.

4. Cashmere x 8 - Dropped by Harpy's near Tropp, Bought from Masterful Materials on En II.
Tools 'R' Us (Shop Orders)
1. Oak x 5 - Can be Harvested in Tropp Area.

2. Anti-Silence Amulet x 1 - Can be easily bought from Meltina Jewelers on En II for 4,000 Fol.

3. Silver Amulet x 1 - Can be made in Item Creation Crafting Lvl 7, Requires 4 Silver (Mined near Tatroi and early Roak areas), 4 Holy Water (Dropped by Fire Corpses in the Purgatorium. Bought from Min Min's Rejuvenation Shop on En II.), and 1 Neck Chain (Buy from Black Cat Material Shop in Tatroi).

4. Fire Charm x 1 - Can be easily bought from Meltina Jewelers on En II for 9,000 Fol.
Roomy Foods (Shop Orders)
1. Red Herb x 3 - Can be bought at Morgan's Weapons in Tropp.

2. Mixed Syrup x 5 - Can be bought from Thousand Gods General Store in Woodley Village on Lemuris.

3. Pickled Pepper Potion x 10 - Can be made in Item Creation Cooking Lvl 3, requires 1 Seasonings, 1 Vinegar, and 1 Empty Bottle. All can be bought in Can-Can General Goods in Woodley Village on Lemuris.

4. Caesar Salad x 3 - Can be made in Item Creation Cooking Lvl 3, requires 2 Vegetables, 1 Olive Oil, 1 Lemon, and 1 Rich Cheese. Lemons are Harvested on Lemuris, everything else can be bought from Thousand Gods General Store in Woodley Village on Lemuris.
Ed's Weapons (Shop Orders)
1. Gold x 5 - Can be Mined near Tropp and in Cave to the Purgatorium.

2. Runic Metal x 2 - Can be Mined in Astral Caves.

3. Venom Sword x 1 - Can be made in Item Creation Smithery Lvl 3, requires 3 Steel, 1 Aluminum, 1 Carbon Fiber, and 2 Poison Hemlocks. (Steel is also a lvl 3 Smithery, requires 4 Iron and 2 Coal, Mined from Cave to the Purgatorium.) (Aluminum can be mined near the Purgatorium, Carbon Fiber can be bought from Black Cat Materials Shop in Tatroi, and Poison Hemlocks can be Harvested in the Desert on Roak.)

4. Mithril x 1 - Can be mined in En II's Sanctuary and on Nox Obscurus.

5. Neriedstone x 2 - Can be Mined in En II: Sanctuary.
Lovesong Accessories (Shop Orders)
1. Green Beryl x 3 - Can be Mined in Astral Caves.

2. Salamanderstone x 3 - Can be Mined in Desert Area on Roak.)

3. Shadestone x 2 - Can be Mined in Astral Caves or Cave to the Purgatorium.

4. Stallion Snaps x 1 - Can be bought from Meltina Jewelers on En II for 3,000 Fol.
Good Grocers (Shop Orders)
1. Thornberries x 3 - Can be Harvested in Desert Area of Roak.

2. Ripe Berries x 5 - Can be bought from Fight Coin Exchange in Colosseum on Roak for 20 Fight Coins.

3. Physical Stimulant x 3 - Can be bought from Min Min's Rejuvenation Shop on En II for 800 Fol.

4. Tasty Mushroom x 8 - Dropped by Mist Gvare and Giant Fungus on Lemuris.
Ruddles Place (Shop Orders)
Note: This Shop is only open after the completion of the Quest: "Ruddle Strikes Again"

1. Caterpillar Fungus x 2 - Can be Harvested in early areas of Roak.

2. Lizard Guard x 1 - Made in Item Creation Crafting Lvl 5, requires 12 Lizardskin (Dropped by Corpse Bat in Cave to the Purgatorium), and 4 Handspun Thread (Bought from Black Cat Material Shop)

3. Water Armlet x 1 - Can be bought from Meltina Jewelers on En II for 15,000 Fol.

4. Mental Potion x 1 - Can be made in Item Creation Alchemy Lvl 4, requires Ge Gen Tang, Ice Gem, and Empty Bottles. (Ice Gems are Mined on Lemuris, Ge Gen Tang is bought in Whole Heart Foods in Astral, and Empty Bottles are bought in Black Cat Material Shop in Tatroi.)


Quest: "Missing Brother" - Talk to Fez in the Twin Books Shop in Tatroi to start. Deliver his note to his brother on the docks in Tropp. Complete the Quests: "Desert Dilemma" and "The Sand Bird Strikes Back" and the brother will head back to Fez. Talk to them both to Complete.

Quest: "The Seafarer's Treasure" - Talk to the Dutiful Sailor in east Tatroi to start. Find his Old Pendant on the beach of early Roak closest to the Calnus. Give it to him to Complete.

Quest: "Crazy for Grape Juice" - Talk to the Fruit-Crazy Old Man south of the statue in Tatroi to start. Buy a bottle of Grape Juice from the salesman in Tropp's Weapon Shop for 300 Fol. Give the bottle to him to Complete.

