STAR WARS Jedi: Survivor
53 Achievements
EA Play
Win all holotactics matches
How to unlock the Gambler achievement in STAR WARS Jedi: Survivor - Definitive Guide
First off, you need to find Tulli & Bhima in Boiling Bluff located on Kobah, part of the Maxed Capacity achievement. Once found, they will appear on the second floor of Pyloon Saloon, the same floor as where you can view the fish. They will allow you access to the Holobattles. Head over and challenge your opponents.
Credit to GameMastaB for creating the below video guide and giving permission for it to be shared here.
Whilst the other guides are good for the most part, I preferred a visual guide as not all the formations worked for me.
Credit to GameMastaB for creating the below video guide and giving permission for it to be shared here.
Whilst the other guides are good for the most part, I preferred a visual guide as not all the formations worked for me.
Again, I take no credit for this guide.
This guide helped when the others were useless
By fireben777 on 11 May 2023 03:10
One of the worst guides I’ve seen
By THE DEFACE SHOW on 29 Aug 2023 18:11
Credit to PowerPyx.
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor contains a mini-game called Holotactics. You must win all matches for this trophy. It is highly encouraged to finish the story and recruit all recruitable characters for the Cantina first or otherwise you won’t be able to play against certain opponents. Here’s what you need to do for it:
MLA cite
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor contains a mini-game called Holotactics. You must win all matches for this trophy. It is highly encouraged to finish the story and recruit all recruitable characters for the Cantina first or otherwise you won’t be able to play against certain opponents. Here’s what you need to do for it:
MLA cite
I hate to give credit to IGN but this guide was so easy and worked flawlessly.
1 Comment
By YΛTVΛN3 on 14 Jan 2025 11:18
Credit to PowerPyx.
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor contains a mini-game called Holotactics. You must win all matches for this trophy. It is highly encouraged to finish the story and recruit all recruitable characters for the Cantina first or otherwise you won’t be able to play against certain opponents. Here’s what you need to do for it:
MLA cite
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor contains a mini-game called Holotactics. You must win all matches for this trophy. It is highly encouraged to finish the story and recruit all recruitable characters for the Cantina first or otherwise you won’t be able to play against certain opponents. Here’s what you need to do for it:
MLA cite
Find Bhima and Tulli in the Boiling Bluff region on Koboh. Save them from a Mogu and they’ll set up holotactics in an upstairs room at Pyloon’s Saloon. You’ll then need to defeat all eight opponents, with each requiring completion of a certain number of consecutive waves (two, three, or four waves). If you fail at any point, even on the last wave, you’ll have to restart the bout from scratch. If you’re struggling, go away and scan more enemies to bolster your deck of available units. Bear in mind you have a certain number of battle points for each wave, with any unused points carrying over to the next wave. Spend points wisely and set up the best strategy you can to ensure you defeat the enemies put before you.
Full Holotactics Strategy Guide
Full Holotactics Strategy Guide
Find Bhima and Tulli in the Boiling Bluff region on Koboh. Save them from a Mogu and they’ll set up holotactics in an upstairs room at Pyloon’s Saloon. You’ll then need to defeat all eight opponents, with each requiring completion of a certain number of consecutive waves (two, three, or four waves). If you fail at any point, even on the last wave, you’ll have to restart the bout from scratch. If you’re struggling, go away and scan more enemies to bolster your deck of available units. Bear in mind you have a certain number of battle points for each wave, with any unused points carrying over to the next wave. Spend points wisely and set up the best strategy you can to ensure you defeat the enemies put before you.
Full Holotactics Strategy Guide
Full Holotactics Strategy Guide
I hate to give credit to IGN but this guide was so easy and worked flawlessly.
I'll list some units that I had the most success with in using if you're struggling to get through the holomatches. Take into account that RNG is in play here as you can suddenly have success in places where you initially lost, even if you use the same units in the same positions on the same level. So because of this there is no definitive guide to winning every match!
