State of Mind

State of Mind

34 Achievements

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Worst Dad Ever!

Worst Dad Ever!

Adam did nothing John likes.


How to unlock the Worst Dad Ever! achievement in State of Mind - Definitive Guide

I had to do these ones several times over (Worst Dad in particular) to get it right and there is conflicting information out there, so to save you the pain here's what you need to do for Best Dad Ever and Worst Dad Ever:

Best Dad Ever

* Prepare John's favourite breakfast (Cornflakes, Hot Chocolate), which will also unlock:
State of MindSecret AchievementThe Secret Achievement achievement in State of Mind worth 38 pointsContinue playing to unlock this secret achievement

* When John asks if he has to go to the hospital select "If it were my choice..."
* Find Henry's remote control before leaving for the clinic (it's in Amy's room, opposite the bathroom).
* When you arrive at the clinic, walk around the park when John asks (turn right instead of straight).
* While walking around the park, feed the fishes, then talk to John and play with Henry.
* Go straight home after finishing up at the clinic.
* After viewing the first data fragment and speaking to Richard, John will appear and ask who you were talking to. Say "A guy called Richard" - in other words, don't lie.
* After Adam gets home from work, talk to John and prepare dinner for him before sending the second data fragment (he wants noodle soup, not sure if this matters).
* After completing the second data fragment, talk to John in bed. He will say he's not tired, select "we will fix that". Talk to Sally and ask "John can't sleep", she'll tell you John likes to be underwater. Use the SmartLoft, set the ambience to "Underwater" and turn on the fish holograms. Speak to John again and "promise" twice. This will unlock:
State of MindSecret AchievementThe Secret Achievement achievement in State of Mind worth 53 pointsContinue playing to unlock this secret achievement

Shortly after this Best Dad Ever should unlock.

Worst Dad Ever

Other guides suggested avoiding talking to John at all, and to lie to him whenever possible, I'm not sure if this actually matters beyond the specifics below.

* Don't prepare John's favourite breakfast (do not choose Cornflakes or Hot Chocolate), which will also unlock:
State of MindSecret AchievementThe Secret Achievement achievement in State of Mind worth 36 pointsContinue playing to unlock this secret achievement

* When John asks if he has to go to the hospital select "No discussion".
* Tell John to "hurry up" and don't look for Henry's remote when you leave.
* Go straight to the clinic. Don't walk around the park. Don't feed the fishes, Don't play with Henry. Do not pass Go.
* When you're done at the clinic and arrive back at Infinity Plaza, head to the left and speak to a woman who's talking about Liquid Sky. She gives you the option to let a LightBall fly. Do this three times.
* (Not sure if this is required): When you arrive back home, speak to Amy, but do NOT speak to John, just go straight to sleep.
* After viewing the first data fragment and speaking to Richard, John will appear and ask who you were talking to. Select "Lawyer", then "shoo John away".
* (EASY TO MISS!) After Adam gets home from work, go into John's room and interact with his CloudHub. You will talk to a simulation of your father. Keep talking to him, and select the options "ban talking to John" and "delete Peter Newman" when prompted.
* After deleting Peter Newman, go and send the second data fragment without preparing dinner for John.
* After completing the second data fragment, talk to John in bed and tell him to "Just sleep", which will unlock:
State of MindSecret AchievementThe Secret Achievement achievement in State of Mind worth 31 pointsContinue playing to unlock this secret achievement

Shortly after this Worst Dad Ever should unlock.


03 Nov 2020 06:41

1 Comment
Felt like an age to pop after getting the Knows No Lullaby. Thanks for the guide!
By thatNoseyParker on 30 Jul 2022 16:51


This trophy is earned near the ? of the game, but certain actions need to be performed throughout different chapters. The first action is in the chapter “Breakfast” so reload this chapter/save if you missed this trophy and continue from here.

Being a bad dad with John will net you this trophy, being a good dad will net you the other one, but you can also miss both of these trophies if you don’t take the right decisions.

To earn Best Dad Ever, you’ll need to:


  • When preparing John’s breakfast, choose anything but Cornflakes and Hot Chocolate
  • Try not talking to John when you can avoid it
  • Don’t look for Henry’s remote control, go straight to the door and tell John to hurry
  • Go straight to the clinic, don’t go to the park
  • After the clinic, talk to a woman in the back before going back home, and release 3 bubbles
  • When back home, go straight to bed after talking to your wife
  • After speaking with Richard, John will ask who it was, select “Lawyer” and tell John to get out of the room
  • After Adam’s work, go in John’s room, interact with the Cloudhub until you can tell the grandfather to not talk to John anymore. Interact with it again until you can delete the grandfather
  • Don’t prepare dinner for John
  • When John is in bed, tell him to sleep straight away
  • Return to the living room/work area and the trophy should pop here
We do everything as described in the hint for the trophy: Best Dad Ever! / The best dad in the world! only now it's the other way around.
And in John’s room, we delete the profile of John’s grandfather, Peter Newman, from the terminal.

17 Aug 2018 02:15