Quest: "The Shoddy Doll" - Talk to the Shadowy Dollmaker southwest of the statue in Tatroi to start. Give the Wooden Doll to the woman in Tropp's Inn and return to the dollmaker to Complete.

Quest: "In Search of Anessa" - After completing the Quest: "The Shoddy Doll" talk to the Shadowy Dollmaker again to start. Talk to Anessa the Tomboy by a lamppost in Astral.

Quest: "The First Errand" - Talk to Jasmine "Queen of Inventors" in her home in east Tatroi to start. Give her 10 Fresh Sage and look in the open chest to Complete.

Quest: "The Second Errand" - Talk to Jasmine again after "The First Errand" and giver her 9 Bee Stingers. Look in the chest to Complete. (Bee Stingers are dropped by Honeybees outside of Tatroi.

Quest: "The Third Errand" - Talk to Jasmine again after "The Second Errand" and give her 13 Wool. Look in the chest to Complete. (Wool can be bought from Mobius' One-Stop Shop in Astral.)

Quest: "Food Run" - Talk to the local cat-girl who is sitting at a dock along the beach between Tatroi and the Calnus to start. Giver her a Sweet Fruit to Complete. (Sweet Fruit can be bought at a food shop in Astral)


Quest: "Where's the Receptionist?" - Talk to the Diligent Clerk at the entrance to the Colosseum in Tatroi to start. Lucy the receptionist is on the 2nd floor of Mobius' One-Stop Shop in Astral with her sick mother. Complete the Quest: "Sore Throat Soother" and talk to the Diligent Clerk again to Complete.

Quest: "Listless Bunny" - Talk to the Chatty Bunny Trainer in the Bunny Racegrounds beneath the Colosseum to start. Give her (or the bunny) a Stamina Pie to Complete. (Can be found in a chest in Windswept Inn in Tropp)

Quest: "Puffy's Debut" - Talk to the Mischievous Woman in the Mansion in east Tatori to start. Enter the Colosseum and talk to Lucy the receptionist to see a solo match has been set up for you. Send a character with low HP into the match to fight Puffy's mercenary and purposely lose the fight. Talk to the Mischievous Woman again to Complete.

Quest: "Puffy's Rage" - Leave the mansion from the above Quest and reenter, talk to Puffy and her Mother to start. Puffy will challenge you to a Colosseum Team Match against her "Miss Puffy's Lullaby". Defeat them and return to the Mansion to Complete.

Quest: "Puffy's Revenge" - Once again exit and reenter the Mansion to talk with Puffy and her Mother to start. You will be challenged once again to a Team Colosseum battle, win and return to her mother in the Mansion to Complete.


Quest: "The Fourth Errand" - Talk to Jasmine in her home in east Tatroi to start. Giver her 20 Intensified Gunpowder and look in the chest to Complete. (Can be made in Item Creation Compounding lvl 4, requires Gunpowder from lil vending machine No. 2), and Thunder Gems (Mined in early areas of Roak)

Quest: "The Fifth Errand" - Talk to Jasmine again in east Tatroi to start. Bring her 12 Giant Bird Feathers and look in the chest to Complete. (Dropped by Axe Beak's in early Roak)

Mobius' One-Stop Shop (Shop Orders)
1. Coal x 10 - Can be Mined in Cave to the Purgatorium, and Nox Obscurus' Pulsating Bog.

2. Light Gem x 4 - Can be Mined in Miga Insect Warren, and Southern Reaches on Aeos.

3. Ash x 3 - Can be bought in Masterful Materials on En II for 800 Fol.

4. Thunder Charm x 1 - Can be bought from Meltina Jewelers on En II for 9,000 Fol.
Whole Heart Foods (Shop Orders)
1. Poison Hemlock x 10 - Can be Harvested in Desert Area of Roak.

2. Dendrobium x 2 - Can be Harvested near Tatroi.

3. Curry Rice x 4 - Can be made in Item Creation Cooking Lvl 4, requires White Rice (Bought from Thousand Gods General Store on Lemuris), Raw Animal Meat, Vegetables, and Seasonings (All bought from Whole Heart Foods in Astral.)

4. Nectar x 8 - Dropped by Mandragora near Tropp.
The Happy Skip Grocery (Shop Orders)
1. Bizarre Fruit x 1 - Can be Harvested in the Astral Desert on Roak.

2. Perfect Berries x 4 - Can be made in Item Creation Compounding lvl 5 and requires, Blueberries x 4 and Holy Water x 1 (Blueberries can be bought at nearly any food or non weapon related Shop, and Holy Water can be bought from Min Min's Rejuvenation Shop in the shopping mall in Centropolis.)

