Street Fighter 6

Street Fighter 6

44 Achievements


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Dominating Like a Ninja

Dominating Like a Ninja

Ninja can leap staircases in a single bound, but there's no skipping steps in training. Win 10 matches in a Tournament. It won't be easy, but you can do it.


How to unlock the Dominating Like a Ninja achievement in Street Fighter 6 - Definitive Guide

The description is incorrect, you only need to win ten tournament matches. If you're having trouble getting wins at your current rank and it's higher than rookie, you can register for rookie tournaments with characters you've not gone to ranked with yet, giving you a higher chance to get your wins.

08 Jun 2023 03:52

Any idea winning against someone and advancing in the tournament counts as 2 wins? Or does winning the set cound as 1 match?
By conjuicytar on 08 Jun 2023 08:33
Any ideas how to even access tournaments? I started see it appears yesterday but found no way to entered.
By ParadoxReal8 on 08 Jun 2023 14:07
@paradoxreal8 check this :
Better quit work or skip sleep….
By Just1fire on 08 Jun 2023 14:50
@conjuicytar Winning the set counts as winning 2 matches
By qb TOXIN dp on 08 Jun 2023 21:42
this shit is dumb af! not only is every game laggy coz they dont give a fuck about Australia, but these timed tournaments are also at fucking 4 in the morning?! WHY???
By Meridian 4CK on 08 Jun 2023 22:04
@just1fire thanks for the link.
Should be easier on weekends
By ParadoxReal8 on 09 Jun 2023 01:19
@anti maker, if you just search for matches, you should be put with other Australians, that's what I've been doing, even when I join a non Oceania server
By TeleBoy123 on 10 Jun 2023 00:41
Soo are tournaments just gone for the time being? I dont see anything on that site anymore
By conjuicytar on 10 Jun 2023 06:02
@conjuicytar Yeah, they were so damn laggy and one of just automatically made every participant disconnect, so Capcom pulled them from the schedule for now. Who knows when they'll come back.
By Alex Sobecki on 11 Jun 2023 10:41
There are no tournaments, how are you guys getting the acheivement
By Omega7425634 on 12 Jun 2023 06:43
@Omega7425634 Read the comment above you and maybe you'll get the answer
By Alex Sobecki on 12 Jun 2023 14:59
Looks like there has been a small update to the game but tournaments are still offline it would appear.
By DirtyI30 on 13 Jun 2023 20:48
Not starting this game until they change the requirements for this stupid ass achievement. Come on, Capcom. Be realistic.
By The SCHWARTZ 00 on 15 Jun 2023 17:20
^ is this bait
By PRTM CLUESCROL on 16 Jun 2023 08:38
@The SCHWARTZ 00 Not the brightest decision to make when it comes to a fighting game(s) the idea is to win 10 matches, you will struggle to do that if you are just starting the game, all while everyone around you has been playing the game and has had weeks/months of experience, your best bet is to play the game get decent and get all the other achievements while Capcom works out the kinks. But hey you keep complaining I'm sure that will help.
By lolsodapop on 16 Jun 2023 16:40
Agree. When it comes to online achievements and especially for Fighting games, you're better playing it sooner than later if you don't want having to boost it with another player. Its already hard to just win cabinet matches. It seems the battle hub is full of pro players now. Glad I did it on the first 2-3 days after launch.

Ironically, ranked matches are a better option for beginners right now because you'll play against people of your skills.
By So Young on 17 Jun 2023 05:15
Hello does anyone have any idea when they are live or any type of schedule anywhere
By BaronVoNewman on 17 Jun 2023 12:08
I’ve been playing Street Fighter for 30 years.

I anticipate it will take me 100 matches over several years to knock this out.
By VincibleOcean71 on 17 Jun 2023 12:55
Yeah the fact the tournaments are busted and mightn't be back up for months means this will be very difficult to get cos obv n00bs will have moved on and, like any game, only pros will be left. Hopefully the tourneys have some kind of ranking cut-offs or something so u arent just getting blitzed right away.
By Iggsy81 on 18 Jun 2023 06:36
why there are not Tournaments aviliable, how it works or we need to wait longer ??
By Quancro on 19 Jun 2023 03:38
So apparently, there are tourneys tomorrow with the recent release of Rashid, but I can’t figure out how to ‘register.’

Do I need to wait until like an hour before the tourney start times?

