Street Fighter 6

Street Fighter 6

44 Achievements


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Entranced by Battle

Entranced by Battle

Having an audience changes everything...and turns a mere fight into thrilling spectacle. Spectate a Battle Hub Match, and bear witness to glory.


How to unlock the Entranced by Battle achievement in Street Fighter 6 - Definitive Guide

This guy again lol. Head to Battle Grounds and join whichever server you like (hopefully a full one) and walk over to an occupied arcade cabinet around the plex circle with two different players currently playing then press cn_A and choose the spectate option to watch the two duke it out.

Hope this helps, feel free to add me on SF6 to send a like my way in the game for the 600 achievements so I can update that achievement for progress on here for all the future world warriors of SF6 achievement hunting community. Thanks again!

02 Jun 2023 04:03

You'll have to wait until one of the two-sided cabinets in the Battle Hub has two people challening each other, then you can approach them and press button-a.png to spectate them for this achievement.
In the Battle HUB we approach the “Slot Machine” where two players are already playing. Click and observe.
PS The trophy is given immediately, so there is no need to watch it.

03 Jun 2023 08:31