STAR WARS: Bounty Hunter

STAR WARS: Bounty Hunter

37 Achievements

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Lowlifes in High Places

Lowlifes in High Places

Complete Chapter 2


How to unlock the Lowlifes in High Places achievement in STAR WARS: Bounty Hunter - Definitive Guide

Story related and cannot be missed.

Complete the missions "Entertainment District", "Industrial District" and "Upper City" and the trophy will pop during the mission status screen. If you are in a hurry, then you can use the cheat code "MANDALORIANWAY" and skip all the missions except the Upper City.

Boss Tactics:

Mini Boss:
I thought I should mention this one just in case, you will end up in a core, reactor looking area with platforms you need to Jet Pack upwards on, some are white with bars and some are yellow. Make sure to be ready that up ahead is a boss fight after the "Empire Strikes Back" esq cutscene, in case you have all bounties and are low on continues. The boss itself is straight forward. Move left to right while shooting and he won't hit you that often. If you still got missiles you can use em here.

The Final Boss:
This is possibly the easiest boss in the game. All you have to do is disarm the robot and grab the grenade launcher on the top floor to destroy it, the only danger here is the respawns that come every now and then but remember that under the stairs is a 100% health pick up.