Star Trek Legacy

Star Trek Legacy

36 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Chain Reaction

Chain Reaction

You delivered the killing blow to more than one ship with a single torpedo.


How to unlock the Chain Reaction achievement in Star Trek Legacy - Definitive Guide

On mission 9, "At The Gates" from the Original Series you will basically be sneaking up the backside of the nebulae in front of you. I only used one ship so that I didn't set off any events that might ruin your Achievement run. You can use the Enterprise, I used the Excelsior to warp around the sides and to the back of the nebulae. Looking at the Command View, it's at the top. Avoid the nebulae, it will damage your ship quickly.There are also Federation turrets (not many) on the backside. Once you are there expect to have a few Assimilated Klingon ships attack you, taking them out should be easy. Once you get rid of the first patrol move into range of the closest shipyard. There are three, it doesn't matter which one. Each should have a Klingon ship inside. Allocate all your power to weapons and take the ship's shields down and ship damage to almost nothing. The shipyard doesn't have shields so take it's damage to almost nothing. Fire a photon torpedo at either target.

I got the idea from BeanMachine87 @ Gamespot, but altered it a little.

26 May 2013 02:48