Also can anyone elaborate more on these “Entry Requirements” and Ranks of Rookie, Bronze, Silver ~ Gold, etc? I imagine you have to start in Rookie brackets only, until you can work your rank up?
By ClaytThaGreat on 26 Jul 2023 00:46
Tournament Sign Ups go live 1 hour before the tournament... Problem is, an error pops every time I try to join.

It might be because everyone is trying at the same time, but still, doesn't seem to be working properly yet.
By RetiredRinne on 26 Jul 2023 10:29
This sucks.
By CrestfallenSilk on 27 Jul 2023 20:15
How do I look for future tournaments? On the event schedule website I can’t seem to go forward to look at future days. I even logged in and everything.
By Hell Kaiser Ryu on 27 Jul 2023 22:44
If these tournaments will be able to be boosted me and a buddy are looking to boost, my gt is my user and his is APEX N3RD
By Kaiser Monke on 29 Jul 2023 15:27
Also looking to boost this when tournaments are available. My gt is HYPEMACH1NE
By HYPEMACH1NE on 29 Jul 2023 23:36
By Matches, since Tournaments are First to 2, if you progress to Round 2 does that count as 2 Match Wins?
By PJTierney on 18 Aug 2023 12:56
Eliminating an opponent and advancing to the next bracket actually counts as 2 wins, because you play in sets of best out of three. I eliminated two folks in my first tourney for 4/10, nobody in my second tournament, then three opponents in my third and most recent one for my final 6/10 and the achievement popped. I don't have the enter 5 tournaments one yet though.

Tourneys are rare and only reliably announced in the in-game news section less than 24 hours in advance. Hopefully in the future they will be much more common, held at better times, and better advertised. 8 AM Eastern on a Friday? Really? Why not at least the night time? Best of luck to everyone.
By Agent101g on 18 Aug 2023 14:07
@Agent101g Yesterday, it was at midnight for me. I tried at first but then I thought "Man, you need to wake up at 5am for work, what are you doing?" So, I'll try next time. Hopefully, It will be easier soon. But, all the rest of the game was really easier than I thought, achievements related so it's not that bad.
By ParadoxReal8 on 22 Aug 2023 14:50
I want to give everyone a heads up that there will be three tournaments on September 3rd which is Sunday. The first is at 9am est. The second is at 4pm est. The third is at 11pm est.
By PRSNightfire on 02 Sep 2023 12:47
Disconnected from the tournament immediately lol
By SG1 Stelson on 03 Sep 2023 13:04
How do you sign up for tournaments? Do you have to a certain rank? I haven't played ranked yet.
By IM THA MECHANIC on 03 Sep 2023 13:21
You need to play the placement matches in ranked first
By SG1 Stelson on 03 Sep 2023 16:20
This game is a train wreck that should be banished to the pits of hell.
By OdorlessFurball on 03 Sep 2023 20:42
lol. The tournaments really are broken beyond belief.
By CrestfallenSilk on 03 Sep 2023 20:51
So I was playing and my opponent was really nice. After defeating me easily in the first game he just freely let me win the second game of three. Then he nearly double perfected me in the third, but this is what everyone on this site should do. If you happen to win the first game, trade a win with your opponent so at least they get some progress on the ten wins. If everyone does this they should eventually get the achievement if they just put in the time to enter how ever many tournaments they need.
By Hell Kaiser Ryu on 04 Sep 2023 03:19
I disagree; the tournaments themselves worked fine today.

Please keep posting here when the next are announced.
By Spirochaete on 04 Sep 2023 03:21
No, The first tournament today had people disconnect including my opponent which made me not get any progress on wins against them. They are working better but here and there and for certain tournaments people are having issues.
By CrestfallenSilk on 04 Sep 2023 03:31

It appears there are a bunch of tournaments this week, hopefully this is the norm now (remember to convert to your own time zone)
By SG1 Stelson on 04 Sep 2023 05:09
The first tournament yesterday morning at 9 AM East time worked perfectly for me, I was being able to win my first set before being eliminated on the second turn but I was disconnected from the servers 2 minutes before yesterday last tournament at 11PM. US server 009 and 011 were both down just before the tourneys, making them impossible to take place.

