STAR WARS: Bounty Hunter

STAR WARS: Bounty Hunter

37 Achievements

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Going After Vosa

Going After Vosa

Complete Chapter 6


How to unlock the Going After Vosa achievement in STAR WARS: Bounty Hunter - Definitive Guide

Story related and cannot be missed.

Complete missions Moon of the Dead, Vosa's Lair and Final Confrontation and the trophy will pop during the mission status screen. If you are in a hurry, then you can use the cheat code "MANDALORIANWAY" and skip all the missions except Final Confrontation.

Boss Tactics:

Vosa has two stages so I recommend getting the first one done without taking much damage, there is no time here so let it take it's time. What I did was I ran up the left ramp while locked on and kept shooting and ran down the right ramp so you did circle motions. Every now and then you can use the whipcord to tie her up. There is health pick ups in the room so claim them before you enter the next chamber. The next chamber is easy, just avoid her as you did before and keep shooting everything you have left. As before, the whipcord is useful for keeping here at a distance. She can go into deflect mode and shoot lasers back at you, stop shooting for 1-2 seconds and she will go back to normal again.