Street Fighter 6

Street Fighter 6

44 Achievements


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King of the Ring

King of the Ring

Starting to get used to competition? Then set your sights on winning 30 Battle Hub matches. Gotta give yourself a challenge if you want to get anywhere in life.


How to unlock the King of the Ring achievement in Street Fighter 6 - Definitive Guide

Well, if you're really good at this game you might unlock this at the same time as There's Always Time for Training! (40G) but likely you'll need to play a few more - win 30 total matches in the Battle Hub for this achievement by sitting down at one of the two-sided arcade machines and waiting for someone to challenge you, or find a machine with someone already sitting at it and challenge them. If you can find a friend to boost with, you can have them stand still and keep challenging each other in an empty server to get this done extremely quickly.