3. Red Seed x 5 - Can be Harvested outside of Tatroi.

4. Blue Seed x 5 - Can be Harvested outside of Tatroi.
Treasure Hunter Weapons (Shop Orders)
Note: Must complete Locked Out Quest first

1. Icecrusher Sword x 1 - Ca n be made in Item Creation Smithery lvl 5, requires Runic Metal x 2, Bracteate x 1, Ash x 1, and Ice Gem x 3 (You can Mine Ice Gems on Lemuris, Mine Runic Metals in the Astral Caves on Roak, Bracteate is dropped by Dark Soldiers on Nox Obscurus, and Ash can be bought from Masterful Materials in the shopping mall in Centropolis.)

2. Meteorite x 2 - Can be Mined in the Miga Insect Warren on Aeos.

3. Platinum x 4 - Can be Mined in the Astral Desert on Roak.

4. Ruby x 2 - Can be Mined in the Astral Desert on Roak.
Quest: "Locked Out" - Talk to Careless Shopkeeper in Astral to start. Get the key from the Tavern Bartender outside of Gordeau's Spirits in Tatroi. Return the key to the Careless Shopkeeper to Complete.

Quest: "Musical Mending" - Talk to Teary-Eyed Girl outside The King's Inn to start. Create a new Music Box in Item Creation Engineering Lvl 1, which requires 1 Repair Kit (bought in Tools R Us in Tatroi) and the girls original Broken Music Box. Give the new Music Box to the Teary-Eyed Girl to Complete.

Quest: "The Latest Beauty Fad" - Talk to Heavily Made-Up Lady in Astral to start. Giver her 10 Peryton Droppings to Complete. (Peryton Droppings are dropped by Axe Beaks in early Roak areas)

Quest: "The Stray Carrot" - Talk to the Overly-Cautious Knight on the 2nd floor of Astral Castle to start. Buy Bandit's Gloves and the Pickpocketing Skill, then level pickpocketing to 6 and steal the carrot doll from the Manly and Upright Warrior in Tatroi's pub. Return the doll to Overly-Cautious Knight to Complete.


Quest: "Sore Throat Soother" - Talk to Lucy the receptionist and her mother on the 2nd floor of Mobius' One-Stop Shop to start. Give them a Red Herb to Complete. (Can be Harvested in early Roak)

Quest: "No Way Home" - Talk to the Woozy Man near the barge to start. Give him Lemon Juice to Complete. (Can be make in Item Creation Cooking (Reimi and Lymle Inventing). It requires Lemons which can be Harvested almost anywhere on Roak, and Natural Water, which can be bought from Whole Heart Foods in Astral.


Quest: "Ogre Battling" - Speak to Astrailian Royal Knight Lias in Astral to start. Head to Astral Desert and defeat 30 Desert Ogre's, then return to Lias to Complete.

Quest: "Rumble in the Caves" - After completing "Ogre Battling" talk to Lias again to start. Simply clear the Astral Caves and defeat the Boss: Cave Guardian. Then return to Lias to Complete.
Quest: "The Unofficial Cactus Rescue Quest" - This "Quest" is solely for getting good rewards and is NOT considered a Quest needed for the Achievements.
Morgan's Weapons (Shop Orders)
1. Aluminum x5 - Can be Mined near the Purgatorium.

2. Thunder Gem x5 - Can be Mined in early Roak Areas.

3. Sylphstone x3 - Can be Mined in Astral Desert and Cave to the Purgatorium.

4. Composite Bow x1 - Can be made in Item Creation Smithery Lvl 6, and requires 3 Carbon Fibers, 1 Aluminum, and 2 Aramid Fibers. (Both kinds of Fibers can be bought at Black Cat Materials Shop in Tatroi, and Aluminum can be Mined near the Purgatorium.)

5. Ruby Wand x1 - Can be made in Item Creation Crafting Lvl 3, and requires Oak, Ruby, and Taffeta Ribbon. (Oak can be Harvested near Tropp, Ruby can be Mined in Astral Desert and near Tropp, and Taffeta Ribbon can be bought from Black Cat Materials Shop in Tatroi.)
Quest: "A Symbol of Bravery" - Talk to the Tough-Talking Girl in Tropp to start. Enter the Purgatorium and go straight forward up the stairs, then turn left and you should see it shining on the floor. Give it to the girl to Complete.

Quest: "Grooming is Essential" - Talk to the Haughty Girl in Tropp to start. Make her a Feathered Comb in Item Creation Crafting Lvl 2, (Meracle, Myuria, and Lymle nneded to invent) it requires 4 Giant Bird Feathers (Dropped by Axe Beaks in early Roak), and Lacquer (bought from Black Cat Material Shop in Tatroi.) Giver her the Feathered Comb to Complete.

Quest: "Otherworldly Diet" - Talk to the woman north of the Inn in Tropp to start. Give her 3 Otherwordly Cuisine to Complete. (Made in Item Creation Cooking Lvl 2, requires Insect Legs, Insect Eggs, Vinegar, and Rotten Fish. (Legs and Eggs from bugs on Aeos, Vinegar in food store in Tatroi, Rotten Fish dropped from Peryton in early Roak.)

