Still Wakes the Deep

Still Wakes the Deep

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Bheir an cuan a chuid fhèin a-mach

Bheir an cuan a chuid fhèin a-mach

Completed the game in Scottish Gaelic



How to unlock the Bheir an cuan a chuid fhèin a-mach achievement in Still Wakes the Deep - Definitive Guide

Before starting the game go to settings and change the language to gàidhlig. Changing it towards the end of the game before finishing didn't work for me.

Edit: sorry I should have clarified it's just the text that changes to Gaelic, the speech throughout the game is still English.

18 Jun 2024 15:51

Yer nae forced to do anything. The default language of the game is English. Ye have to select Scottish Gaelic. The devs arenae in yer house with a gun to yer head telling ye to play in Gaelic, and again yer acting like the whole world should cater to a single language/culture. And it's text, nae speech. Just stick summat over the bit where the words appear if other languages that ye deliberately misspell if ye offends ye that much. Do ye also say Spanish should be removed from crayons because of the their word for black? Good job on the Gaelophobe bingo by the way and congrats on being a xenophobe
By CiphriusKane on 23 Jun 2024 11:58
So if I'm correct, this change texts and audio ? So I can't play with texts in English and voices in Gaelic ?
By Clad master on 18 Jun 2024 21:38
Audio is still in english, all the options, and prompts like press X to turn off radio are all in Gaelic, Notes and posters ect are also still in english
By jumpin jonny on 19 Jun 2024 06:35
Thanks for the infos ! Will try that for my second run
By Clad master on 19 Jun 2024 07:03
hopefully they patch subs in a separate language.
would prefer to actually play it in Gaelic but need Eng subs
By headXcrash on 19 Jun 2024 07:29
Weird, was sure this would be Gaelic audio and English subs...
By Mr SpinelesS on 19 Jun 2024 11:54
Doesn’t seem to unlock in Story difficulty. *edit* it unlocked after closing the game and restarting it.
By FittedCab on 19 Jun 2024 15:03
I started the game in Gaelic, changed to English, and changed it back after the last dialog at the end (before the achievement to beat the game popped and before the credits) and it did not pop. I suspect you must play with it on and leave it on.
By TheProwlerKing on 19 Jun 2024 15:06
Just Gaelic subs? That's a disappointment, would have liked to play in full Gaelic (Also for those curious, it's pronounced "gah-lick", "gay-lick" refers to Irish Gaelic and Manx Gaelic; and the achievement name roughly translates to "The sea will have its due" apparently)
By CiphriusKane on 20 Jun 2024 12:46
Annoyingly, the subtitles turn back whenever the game has to load. Somehow having the Gaelic subtitles on makes the spoken language harder to understand lol
By Mongooseeyy on 21 Jun 2024 01:32
PhantomPlanetAP yer comment is so fucking stupid. It's a game set in Scotland using one of Scotland's native languages, or are ye one of those monoglots that scream that other languages, especially minority languages, have nae right to exist? Naebody's holding a gun to yer head forcing ye to choose Gaelic as a first run. They added it as a nod to the game's setting. Also, "Fàg" (note the à) means to leave and "cum" means to keep. "Cùm" (note the ù) is also a word in many other languages, including Latin (e.g. Magna Cum Laude means "with great praise"). Stop assuming the whole world caters to a single language/culture
By CiphriusKane on 22 Jun 2024 19:35
Wish I could upvote comments. lol Bro probably gets mad whenever they say "Run away!" in Japanese anime.
By Austichar on 23 Jun 2024 14:50
Lol this is the first time I got forced to play a game in a specific language for completion, the devs forced all in-game text in that language, despite some words are confusing and quite offensive and the more important thing they ignored is gamers’ experience. Suppose someone is forced to play a game in such a language he doesn’t know anything about… how does it feel that way? If he wants to change graphics/sound settings during the gameplay? He can’t even find where to change the language back. The devs are selfish and reckless to force anyone who go for completion reading that specific language for a whole playthrough. And some toxic guy got strong prejudice of me being xenophobic for “not allowing that specific language to exist” What a terrible joke
By PhantomPlanetAP on 23 Jun 2024 17:29
I'm just gonna say that I think this was a cool achievement. I couldn't understand a lick of it, but the button prompts were there and that's all you really need to know. I didn't find anything "offensive" it's a different language which carries different meanings. The younger me laughed inside a little bit though.