Very disappointing. I fear that Capcom will bring them down again as the issues are still very present.
By So Young on 04 Sep 2023 07:39
How do you even enter ? I can see there's an event counter in BH now with tourneys listed (which btw i have no idea when they are since i dont know what time zone they are referring to there) but dont know how to join them. Do you have to wait till it's within an hour of starting or something?
By Iggsy81 on 04 Sep 2023 11:15
The in-game time at the event counter should be the local time for you. You can't join until an hour before the start time and you need to be in the specified server when the tournament begins. Also there a limited spaces available (yay....)
By SG1 Stelson on 04 Sep 2023 12:13
Yea how do you join the tournament lol, I've done my placement matches.
By HYPEMACH1NE on 04 Sep 2023 12:19
The timing is still doing my head in. Going to that website linked above and sorting to my own timezone gives me different times to what i get in game at the event counter. I was all set for the "9 pm tourney" (i am in aus) and it turns out it's 11 pm now. That website is 2 hours off somehow.
By Iggsy81 on 05 Sep 2023 10:09
At this point, I’m gonna give a free win to whoever my opponent is on the first game so they hopefully understand that this is boosting. Then they give me a free win and the third game’s legit.
By Hell Kaiser Ryu on 05 Sep 2023 20:17
If that doesn’t work within the next two tournaments I’ll try to set a boost session with close to everyone trying to get these on the site. We’ll join in one server for one of the tournaments. It’s still going to be really hard, because there’s 32 people in a tournament and getting two boosters together is a million to one shot. At least with a lot of people the odds will be higher.
By Hell Kaiser Ryu on 05 Sep 2023 20:45
I got the achievement today and just to clarify if you get a free by to the next round of the tournament because not enough people entered or somebody quit then sadly it doesn't count towards this achievement. I'd seen on another website somebody say they do count but this isn't true.
By BLOWFISH666 on 05 Sep 2023 21:18
It’s not difficult due to months of not playing it’s hard because only the people who know what they’re doing and achievement hunters are playing the game right now. If this was launch it wouldn’t be that bad, due to all the new players, but they’re all gone now. I’m genuinely thinking of a way of Xbox and PlayStation players mass boosting this, because that might be the only obtainable route for many. Just flud one server with boosters so that they make up 60-75% of the people in the tournament.
By Hell Kaiser Ryu on 05 Sep 2023 22:47
I saw tournaments in-game yesterday but today they're gone again?
By DirtyI30 on 05 Sep 2023 23:51
Yeah it looks like they removed them again? The website still says they are on but i can't see any either so they must've pulled them again. Great, now we wait another month or two lmao.
By Iggsy81 on 06 Sep 2023 06:18
Yeah, I saw them again after refresh, entered and won one. As suggested above, in early matches of the tournament, I gave my opponent a win in the second set.
By DirtyI30 on 06 Sep 2023 21:45
I was also thinking about setting up a larger boosting session and seeing if we can get enough people to at least mostly control a tourney server.

Trade Wins and then best man wins the match that advances.

I’m having a hard time too. Got placed in Iron with Ken, then placed Rookie with Ryu to see if I could get weaker opponents, but so far, not really.

If I can successfully pull of the 24 person Forza Motorsport sessions, I feel like this can be done near just as effectively.
By ClaytThaGreat on 07 Sep 2023 03:19
I saw there were tournaments yesterday at 9pm BST and I couldn't figure out how to sign up? I tried loggin back in at 9 but saw the tournaments were full. I guess you can only enter 15 - 30 minutes before or something?
But alongside that tournament I saw there were tournaments at 4 today so I've logged on today and now all the tournaments are gone? What is going on?
By AlteredScotsman on 07 Sep 2023 15:01
You can only sign up the hour before a tournament starts. None showing for me right now either.
By DirtyI30 on 07 Sep 2023 18:56
I set up sessions for this weekend for the afternoon and evening tournaments. I’ve participated in five so far, so I know how they work. If people are interested in some guaranteed wins, please sign up and join me!
By ClaytThaGreat on 08 Sep 2023 23:16
Whoever is still going for this achievement try and join the sessions tomorrow!
By IM THA MECHANIC on 10 Sep 2023 03:57
More sessions up y’all
By CracklyKlover on 03 Oct 2023 22:53
Quick question: do you have to win 10 sets (win Best out of Three 10 times) or 10 matches within those sets?
By The Hammer Hart on 04 Oct 2023 02:14
Quick question: do you have to win 10 sets (win Best out of Three 10 times) or 10 matches within those sets?
By The Hammer Hart on 04 Oct 2023 03:18
Winning a set means two matches out of 10.
By RIG 1807 on 04 Oct 2023 20:51
I have a question, I just signed up for tournament and got in, got my achievement for my first tournament participation, when the match was about to start I got kicked for inactivity, even though I was on the game and was active before the fight, however I had left my Xbox alone for the hour from 8pm to 9pm, does that count as me being inactive, next time I attempt this, will I have to keep active on the game while waiting for the tournament to start?
By Rokuzuya on 05 Oct 2023 20:32
This is painstaking for me - im bronze and the only ppl entering these open tourneys are almost all master/platinum/diamond et al. I scoured today the tourneys and i found one server that ONE silver guy in it and joined that hoping i would get him, luckily i did and somehow i won a match lmao, my second one only ever.