Quest: "The Second Doll" - Talk to the Pathologically Petulant Woman in the Windswept Inn in Tropp to start. Talk to the Shadowy Dollmaker in Tatroi (After the Quest: In Search of Anessa) and he will accept to make a new doll. Leave to east Tatroi and come back to talk to him again to get the doll. Give the doll to the woman in Tropp to Complete.


Quest: "New Life, New Clothes" - Talk to the Ex-Cultist in the entrance to Tropp to start. Give him a Traveler's Cloak to Complete. (Made in Item Creation Crafting Lvl 1, with 4 Wool from Astral, and 5 Handspun Thread from Tatroi.

Quest: "The Mapless Traveler" - Talk to the Ex-Cultist a.k.a. Ruddle after the Quest: "New Life, New Clothes" to start. Give him a Map of Astral to Complete. (You can buy one in Astral from Mobius' One-Stop Shop) BUY 2 MAPS OF ASTRAL!

Quest: "Ruddle Strikes Again" - Talk to Ruddle in the docks of Tropp after the Quest: "The Mapless Traveler" to start. Give him another Map of Astral to Complete. That is why you bought 2.

Quest: "Rebound Queen" - After completing the Quest: "Otherworldly Diet" and two in game hours have passed, talk to the Dieting Woman to start. Giver her Pasta Bolognese to Complete. (Go to Woodley Village on Lemuris and talk to Lutia's Mother to get Recipe Memo 7 for this. Then in Item Creation Cooking make it with Uncooked Pasta, Raw Animal Meat, Vegetables, and Rich Cheese from Tatroi.)

Quest: "Whodunit?" - Talk to the Absolutely Hysterical Woman in the Inn in Tropp to start. Using the Bandit's Gloves and Pickpocketing Skill, Steal her Gorgeous Gem back from the Bashful Man in the Twin Books store in Tatroi and return it to her to Complete.

Quest: "Desert Dilemma" - Talk to Retired Explorer west of the central square in Tropp to start. In the Astral Desert south of the central oasis you will find the Sand Bird, defeat it and return to the Retired Explorer to Complete.

Quest: "The Sand Bird Strikes Back" - Talk to the Retired Explorer near the oasis where you defeated the Sand Bird to start. The Sand Bird is nearby right away, defeat it again. Talk to the Retired Explorer in Tatroi's Inn to Complete. (NOTE: You can now finish the Quest: "Missing Brother")


Quest: "It Came From the Vent" - Talk to Lady Eleyna in her hideout to start. From Eleyna's backdoor and facing the Ocean, head right around the cliff and towards the entrance to Tropp, along the right side brick wall you will see a Vomiting Gel sitting on a vent, defeat it in battle and return to Lady Eleyna to Complete.

Quest: "A Cherished Bangle" - Enter the Astral Caves and talk to Lewis who is dying and trapped under a giant spider web to get him Knight's Bangle, Return to Astral and find the Knight's Wife in one of the houses in the southwest of Astral to give her the Bangle and Complete.
Quest: "The Wind Ring" - Talk to Barago, Keeper of Past Knowledge near the entrance to Old Road to Sanctuary to start. Read a grave marked with an exclamation point in Centropolis, then search the lone tree in the Graveyard to get the Wind Ring. Return to Barago to Complete.

Quest: "The Unopenable Chest" - Talk to the Jealous Wife in east Centropolis to start. Use the Wind Ring on the Ivy Barrier covered Chest next to her and get her husbands Secret Diary. Give it to her to Complete.

Quest: "A Distinguished Rarity" - In north Centropolis talk to the Unyielding Man to start. Bring him a Japonesque Vase to Complete. (Created in Item Creation Crafting, requires a Mental Stimulant, which you can buy in the Centropolis stores, and 2 Magical Clay which can be Mined on the Southern Reaches of Aeos.)

Quest: "Guitar Maker" - Talk to the Free-Spirited Woman in the northwest part of the shopping mall in Centropolis to start. Give her a Small Guitar to Complete. (Create one in Item Creation Crafting, requires Guitar Parts which are sold in the shopping mall itself, 2 Ebony, which can be Harvested outside of Tatroi, and 1 Steel, which is also made in Item Creation. with Coal and Iron.

Quest: "Where's the Recipe?" - Talk to the Magical Chef in the shopping mall of Centropolis to start. Pickpocket the Young-at-Heart Researcher at Flora/Fauna Laboratory in Centropolis to get the Secret Memo and return it to her to Complete.

Quest: "The Elusive Female Firefly" - Talk to the Young-at-Heart Researcher at Flora/Fauna Laboratory in Centropolis to start. Go to the Cave to the Purgatorium on Roak and press A to grab the floating Red Fireflies out of the air, grab as many as you can, leave and go back in to get more, return to the researcher and he will check through them until you randomly bring him a female to Complete.
Imitation Gallery (Shop Orders)
1. Otherworldly Cuisine x3 - Can be made in Item Creation Cooking Lvl 2, requires Insect Legs, Insect Eggs, Vinegar, and Rotten Fish. (Buy Vinegar from Magical Foods in shopping mall on Centropolis, Get Legs and Eggs from Insects on Aeos, and Rotten Fish from Axe Beaks on early Roak.)