I liked this because it was different from the usual norms. There's so many directions they could've gone instead, add more collectibles, add a speedrun, or playing through without dying forcing a second playthrough because of the dying related achievements, ect. But they didn't. Nor did they have any unobtainable achievements day one like so many games these days. So props to them for adding something unique and that actually worked as intended. Interesting one indeed, but we've all done way worse things for achievements.
By HEFTI82883 on 24 Jun 2024 05:50
lol @ the guy that insulted the dev team and an entire culture without bothering to use google translate, cool achievment but I'm already an hour in so not going to restart.
By darkmafia99 on 26 Jun 2024 02:22
Este logro sería mejor si el Audio del juego cambia a ese idioma, no el texto...
By mishimiauu on 26 Jun 2024 04:02
@PhantomPlanetAP "The devs are selfish and reckless to force anyone who go for completion reading that specific language for a whole playthrough." That line just shows that you are a mindless selfish ass hat as far as I'm concerned. Every post by you here has been nonsensical.
By James12183 on 28 Jun 2024 22:31
That's fecking class. I'm gonna enjoy this just outta curiosity to see if it's as close to Irish as I think it would be.
By SeanyMcBiker on 29 Jun 2024 03:12
So, I won't be able to understand any promps, neat.
By glitchy88 on 29 Jun 2024 12:05
Dont play the game the Phantom🤓🤓
Bet yer wan ae they ones that get offended by pork faggots🤣🤣
By Akumarb26 on 03 Jul 2024 11:28
Phantom, yer definitely a bit xenophobic, none of those words are offensive…due to the context….maybe you need tae go back to school and learn the English language and how theres something called slang🤓
By Akumarb26 on 03 Jul 2024 11:30
More selfish and denial people cannot even spell English rights telling me to learn English? How ridiculous lol, they are just like the devs. I don’t bother with more comments like above, and will take that as complements. As I said, the devs are selfish and reckless to force anyone who wants completion of this game to read that specific language for a whole playthrough, ignoring their experiences. They should had been considerate to everyone, not just their locals.
By PhantomPlanetAP on 03 Jul 2024 12:24
CiphriusKane gave me a good giggle. +1 for the guide
By FFX Brotherhood on 03 Jul 2024 18:14
phantom....exuding more xenophobia than a kkk convention
seems like you DO in fact need to do as i previously said, and learn English and how in each country there is something called slang, as you spelled "compliments" wrong and have no clue about grammar either :-)
and i am not English so why would i talk like that???

and as other people have said, don't like it, don't play it ya dafty
By Akumarb26 on 06 Jul 2024 17:42
Thought it’s to do a non-death run… What the heck is the purpose of forcing people to play the game in a language most the world population doesn’t even know about? They can just add dub of the language and still make texts and subtitles the player wants. By far one of the stupidest thing ever, suppose someone is forced to play the game on first run and he doesn’t know the language at all. It was super laughable to see the words “CUM” and “FAG” as action commands too many times, if they had to use certain languages better check the words not to be offensive to other languages first.
By PhantomPlanetAP on 21 Jun 2024 12:50
@Ciphriuskane That doesn’t change the nature of the game forcing people to play the game on a specific language without concerning their preferences, for anyone who want the completion of this game. Minor languages exist by themselves and don’t need everyone to listen to them by force. The developers should had concerned these words may be offensive to people, but they didn’t.
By PhantomPlanetAP on 23 Jun 2024 07:23
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This achievement is for playing and completing the full game with Gaelic language on and unlocks after the credit ends.

Changing the language only changes the Subtitle and instructions to Gaelic, Dialogue are still in English.

I have played the full game in English so that you guys can follow it easily while playing with Gaelic language on from the start to get all achievements in one playthrough.
Extended Timestamps:
00:00:00 - Intro & Settings
00:01:45 - Accommodation
00:03:15 - Light switch (Electrical Appliance)
00:03:25 - 03 Cabins (missable)
00:05:00 - "McLeery" Achievement
00:05:35 - 02 Cabins (missable)
00:06:20 - TV in Crew Lounge (Electrical Appliance)
00:07:05 - 04 Conversations with crew members (Canteen)
00:09:15 - "All Beans and Forgiveness" Achievement

00:11:35 - Deck & Under Rig
00:12:05 - 04 Conversations with crew members (Deck)
00:15:10 - "Social Butterfly" Achievement
00:21:45 - "The Sickening of the Calm" Achievement
00:22:00 - 01/05 Sea Dive Death / 01 Death (Falling into Sea)
00:22:30 - Heater (Electrical Appliance)
00:27:55 - 02 Death (Falling from Balance Beam)
00:28:45 - 03 Death(Fire)

00:31:35 - LEG C
00:32:35 - 04 Death (Fall to Death)
00:36:55 - 05 Death (Steam)
00:41:45 - 01/19 Crew Member Body
00:43:05 - "Breathe In, Breathe Out, Repeat" Achievement

00:43:10 - Accommodation (Second Visit)
00:43:20 - Heater (Electric Appliance)
00:44:00 - 01 Phone-Call
00:48:30 - 01/07 Electrical Hazard Death / 06 Death (Electricity)
00:49:20 - 07 Death (Monster Veins/Blob)
00:51:30 - "Sailing By" Achievement

00:53:25 - Lifeboat Access (Port Side)
00:53:40 - 02/05 Sea Dive Death
00:56:00 - "Home by Christmas" Achievement
00:56:55 - 02 Phone-Call
00:58:25 - "Fahrenheit 0451" Achievement
00:59:00 - 03 Phone-Call

00:59:55 - Utility
01:02:15 - "Leaning Into It" Achievement
01:02:25 - "General Strike" Achievement
01:02:40 - 08 Death (Death by Monster - Trots)
01:05:20 - "Eye of the Needle" Achievement

