Street Fighter 6

Street Fighter 6

44 Achievements


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Joining the Pack

Joining the Pack

A lone wolf is strong, but they're far more fearsome if they have a pack to call their own. So go on—try making some friends!


How to unlock the Joining the Pack achievement in Street Fighter 6 - Definitive Guide

Send a friend request in Battle Hub to someone and you will earn the achievement while it is pending too. So the person doesn't have to actually accept friend request

01 Jun 2023 15:00

In this guide we will show you how to send Friend Requests in Street Fighter 6 and earn the “Joining the Pack” Achievement/Trophy.

The strongest friendships are forged in the fires of relentless battles in Street Fighter 6.

So if after 20 battles with the same opponent or if you simply like a player's Avatar you want to add him to your friend list, all you have to do is send him a Friend Request.

To send a Friend Request and earn the “Joining the Pack” Achievement/Trophy simply approach a player's Avatar in the Battle Hub, then tap View Info and then select the Send Friend Request option.


03 Jun 2023 12:53

You need to send a friend request to someone in the CFN for this achievement. Simply view someone's profile after a match or in the Battle Hub, and send a request out to unlock the achievement.
All you need to do is send a friend request to another player.

IMPORTANT! The trophy is not given if you accept a request from another player, only if you send it yourself.

03 Jun 2023 08:02