2. Mystery Box x2 - Dropped by Rock Hermits in the Astral Caves

3. tri-Emblum x9 - Dropped by Thieving Scumbags outside of Tatroi on Roak.
Front Desk (Shop Orders)
1. Bee Stinger x15 (Dropped by Honeybees outside of Tatroi)

2. Saber-Toothed Tiger Fang x15 - Dropped by Unicorn Wolves outside of Tatroi.

3. Peryton Droppings x15 - Dropped by Axe Beaks on early Roak)

4. Insect Egg x15 - Dropped by Adephaga on Aeos.

5. Tasty Mushroom? x15 - Can be Harvested in Van Elm Region on Lemuris, or dropped by Apprentice Scumbag and Giant Fungus.

6. Vile Goop x15 - Can be bought from Happy Skip Grocery Store in Tatroi on Roak.

7. Rotten Fish x15 - Dropped by Waving Pincer and Axe Beak on early Roak.

8. Sandfish x1 - In Astral Desert's southern oasis, walk around the water until "Examine" appears on screen.

9. Raw Fish x15 - Buy Raw Fish from Roomy Foods in Tatroi.

10. Wolf Oil x15 - Dropped by Saber-Toothed Tigers in Wind Swallow Valley on Lemuris.
Meltina Jewelers (Shop Orders)
1. Slayer's Bangle x 2 - Can be made in Item Creation Crafting Lvl 9, requires 4 Platinum (Mined in Astral Desert), 4 Thunder Gems (Mined on early Roak), and Bracteate (Dropped by Metal Golem in Old Road to Sanctuary)

2. Darkness Scarf x 3 - Can be made in Item Creation Crafting Lvl 5, requires Manacloth (Dropped by Master Wizards in En II Sanctuary), Shadestone (Minable around the Purgatorium and Cave to Purgatorium), and 2 Darkness Charms (Also Made in Item Creation Artistry and requires 2 Parchment, 1 Magical Brush, and 5 Darkness Gems, Buy the Brush and Parchment from Masterful Materials in the Centropolis Shopping mall, and Mine Darkness Gems on Nox Obscurus.)

3. Anti-Curse Amulet x 3 - Can be made in Item Creation Crafting Lvl 6, requires 2 Ebony (Harvested near Tatroi, 1 Darkness Gem (Mined in Nox Obscurus), and 4 Holy Water (Bought from Min Min's Rejuvenation Shop in the shopping mall in Centropolis.)

4. Demon Amulet x 3 - Can be made in Item Creation Crafting Lvl 6, requires 2 Runic Metal (Can be mined in Astral Caves), 4 Holy Water (Bought from Min Min's Rejuvenation Shop in the shopping mall in Centropolis.), and 1 Neck Chain from Black Cat Material Shop in Tatroi on Roak.)

5. Light Charm x 2 - Can be made in Item Creation Artisrty Lvl 8, requires 2 Parchment, 1 Magical Brush (both items available in Masterful Materials in shopping mall of Centropolis.) and Light Gems mined from the Miga Insect Warren and Southern Reaches of Aeos.)
Silkworm's Retro Shop (Shop Orders)
1. Earthsoul Bow x 1 - Can be made in Item Creation Smithery and requires 1 Torch Bow (Buy here at Silkworm's) 2 Earth Gems and 2 Iron, (Both can be Mined in the Southern Reaches of Aeos)

2. Rune Wand x 1 - Can be made in Item Creation Crafting Lvl 5, requires Runic Metal (Can be mined in Astral Caves), Ash, Velvet Ribbon (Both items can be bought from Masterful Materials in the shopping mall of Centropolis), and Bracteate (Rare Drop from Dark Soldiers on Nox Obscurus)

3. Staff of Freezing x 2 - Can be made in Item Creation Crafting Lvl 4, requires 2 Ash (can be bought in Masterful Materials in shopping mall in Centropolis) 1 Bracteate (Rare Drop from Dark Soldiers on Nox Obscurus), 4 Ice Gems (can be mined on Lemuris), and a Magic Capacitor (bought from Flaming Fist Explosives in shopping mall on Centropolis)

4. Shell Armor x 2 - Can be made in Item Creation Smithery Lvl 1, requires 4 Iron and 2 Warped Carapace. (Iron can be bought in Mobius' One-Stop Shop in Astral on Roak, and Warped Carapace's are dropped by Waving Pincers on early Roak.)