- B1 melee battle droid is an excellent and cheap cannon fodder unit that can be used as a decoy to bait enemies away from your valuable troops. Especially useful when the enemy is just using very big units in small numbers. It only costs 1 point.
- Droideka is a powerhouse against any unit, including the AT-ST. The only unit it struggles with is the imperial shield trooper as that can endlessly shrug off its firing when it puts the shield up. If a Droideka has some good support or decoys distracting enemies away from it, it will quickly mow down all enemy team compositions.
- Imperial Shield Trooper is one hell of a unit for its price. It can reliably block fire and attacks from almost any unit if it manages to get its shield primed and in position. Two of them as your frontline should be great in shrugging off attacks for a while. Like with the Droideka above it can safely sit under fire from one for ages and not take damage. I had a use for this unit in almost every Holomatch.
- Stormtrooper Commander is also a powerhouse, but a very friendly fire one as the grenades can hit your own units and instakill them. Use with precaution.
- Imperial Heavy Assault trooper is a cheap powerhouse unit too with damage similar to a droideka. It is very vulnerable to damage, but can definitely dish out some serious damage itself if there are other units on the field distracting the enemy.
- Bedlam Smasher is a tank of a unit and the only one that can reliably survive a grenade from a Stormtrooper Commander too, making them an excellent pair. But the Bedlam Smasher works well on any team composition. If you're able to have at least 3 on the same team they will trample over almost all enemy team compositions.
- Magnaguard is a more agile version of the Bedlam Smasher if you're low on points to use, but is nowhere near as tanky as it. It does deal some good damage though.
- DT Sentry Droid is similar to the Magnaguard and Bedlam Smasher, sitting somewhere in-between them both in terms of power and agility.
- Sutuban is a more agile and bulky version of the Magnaguard. I've had some success with it, especially against other Fauna creatures.
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I highly recommend going through after you defeat the large scorpion-like mob on Jedha. He destroys everyone without any problems, if there are points left, cover them with gunfire from the flanks. I also recommend stormtroopers with miniguns. Basically I used these machine gunners and a firearm, or a scorpion and a firearm when there were enough points for it - and it’s done)
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It's best to put two droidekas on the edges and someone in the middle
By MichaelWest on 29 Feb 2024 13:14
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There are 8 opponents in total:
To open the game with an enemy, you need to recruit him to the cantina. To save time, obtaining this trophy should be done after obtaining Max Capacity
Only creatures from the Tactical Guide can be used in the mini-game. Accordingly, the maximum bestiary will become available along with the Intergalactic Geographic trophy
1) For defeating Turgle we get Priorite Shard, necessary for the Splurge trophy
2) Unused Battle Points are carried over to the next round. It makes sense to go through the initial rounds with the minimum allowed use of units.
- Turgle (2 rounds)
- Greez (3 rounds)
- Tulakt (3 rounds)
- Merrin (3 rounds)
- Caij (3 rounds)
- Skoova (4 rounds)
- T-1N8] (4 rounds)
- Tulli (4 rounds) - unlocks after defeating other opponents
To open the game with an enemy, you need to recruit him to the cantina. To save time, obtaining this trophy should be done after obtaining Max Capacity
Only creatures from the Tactical Guide can be used in the mini-game. Accordingly, the maximum bestiary will become available along with the Intergalactic Geographic trophy
1) For defeating Turgle we get Priorite Shard, necessary for the Splurge trophy
2) Unused Battle Points are carried over to the next round. It makes sense to go through the initial rounds with the minimum allowed use of units.
1 Comment
Text guide (en) for the mini-game. It won’t save you from randomness, but it will save a lot of time. I only lost once in this guide, but I chose the same creatures a second time and passed it calmly. Well, as we wrote above, it’s better to leave the trophy at the end, when all the characters are already in the cantina and all the creatures have been scanned (there’s simply nothing to do without droidekas in this mini-game).
By Dyky on 10 May 2023 23:34
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