If they dont bring back the rank-restricted tourneys this is going to be a very, very long process. The rank restricted tourneys are fine tho, happy to do it that way legit but they seem to hardly ever have them.
By Iggsy81 on 07 Oct 2023 03:52
Each round is best of three matches. I got this after progressing rounds 5 times, so you can get 2 wins per matchup.
By Poopdog M60Riot on 08 Oct 2023 20:46
be on the lookout for posts in lobby chat like "Tbag for trophies"--that's PlayStation talk for "let's boost."

Got my 10th that way today.
By Spirochaete on 04 Nov 2023 13:17
Hello guys,

I need someone to boost this achievement.
Europe time Zone.

GT : Monsieur Maire
By Jay Kriiis on 06 Jan 2024 09:23
Is this accumulative? Can I win 5 in one tournament and 5 more in another?
By MauriceLePen on 17 Jan 2024 12:41
Yes you can.
By Novice Manyu on 24 Jan 2024 06:32
They seem to keep trying and then calling it off. Even the news items about timings keep disappearing! Nice would be if they would communicate properly wtf is going on! And also they could make the timing a lot clearer across regions.
By mvon007 on 27 Jul 2023 19:18
They clearly drop the ball for the online part. Its been almost 2 months after launch and we still can't do tournaments properly and no sign/explications of when/how exactly it works, why all these long delays and how exactly we can sign in. There's also many other things that makes the online broken since launch but I'll keep it for myself cause its not the place to elaborate more than I already said.
By So Young on 29 Jul 2023 10:04
This is stupid! Nobodies giving wins now. Most people in tournaments are there for achievements or trophies. Let the other person win 1 time so at least they get some progress and not waste their time.
By Hell Kaiser Ryu on 05 Sep 2023 20:12
Well i finally entered one tourney and got smoked by all, as expected. I'm only bronze and haven't played the game for a couple months (due to no tourneys) and as i said in a comment way above, the longer the wait, the harder it is gonna be to win. I sure hope there are some rank restricted tourneys or something where i can play people near my own level rather than all plats/diamonds in tourneys cos otherwise this is gonna take years lmao.
By Iggsy81 on 05 Sep 2023 20:16
@Rokuzuya: No, you can leave the game after registering to the tournament, but must be at the correct server when it begins. I registered to one tournament on october 3rd, and then quit to play Jedi Survivor for 50 minutes before returning and entering the server I had signed in. I could play with no problem, and won one set that day.

I can also confirm that, despite it being a FT2 format, if your opponent doesn't show it or disconnects it won't give you the 2 wins for that set. I won one set on october 3rd and by some miracle I managed to win the whole tournament on october 4th. Despite me winning 5 sets that day, the first set didn't count since my opponent disconnected, so it only popped after I had won the whole thing. In summary: If your opponent doesn't show or disconnects, it doesn't give you the wins.
By RiddleMeThis JE on 06 Oct 2023 20:03
It's still doable. I'm not a pro, just a "normal" player mostly at bronze rank on all my most used characters and I managed to have 3/10 wins for now. The best chance you'll have is to participate on the rank-restricted tournaments. They come every 1 or 2 days in rotations with the no-restrictions tourneys. Sadly, even at Bronze for me it could be a real challenge, but I'll eventually do it. The bad part is I can't play ranked anymore with my mains characters until I get this achievement because I don't want to rank up and now be restricted on an higher rank for the tourneys so its a little annoying.

Personally I never stop playing since launch because I love this game but yeah, it could be brutal if you come back after 2-3 months, even for bronze players.

EDIT : Wait for the end of the in-game day for the refresh, it will shows the new tourneys for the upcoming day. At East time, its at 3AM, basically we're 30 minutes away from a refresh as I write this.
By So Young on 06 Sep 2023 06:24
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Guide taken from my TrueSteamAchievements written by my Steam Account "The Hammer Hart"

Easily the toughest achievement in Street Fighter 6.

