47 Achievements
No more secrets
Find 110 Drop zones, 115 challenges and 149 Point of Interest in Alps
How to unlock the No more secrets achievement in STEEP - Definitive Guide
Credit to D4RK RON1N for the solutions to these achievements.
As a general tip, wait until you reach level 25 for the unlimited helicopter rides, which means free fast travel from the map to any location, and makes these achievements much faster to get.
Alaska is not required for any of these 3 achievements.
In order to get this, you must find 110 Drop zones, 115 challenges and 149 Point of Interest in Alps. You only need to either ride through or take a helicopter to each location. Once you've discovered a new location for the first time, a notification will come up and in the menu it will tell you how many locations you have already discovered for any given mountain.
Here is a coordinate-specific location guide. Credit to 5hoe for the list:
The Cursed Mountains
The Doomed Retreat: 5004 S - 4132 W
The Haunted Resort: 5453 S - 4704 W
The Doomed Resort: 6118 S - 4822 W
Mammoth's Valley: 5084 S - 5198 W
Abandoned Mountain Lodges: 5954 S 5995 W
Doomed Bobsleigh Track: 5570 S - 6200 W
The Cursed Hotel: 7021 S - 7566 W
Rabbid's Valley: 4212 S - 6911 W
Abandoned Bobsleigh Track: 2911 S - 7049 W
Village of the Damned: 2415 S - 6866 W
Forgotten's Ultra Natural: 2647 S - 6570 W
Air Park: 2361 S - 5991 W
The Flooded Resort: 3275 S - 4540 W
Alignment of Carnac: 3716 S - 4475 W
Cursed Bobsleigh Track: 3937 S - 6034 W
Theodule's Snowpark: 1868 N - 7286 E
Trockener Steg: 2401 N - 6898 E
Furgggletscher: 3288 N - 5796 E
Matterhorngletscher: 3303 N - 4829 E
Plan Torette: 5271 N - 3211 E
Salette: 6300 N - 3410 E
Pian Maison: 7676 N - 3571 E
Breuil Cervina: 6823 N - 4493 E
Valtournmenche: 7472 N - 5791 E
Cieloalto: 7361 N - 6536 E
Avouil: 6879 N - 6229 E
Bayettes: 6254 N - 6298 E
Ghiacciaio della Forca: 5219 N - 6494 E
Theodulgletscher: 4634 N - 6710 E
Ghiacciaio della Testa Grigia: 4252 N - 6499 E
Furi: 2794 N - 3883 E
Florio's Canyon: 5605 N - 4699 E
Giomein's Pillow Field: 5934 N - 4868 E
Le Rocce Nere: 6514 N - 5229 E
Ghiacciaio Inferior del Cervino: 6376 N - 5601 E
Ghiacciaio Superior del Cervino: 5106 N - 4808 E
Ghiacciaio del Leone: 4235 N - 4425 E
Corridoio dei Tre Orsi: 5703 N - 5645 E
Bivacco Ratti: 5568 N - 5078 E
Le Villard: 7310 S - 5076 E
Snow Castle: 6670 S - 3691 E
Tournance: 7089 S - 1935 E
Gotty: 6841 S - 324 E
La Clusaz: 6921 S - 1771 W
Ultra Natural de la Giettaz: 5875 S - 2617 W
Le Chinaillon: 5670 S - 307 W
Les Nants: 3198 S - 1947 W
Lormay: 3369 S - 1425 W
Quais Grand Lac: 3777 S - 1719 W
La Blonniere: 3707 S - 1774 E
Les Failles: 2598 S - 2066 E
Snowpark de Bargy: 4785 S - 364 E
La Turte: 4788 S - 1391 E
Les Combettes: 5837 S - 3049 E
Ultra Natural de Foiroux: 5416 S - 2029 E
Snowpark de l'Empereur: 6453 S - 1764 E
Colomban: 4566 S - 3963 E
Les Glieres: 2830 S - 2737 W
Zweiselstein: 7126 S - 6153 E
Solden: 6767 S -5723 E