01:06:00 - Deck (Second Visit)
01:07:05 - "Jetsam" Achievement
01:08:00 - 02/07 Electrical Hazard Death
01:10:00 - 02/19 Crew Member Body
01:11:47 - 03/19 Crew Member Body
01:12:35 - 04/19 Crew Member Body (not interactable)
01:12:45 - 09 Death (Death by Monster - Muir)
01:14:25 - 05/19 Crew Member Body
01:18:20 - 03/07 Electrical Hazard Death
01:21:40 - "Everything Breaks" Achievement
01:21:50 - 03/05 Sea Dive Death
01:22:45 - 04 Phone-Call
01:24:05 - 05 Phone-Call

01:25:00 - Administration
01:25:15 - 06 Phone-Call
01:27:15 - 04/07 Electrical Hazard Death
01:28:25 - 10 Death (Death by Monster - Rennick)
01:29:45 - 05/07 Electrical Hazard Death
01:30:55 - "I Am The King" Achievement

01:31:00 - Starboard Side
01:31:15 - 04/05 Sea Dive Death
01:32:55 - 07 Phone-Call
01:34:40 - 06/07 Electrical Hazard Death
01:35:35 - 11 Death (Gas)

01:37:25 - Engineering (First Visit)
01:46:40 - "Look At All This Mess!" Achievement
01:49:10 - 12 Death (Death by Monster - Addair)
01:53:10 - "Compression Ignition" Achievement
01:58:55 - "Into the Belly of the Beast" Achievement
01:58:10 - 08 Phone-Call

02:01:15 - LEG A & LEG B
02:02:05 - 13 Death (Fall while crossing pipeline)
02:03:50 - 06/19 Crew Member Body
02:08:55 - "Greased Scotsman" Achievement
02:09:10 - 07/19 Crew Member Body (he is in your way, no need to interact. Caz will make a remark after getting out of water)
02:09:30 - "Cerebral Anoxia" Achievement
02:12:25 - 08/19 Crew Member Body
02:13:40 - 09/19 Crew Member Body
02:19:10 - 10/19 Crew Member Body
02:19:40 - 14 Death (Death by Monster - O'Connor)
02:19:55 - "Finlay Destination" Achievement
02:23:20 - "Surfacing" Achievement

02:23:40 - Processing Quad (Accommodation)
02:24:00 - Heater (Electrical Appliance)
02:24:20 - 09 Phone-Call
02:26:20 - 10 Phone-Call
02:36:05 - "Beacon in the Dark" Achievement
02:36:30 - 05/05 Sea Dive Death
02:36:35 - "Full Fathom Five" Achievement

02:41:25 - Engineering (Second Visit)
02:47:10 - 07/07 Electrical Hazard Death
02:47:20 - "Not so Good with the 'Leccy" Achievement

02:51:25 - Accommodation (Third Visit)
02:51:30 - "Treading Water" Achievement
02:51:40 - Heater (Electrical Appliance)
02:52:05 - 11 Phone-Call
02:54:10 - 11/19 Crew Member Body (Automatic, unmissable)
02:54:30 - 12/19 Crew Member Body (Automatic, unmissable)
02:55:25 - 13/19 Crew Member Body
02:55:55 - 14/19 Crew Member Body (two bodies, count as one)
02:56:40 - 15/19 Crew Member Body (Automatic, unmissable)
02:57:20 - 16/19 Crew Member Body
02:57:40 - "Snoop" Achievement
02:57:50 - "Me and My Spoon" Achievement

02:58:45 - Roof and Marine Control
02:58:50 - "Beaufort Eleven" Achievement
03:01:00 - 12 Phone-Call
03:06:00 - 17/19 Crew Member Body
03:09:25 - "Good with the 'Leccy" Achievement
03:10:00 - "Leviathan" Achievement
03:14:05 - 13 Phone-Call
03:14:20 - "Clear Down" Achievement
03:16:30 - "The Drowning of Davey Rennick" Achievement
03:16:35 - 18/19 Crew Member Body (Unmissable, Probably Rennick's)

03:17:35 - Drill Ops
03:23:05 - 18/19 Crew Member Body (Unmissable, Finlay's)
03:25:10 - "Body Count" Achievement

03:25:35 - Derrick
03:25:40 - "The Horror Sings" Achievement

03:27:15 - Epilogue

After Credits:
03:31:30 - "Still Wakes The Deep" Achievement
03:31:40 - "Walking Simulator" Achievement
03:31:50 - "Bheir an cuan a chuid fhèin a-mach" Achievement

03:31:55 - Subscribe!

22 Jun 2024 09:48


Before starting the game, head into the options menu and tab over to the 'Accessibility' settings. Switch the language to the 'Gaidhlig (An Rioghachd Aonaichte)' option. Now, start the game and complete it with this language setting switched on. The spoken language is still English, so don't worry about not being able to understand what's going on.

To start the game, go to 'Toiseach Geama Ur'.

Note: Changing the language after you start the game will not unlock this trophy.