Star Trucker

Star Trucker

49 Achievements

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Violation Virtuoso

Violation Virtuoso

Rack up $25,000 in traffic fines and deductions


How to unlock the Violation Virtuoso achievement in Star Trucker - Definitive Guide

The best way to do this is to play on custom difficulty.
Make the settings as easy as possible (max money for jobs, least damage and energy drain etc.)
Now the important part, turn fines OFF... Yes it sounds stupid but deductions from messing up jobs are the easiest way to go.
When you accept a job if you're late, damage the cargo, drive carelessly you will get deductions from the overall pay.
You can get more deductions than the job is worth i.e. if the job pays out 2,000 you can get deductions of 2,500 or 3,000. (I had 18,000 in deductions from one mission that paid out 15,000). You DONT need to get this all in one go in one mission.
The trick here is that even though this number is higher than your pay you don't get fined, you only get a pay of 0 at the end of the job.
I would recommend having some money built up to repair your rig if it gets damaged when you crash if you're trying to do it on purpose.

If you keep fines turned on you can also add to your counter by careless driving (crashing into signs and other trucks), getting caught with contraband and refusing to go to a weigh station when asked.

07 Sep 2024 21:05

1 Comment
Another easy way (though I’m not sure if difficulty affects it) but I'm playing on recommend not custom (I know but I felt it was too late to change it 20 hours in)

Save game first
And accept three jobs, so you have three job contracts at the same time. One was for 6,000, not sure about the other two. Then, jump out of your truck so you die, which results in enough fines to cover the amount.

Then, reload your save.
By lucylu1983 on 09 Sep 2024 00:02