5. Iron Protector x 3 - Can be Made in Item Creation Smithery Lvl 2, requires 1 SRF Protector (Reimi is automatically wearing this at the start of the game), and 4 Iron (Can be bought from Mobius' One-Stop Shop in Astral on Roak.) MISSABLE!!! DO NOT SELL REIMI'S SRF PROTECTOR!!! You will also need to use Arumat's Duplication Ability to make 2 more copies of the Iron Protector which will cost you some Magical Clay (Mined in Southern Reaches of Aeos)

6.Protective Cloak x 2 - Can be made in Item Creation Crafting Lvl 2, requires Silk (Bought from Mobius' One-Stop Shop in Astral), Handspun Thread (bought from Black Cat Material Shop in Tatroi), and Dwarven Embroidery Thread (bought at Masterful Materials in the shopping mall of Centropolis)

7. Sturdy Bracelet x 10 - Can be made in Item Creation Crafting Lvl 3, requires 2 Platinum (Mined in Astral Desert, and 1 Earth Gem (Mined in Southern Reaches of Aeos)
Red Claw Weapons (Shop Orders)
1. Spirit Bow "Darkstriker" x 1 - Can be made in Item Creation Smithery Lvl 9, (appears as ???????????? when invented) requires 4 Carbon Fiber, 2 Aramid Fiber (Both items can be bought from Black Cat Materials in Tatroi on Roak), 3 All-Purpose Ceramic (Can be bought from Masterful Materials in the shopping mall in Centropolis), and 6 Darkness Gems (Can be Mined on Nox Obscurus)

2. Wand of Resonance x 1 - Can be made in Item Creation Crafting Lvl 8, requires Cane, Satin Ribbon, Symbol Booster, Star Sapphire. (Canes can be Harvested in the Southern Reaches of Aeos. Satin Ribbons can be bought from Mobius' One-Stop Shop in Astral on Roak. Star Sapphires can be Mined in Nox Obscurus' Halls of Termination. Lastly Symbol Boosters are Rare Drops from Phantom Dragoons on Nox Obscurus also in the Halls of Termination.)

3. Dragoon Blaster x 1 - Can be made in Item Creation Engineering Lvl 6, requires 4 Mithril (Can be Mined on Nox Obscurus), 4 Mystery Electronic Circuits, 1 Micro Hadron Collider (Both items can be bought from Flaming Fist Explosives in the shopping mall on Centropolis) and lastly 3 Dragonblood Crystals (Rare Drops from Master Wizards in En II: Sanctuary)

4. Sacred Spear x 1 - Can be made in Item Creation Smithery Lvl 7, requires 2 Meteorite (Can be Mined in Miga Insect Warren on Aeos), Carbon Fiber (Can be bought at Black Cat Materials Shop in Tatroi on Roak), and Angelstone (Can be Mined in En II:Sanctuary.)

5. Quadplex Scythe x 1 - Can be made in Item Creation Engineering Lvl 8, requires 2 Meteorite (Can be mined in Miga Insect Warren on Aeos), 5 Laser Oscillators (Can be bought from Flaming Fist Explosives in the shopping mall of Centropolis), and 1 Star Sapphire (Can be mined on Nox Obscurus' Halls of Termination.)
Fense's Defensive Tools (Shop Orders)
1. Orge's Armor x2 - Can be made in Item Creation Engineering lvl 7, requires 2 All-Purpose Ceramic, 8 Rivets, 1 Gold, 1 Aluminum, and 12 Steel. (Gold can be mined in the early areas on Roak, and Aluminum can be mined near the Purgatorium. All-Purpose Ceramic can be bought from Masterful Materials in the shopping mall on Centropolis, Rivets can be bought from Flaming Fist Explosives also in the shopping mall in Centropolis, and lastly Steel can also be made in Item Creation with 4 Iron and 2 Coal.)

2. Dragon Guard x1 - Can be made in Item Creation Crafting lvl 7, requires 5 Dragon Scales, and 4 Handspun Thread. (Handspun Thread can be bought from Black Cat Materials Shop in Tatroi on Roak, and Dragon Scales are dropped by Phantom Dragon Newts on Nox Obscurus or bought with Fight Coins in the Colosseum.)

3. Mithril Protector x1 - Can be made in Item Creation Engineering lvl 7, requires 8 Rivets, 3 Mithril, and 2 Mystery Mobile Frames. (Mystery Mobile Frames and Rivets can be bought at Flaming Fist Explosives in the shopping mall of Centropolis, Mithril can be mined on Nox Obscurus,)

4. Fully-Tuned Plate x1 - Can be made in Item Creation Engineering lvl 6, requires 8 Rivets, 3 Mithril, and 1 Mystery Electronic Circuit. (Mystery Electronic Circuits and Rivets can be bought at Flaming Fist Explosives in the shopping mall of Centropolis, Mithril can be mined on Nox Obscurus,)

5. Earthen Robe x2 - Can be made in Item Creation Crafting lvl 6, requires 4 Biocloth, 4 Dwarven Embroidery Thread, and 8 Earth Gems. (Biocloth is dropped by Phantom Beetles on Nox Obscurus, Dwarven Embroidery Thread can be bought from Masterful Materials in the shopping mall of Centropolis. and Earth Gems can be mined on Lemuris and the Southern Reaches of Aeos.)
Masterful Materials (Shop Orders)
1. Fur Pelt x6 - Can be bought from Black Cat Materials Shop in Tatroi on Roak.

