STAR WARS: Bounty Hunter

STAR WARS: Bounty Hunter

37 Achievements

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Body Count: 1,500

Body Count: 1,500

Kill 1,500 total enemies


How to unlock the Body Count: 1,500 achievement in STAR WARS: Bounty Hunter - Definitive Guide


This can pop after 2 kills or after 20,000 kills, there is no way telling exactly when.

This will be one of your last trophies in the game if you are unlucky but don't worry it's total so you can replay the game and keep adding kills to your profile, do note that changing save file will not carry over kills. Also that the Total Kill count in the Game Status screen does not work my trophy popped at 355 kills. If you still have not obtained this after you've completed the game a few times, because of skipping fights then I recommend farming the Upper City in Chapter 2 or the last mission of Chapter 5, you will get a lot of kills there.