The achievement description is misleading; you only have to win 10 Tournament MATCHES, not entire tournaments.

Tournaments occur 3 times a day (6:00am, 1:00pm and 11:00pm depending on timezone). However, tournaments DO NOT occur every day. Updates on how long tournaments run for are posted in the 'News' section of the Main Menu.

Depending on your skill level, try to enter tournaments with lots of people as that will increase your chances of being matched up with someone near your rank. Characters like JP, Guile, Manon, E. Honda and Zangief are good to use for either Modern or Classic Controls as Guile and JP have great zoning while the latter deal high damage in short bursts.

The maximum entry for tournaments are 32 players, but there are numerous tourney sessions to choose from, meaning you can potentially set-up a tournament where TrueAchievement members can give each other wins.

IMPORTANT: Wins only count if you win a match (e.g. going 2-0 against a player will net you two wins) and receiving a bye in a round or your opponent disconnecting will NOT give you a win unless you won a match before they disconnected.

Good luck everybody! Took me 350 hours with some training to get every achievement, so make sure to hit the lab and practice clap

04 Nov 2023 08:28

Right now tournaments are pretty rare. This guide may become obsolete if they become active all the time, or Capcom changes the timing of everything.

From my experience Capcom has two types of tournaments: separated by rank, and open.

For separated by rank the best thing you can do is keep your main character in rookie tier so you can always do the rookie tournaments to try and get wins.

In the open tournaments you can attempt to set up boosting with a partner.

I did this with a friend. We were both North America, Pacific Standard time. The tournaments, so far, are pretty consistently ran at 6am, 1pm and 8pm.

What we realized was that the servers of North America, South America, Europe and Asia all ran different sets of tournaments. You do not have to only sign up for your region's servers.

If you are going for the 6am stay on the North America servers. Not a lot of people plaything then.

If you are going for the 1pm go to the Asia servers. It's the middle of the night there so less people.

If you are going for the 8pm tournament do the European servers.

The goal is to join a tournment with as few people as possible. You will never find a completely empty tournament, but if there are 1 or 2 people with you that is basically a 50% chance that you guys will be matched up with each other. If you do get matched up then you can have one person win one match and the other person win 2.

It's still a long process but boosted wins are better than having to get good amirite?

18 Oct 2023 20:53

Right now tournaments are pretty rare. This guide may become obsolete if they become active all the time, or Capcom changes the timing of everything.

From my experience Capcom has two types of tournaments: separated by rank, and open.

For separated by rank the best thing you can do is keep your main character in rookie tier so you can always do the rookie tournaments to try and get wins.

In the open tournaments you can attempt to set up boosting with a partner.

I did this with a friend. We were both North America, Pacific Standard time. The tournaments, so far, are pretty consistently ran at 6am, 1pm and 8pm.

What we realized was that the servers of North America, South America, Europe and Asia all ran different sets of tournaments. You do not have to only sign up for your region's servers.

If you are going for the 6am stay on the North America servers. Not a lot of people plaything then.

If you are going for the 1pm go to the Asia servers. It's the middle of the night there so less people.

If you are going for the 8pm tournament do the European servers.

The goal is to join a tournment with as few people as possible. You will never find a completely empty tournament, but if there are 1 or 2 people with you that is basically a 50% chance that you guys will be matched up with each other. If you do get matched up then you can have one person win one match and the other person win 2.

It's still a long process but boosted wins are better than having to get good amirite?

18 Oct 2023 20:53

1 Comment
I'm from Asia, and I could use a little help tournament win boosting.
Also, the time zone you mentioned in those posts, are those calculated in PST, EST or anything else?
By Rei1026 on 15 Jan 2024 15:34
Right now tournaments are pretty rare. This guide may become obsolete if they become active all the time, or Capcom changes the timing of everything.

From my experience Capcom has two types of tournaments: separated by rank, and open.

For separated by rank the best thing you can do is keep your main character in rookie tier so you can always do the rookie tournaments to try and get wins.

In the open tournaments you can attempt to set up boosting with a partner.

I did this with a friend. We were both North America, Pacific Standard time. The tournaments, so far, are pretty consistently ran at 6am, 1pm and 8pm.

What we realized was that the servers of North America, South America, Europe and Asia all ran different sets of tournaments. You do not have to only sign up for your region's servers.

If you are going for the 6am stay on the North America servers. Not a lot of people plaything then.