Oberburgle: 6175 S - 5915 E
Ferlienz: 6116 S - 5246 E
Bodenegg: 4254 S - 5322 E
Ferwallspritze's Pillow Field: 3735 S - 6043 E
Kirchenkogel's Ultra Natural: 5112 S - 6272 E
Schwartzkamm's Chaos: 2749 S - 4799 E
Querkogel's Pillow Field: 1343 S - 4256 E
Serfaus: 640 N - 4978 E
Boderkopfe's Gorge: 27 N - 5657 E
Ladis: 945 N - 7301 E
Ortle's Ultra Natural: 1063 S - 6894 E
Prinzen: 4044 S - 7314 E
Huerberg's Chaos: 210 S - 6261 E
Evolene: 1348 S - 1958 W
Eison: 545 S - 1645 W
Grimentz: 131 N - 1098 W
Tsevalire's Ravine: 465 S - 891 W
Le Prelet's Ultra Natural: 1705 S - 1451 W
Pas de Lona's Canyon: 1941 S - 1309 W
Chiesso: 1732 S - 499 W
Telepherique du Brandon: 962 S - 495 W
Tierfad: 620 N - 504 E
Observatory: 362 S - 496 E
Blanc de Moming's Ultra Natural: 1434 S - 2132 E
Aschhorn's Canyon: 110 S - 2750 E
Ruin Castle: 1151 N - 4297 E
Zermatt: 1420 N - 5450 E
Bielti: 1936 N - 3251 E
Burg: 1128 N - 1510 E
Mammoth's Pillow Field: 1186 S - 2687 E
Montroc: 1658 S - 6859 W
Glacier de Talefre: 370 S - 6337 W
Le Tour: 495 S - 7321 W
Le Planet: 923 N - 7305 W
Snowpark des Nantillons: 1592 N - 7409 W
Les Chosalets: 2034 N - 7128 W
Glacier des Nantillons: 1612 N - 6043 W
Glacier de la Noire: 2520 N - 6270 W
Glacier des Pelerins: 1215 N - 5612 W
Glacier de Taconnaz: 1220 N - 3567 W
Glacier de l'Ancien: 931 N - 4050 W
Glacier d'Argentiere: 5 S - 4791 W
Ultra Natural d'Emosson: 187 S - 4121 W
Les Chavants: 2028 S - 4443 W
Les Houches: 1583 S - 4235 W
Emosson's Dam: 1844 S - 2645 W
Barberine: 532 S - 2814 W
Les Gens: 260 S - 1971 W
Montenvers: 113 S - 2370 W
Gietroz: 2390 S - 3282 W
Ultra Natural de Peclerey: 1096 N - 6209 W
Observatoire de l'Aiguille: 1557 N - 4895 W
Ultra Natural des Petoudes: 574 S - 6363 W
Pillow Field le Lavancher: 744 N - 2655 W
Mont Blanc
Hotel Steep: 665 N - 874 W
Bec a l'Oiseau: 827 N - 62 W
Pillow Field des Arendellys: 2530 N - 1122 E
Gracier de Bionnassay: 3208 N - 44 E
Les Toiles: 3345 N - 2556 E
Le Champel: 3370 N - 3312 E
Viaduc des Recorbes: 4257 N - 3096 E
Pillow Field de Vorassay: 4577 N - 2418 E
Glacier de Miage: 4586 N - 1550 E
La Gruvaz: 6918 N - 2760 E
La Villette: 6482 N - 1776 E
Glacier du Brouillard: 6371 N - 242 E
Peuterey: 7457 N - 1239 W
Glacier de Toule: 6343 N - 1664 W
Glacier de la Brenva: 7316 N - 3822 W
Plan Pincieux: 7398 N - 4667 W
Snowpark des Meutes: 5418 N - 6737 W
Glacier de Febrouze: 5769 N - 5578 W
Glacier de Pre de Bar: 4179 N - 5575 W
Glacier des Bossons: 1708 N - 2496 W
Glacier du Bourgeat: 2087 N - 1435 W
Le Grand Couloir: 1967 N - 918 W
Glacier des Gemaux: 3362 N - 1031 W
Bras des Gemaux: 3742 N - 1443 W
Glacier du Geant: 3901 N - 3695 W
Glacier du Mont Frety: 5947 N - 2696 W3
Glacier Rond: 3586 N - 2239 W
Canyon du Gouter: 2985 N - 2263 W
Couloir Marguerite: 5996 N - 4545 W
Febrouze: 6793 N - 7202 W
Falaises de la Muete: 4216 N - 7356 W
Les Chaletes de Truc: 7442 N - 1284 E
Canyon du Brouillard: 7574 N - 1433 E
Ravine des Hirondelles: 6871 N - 5666 W
La Turche: 5447 N - 2292 E