2. Manacloth x1 - Dropped by Master Wizards in the Old Road to Sanctuary and En II: Sanctuary.

3. Mana Ribbon x2 - Dropped by Master Wizards in the Old Road to Sanctuary and En II: Sanctuary.

4. Citrine x2 - Can rarely be mined in En II:Sanctuary, Can also be Pickpocketed from the Psychic Girl in the En II Hotel, from there use Arumat's Duplication ability to make a copy. Will cost you Magical Clay to use.

5. Faerie Embroidery Thread x4 - Dropped by Cursed Horror in the Old Road to Sanctuary and En II: Sanctuary.
Min Min's Rejuvenation Shop (Shop Orders)
1. Super Aphrodisiac x6 - Can be made in Item Creation Compounding lvl 6, requires 4 Tasty Mushroom?, 2 Ginseng, 1 Lemon (All 3 items can be Harvested in the Van Elm Region of Lemuris), and 1 Empty Bottle (which can be bought in Black Cat Materials in Tatroi on Roak.)

2. Growth Stimulant Ampule x3 - Can be made in Item Creation compounding lvl 2, requires Recipe Memo 30 (see Quest: The Trial of Love),. Also requires 4 Ginsend, 2 Caterpillar Fungus, and 1 Empty bottle. (The Empty Bottle can be bought in Black Cat Material Shop in Tatroi on Roak, and the Ginseng and Caterpillar Fungus can be Harvested in the Van Elm Region of Lemuris.)

3. Hyper Potion x5 - Can be made in Item Creation Alchemy lvl 5, requires 1 Earth Gem, 1 Fire gem, 1 Wind Gem, 1 Ice Gem and 1 Empty Bottle. (The Empty Bottle can be bought from Black Cat Materials Shop in Tatroi on Roak, Earth, Fire, and Ice Gems are all can all be obtained through mining on Lemuris, and Wind Gems can be mined in En II: Sanctuary.)

4. Love Potion No. 256 x5 - Can be made in Item Creation compounding lvl 7, requires 4 Tasty Mushroom, 2 Ginseng (Both items can be Harvested in the Van Elm Region of Lemuris.) and 1 Empty Bottle (which can be bought from the Black Cat Materias Shop in Tatroi on Roak)

5. Symbol Card "Healing"+ x8 - Can be made in Item Creation Artistry lvl 2, requires 1 Healing Card+ and 3 Healing Paint (All can be bought from Masterful Materials in the shopping mall in Centropolis)

6. Symbol Card "Ex Healing"+ x6 - Can be made in Item Creation Artistry lvl 4, requires 1 Healing Card+ and 5 Healing Paint (All can be bought from Masterful Materials in the shopping mall in Centropolis)

7. Symbol Card "Faerie Healing"+ x6 - Can be made in Item Creation Artistry lvl 8, requires 1 Healing Card+ and 6 Healing Paint (All can be bought from Masterful Materials in the shopping mall in Centropolis)

8. Symbol Card "Faerie Light" + x4 - Can be made in Item Creation Artistry lvl 10, requires 1 Fine Parchment and 7 Healing Paint (All can be bought from Masterful Materials in the shopping mall in Centropolis)

9. Symbol Card "Antidote" x10 - Can be made in Item Creation Artistry lvl 3, requires 1 Healing Card and 2 Healing Paint (All can be bought from Masterful Materials in the shopping mall in Centropolis)

10. Symbol Card "Cure Condition" x5 - Can be made in Item Creation Artistry lvl 7, requires 1 Healing Card+ and 4 Healing Paint (All can be bought from Masterful Materials in the shopping mall in Centropolis)

11. Symbol Card "Restoration" x5 - Can be made in Item Creation Artistry lvl 6, requires 1 Healing Card+ and 4 Healing Paint (All can be bought from MAsterful Materials in the shopping mall in Centropolis)
Flaming Fist Explosives (Shop Orders)
1. Plastic Explosives x 15 - Can be collected in the Celestial Ship on Lemuris (Look for shining lights on the floor or monitors, leave and reenter to get more)

2. Intensified Gunpowder x 12 - Can be made in Item Creation Compounding lvl 4, requires Gunpowder (You can get this from Lil Vending Machine No. 2 if you've built one.) and Thunder Gems (Can be mined in the early areas on Roak)

3. Disintegration Stone x 8 - Dropped by Lightning Corpses in the Old Road to Sanctuary on En II.

4. Steel x 4 - Can be made in Item Creation Smithery lvl 3, requires 4 Iron and 2 Coal. (Mine Coal in the Cave to the Purgatorium, and Buy Iron in Mobius' One-Stop Shop in Astral on Roak.)