If you are going for the 1pm go to the Asia servers. It's the middle of the night there so less people.

If you are going for the 8pm tournament do the European servers.

The goal is to join a tournment with as few people as possible. You will never find a completely empty tournament, but if there are 1 or 2 people with you that is basically a 50% chance that you guys will be matched up with each other. If you do get matched up then you can have one person win one match and the other person win 2.

It's still a long process but boosted wins are better than having to get good amirite?

18 Oct 2023 20:53

Currently, the trophy is knocked out quite easily. Tournaments are now held every weekend, three times a day. That is, you can try to win as many as six times a week. It is best to do it on European servers, not such skilled players. As mentioned above, it is better to knock out at the lower ranks if the tournament is ranked. If it's on the characters, then it's just luck. You can also write in the Hub chat that you need help, quite often players give you one game to win, which also counts. (That is, there will be 3 games in total with one opponent). It took me 10 tournaments to get knocked out. a trophy. Good luck to everyone.

04 Mar 2024 06:30

For this achievement you only need to win 10 Tournament FIGHTS, not ten full tournaments. So you can keep trying to work toward this over time. A match win is counted toward this achievement if you win two rounds and get a point scored in a best of three tournament round.
Tournaments will generally run three times per day when they happen, which is not every day. You can check the full schedule HERE. Every round of the tournament is best of three matches, so if you get an easy opponent you can grab two wins from them. The tournaments are set either by rank, or "open" which means you could get matches with a veteran/high-ranked player and you're likely going to lose those. Most people are nice and if you ask in chat prior to the start of the tournament, they'll agree to trade wins in the first two matches and then fight for real in the third to move on to the next round.

You can try to boost this achievement by joining the same tournament as a friend and hope you get matched against each other. You can also try to join a tournament from a different server if the timing would help. For instance, if you join the first tournament of the day, join North America (will be 5am on the west coast, 8am on the east coast) and if you join the last tournament of the day, join Asia (will be the middle of the night over there) - this will give you the best chance to be in a tournament with less players.

Tournament sign-ups go live one hour before the scheduled time, be sure to register so you can participate, and get to the correct server at the start time that matches the tournament you signed up for!

Note: You must win 20 matches at the two-sided cabinets first before you can enter a regular tournament (A). The open tournament (B) does not require anything. Also note for the "Grand Prix" tournament type you can only enter once for the entire thing, even if it goes across multiple days. For any other tournament you should be able to join each individual session.

Note 2: It would be nice if you win your first match of the best of three, stand still and purposely lose the second to give your opponent a free win. Then obviously try legit for the third match so you can get two wins if possible and move on to the next round. However, this does run the risk of losing the third match and getting knocked out of the tournament, removing the chance of more wins in the next round. So trying to be nice is great but could run the risk of making this take longer with random opponents!
Easily the toughest achievement in Street Fighter 6.

The achievement description is misleading; you only have to win 10 Tournament MATCHES, not entire tournaments.

Tournaments occur 3 times a day (6:00am, 1:00pm and 11:00pm). However, tournaments DO NOT occur every day. Updates on how long tournaments run for are posted in the 'News' section of the Main Menu.

Depending on your skill level, try to enter tournaments with lots of people as that will increase your chances of being matched up with someone near your rank. Characters like JP, Guile, Manon, E. Honda and Zangief are good to use for either Modern or Classic Controls as Guile and JP have great zoning while the latter deal high damage in short bursts.

The maximum entry for tournaments are 32 players, but there are numerous tourney sessions to choose from, meaning you can potentially set-up a tournament where True Steam Achievement members can give each other wins.

IMPORTANT: Wins only count if you win a set (e.g. going 2-0 against a player will net you two wins) and receiving a bye in a round or your opponent disconnecting will NOT give you a win unless you won a game before they disconnected.

Good luck everybody! Took me 350 hours with some training to get every achievement, so make sure to hit the lab and practice clap

17 Oct 2023 00:00

Tournaments are held up to 2 victories, according to the single elimination scheme. Any victory in each set counts. That is, a 2-0 victory gives +2 to the trophy.

21 Jun 2023 15:57

1 Comment
I advise you to join the bronze or silver league, noobs play there.
By infamos15 on 17 Apr 2024 14:04
One of the hardest trophies in the game. Participate in tournaments according to the rating and preferably at the lowest one. There will be a higher chance of winning. Tournaments are currently only held on weekends.

20 Mar 2024 10:00