5. Element Breaker x 10 - Can be made in Item Creation Engineering lvl 6, requires 1 Gunpowder (Can be bought from Lil Vending Machine No. 2 if you built one.) 1, Micro Circuit (Can be bought in Flaming Fist Explosives in shopping mall of Centropolis) and 1 Resistance Potion (can be made in Item Creation Alchemy and requires 1 Ge Gen Tang, 1 Light gem, 1 Darkness Gem, and 1 Empty Bottle)
Magical Foods (Shop Orders)
NOTE: This Shop is only open after the completion of the Quest: "Where's the Recipe?"

1. Raw Animal Meat x 14 - Can be bought from Roomy Foods in Tatroi on Roak.

2. Sharkskin x 12 - Can be bought from Thousand Gods General Store in Woodley Village on Lemuris.

3. Hamburg Steak x 4 - Can be made in Item Creation Cooking lvl 4, requires 2 Raw Animal Meat, 1 Seasonings, 1 Vegetables, and 1 Common Egg (All 4 Items can be bought from Whole Heart Foods in Astral on Roak.)
Quest: "The Trial of Love" - Talk to the Red Sacred Gem of Love in the En II: Sanctuary to start. You must fight Early Psynards nearby and get a Psynard Egg from one (Super Rare drop!) From there you must bring the egg to Nimahl in Flora/Fauna Laboratory in Centropolis and get Recipe Memo 30 for the Growth Stimulant Ampule. (Requires 4 Ginseng, 2 Caterpillar Fungus, and 1 Empty Bottle) Bring the Ampule to Nimahl and he will hatch the chick from the egg. Bring the chick to the Sacred Love Gem to Complete.

Quest: "The Trial of Courage" - Talk to the Blue Sacred Gem of Courage to start...a four part ambush of battles. Survive to Complete.

Quest: "The Trial of Wisdom" - Talk to the Green Gem of Wisdom to start. The Sacred Gem will have you follow a cryptograph and travel across the universe. Cryptograph 1 sends you to the northeast corner of Thalia Plains on Lemuris. Cryptograph 2 sends you to a swampy area in Aeos' Southern Reaches. Cryptograph 3 sends you to a pillar outside the east Cave to the Purgatorium entrance on Roak. Examine the pillar to get the Philosopher's Time, Take it to the Sacred Gem to Complete.

Quest: "The Trial of Might" - Talk to the White Sacred Gem of Might to start....a mini-boos battle against the Vigorous Beast. Defeat it to Complete.
Quest: "The Last Letter" - Talk to Orwen in the Pulsating Bog of Nox Obscurus to start. Talk to Giotto in Monitor Room A on En II. Return to Orwen's body to find Jessica's body....Complete.
The Santa Maria (Shop Orders)
1. Attack Seeds x 1 - Dropped by Kobolds in Alanaire Citadel on Lemuris, and Desert Ogres in Astral Desert on Roak.

2. Intelligence Seeds x 1 - Dropped by Sydonaist Beta in the Purgatorium on Roak, and Stroper in the Old Road to the Sanctuary on En II.

3. Defense Seeds x 1 - Dropped by Horned Tortoise in the Southern Reaches of Aeos, can be Harvested on the Northern Coast of Aeos.

4. Accuracy Seeds x 1 - Dropped by Killer Wasps on Aeos , and the Honeybees on Roak.

5. Protection Seeds x 1 - Dropped by Adephaga and Adephaga Drus on Aeos, and Waving Pincers on Roak, can be Harvested in Van Elm Region of Lemuris.

6. Health Seeds x 1 - Dropped by Mana Yeti and Mist Grave on Lemuris, can be Harvested on Nox Obscurus' Halls of Termination

7. Magic Seeds x 1 - Dropped by Dryad's on Lemuris, can be Harvested in Cave to the Purgetorium on Roak.

8. Fermented Sushi x 10 - Can be made in Item Creation Cooking Lvl 7, requires 2 White Rice and 2 Raw Fish. (Raw Fish can be bought from Whole Heart Foods in Astral on Roak, and White Rice can be bought from Magical Foods in the shopping mall of Centropolis.)

Alright so that should do it, if you are having any problems or need specific details about some one thing, please message me and I will get back to you.

Thanks to Irondan316 for assisting with missing shops.

31 Oct 2012 04:15

Awesome guide, but you are missing 2 of the shops & their lists. Both are in Astral City.

The Happy Skip Grocery:
1. Bizarre Fruit x 1
2. Perfect Berries x 4
3. Red Seed x 5
4. Blue Seed x5

Treasure Hunter Weapons: (Must complete Locked Out Quest first)
1. Icecrusher Sword x 1
2. Meteorite x 2
3. Platinum x 4
4. Ruby x 2
By Irondan316 on 03 Dec 2012 08:13
Thanks! I've added that information to the guide and i'll note you in it for the assist!
By Krows Graveyard on 03 Dec 2012 21:13
Quests are two-fold for these achievements. The normal quests you get where you help people out AND the orders you can fill in all the shops in the game are required. Some orders and quests are missable, so check the "instructions" in the walkthrough for when to complete a section to avoid missing something. A walkthrough of all the quests and orders can be found here. This achievement must be done in a single playthrough.