Street Fighter 6

Street Fighter 6

44 Achievements


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The Grand Jeté of 100 Battles

The Grand Jeté of 100 Battles

Fight 100 online battles via Fighting Ground. What's that? Too difficult, you say? If you wish to take on the world, there can be no other path.


How to unlock the The Grand Jeté of 100 Battles achievement in Street Fighter 6 - Definitive Guide

For those wondering if this achievement can be obtained outside of ranked and or casual matches, I am here to confirm that yes indeed you can play in private rooms with a friend and earn the achievement this way as well.

Just head to fighting ground and scroll all the way to the right to the Online mode and then scroll down to Custom Room and press cn_A from here you will scroll down to Create Room and press cn_A again, you will then need to press cn_RB twice to get to Room settings. From here make sure that Players is set to 2 and that Reserved Slots is set to 1 and that Privacy is set to either Private or Friends Only, finally scroll down to Create Room and press cn_A.

All you need to do is simply invite a friend or fellow booster and boost your 100 online FG matches (win or lose it does not matter)

EXTRA NOTE: You can set the rounds to 1 and quickly cut the time it takes to boost this is literally half.

One other thing to add, some of my friends have played more than 100 matches in rooms and had to play at least one ranked match in order for the achievement to officially pop, so don't panic if you swear that you have played over 100 games in custom rooms, the chances are you just need to go and get beat up in ranked.

Hope this helps.

It goes without saying but this is an Achievement Hunting based website so if you would like to do it the legit way then that is entirely up to you, do not harass or leave ridiculous comments poking at this guide and at those who wished to find a quicker solution and an efficient way of quickly obtaining an achievement thanks.

04 Jun 2023 21:41

Anyone want to boost this? Send me a message on Xbox. xTaxSquatchx.
By xTacSquatchx on 12 Jun 2023 19:06
Nao consegui te add a minha é RobsonSouz jogo no Xbox
By Rafael A Souz on 13 Jun 2023 00:53
If im in battle hub, and allow ranked / casual matches, what do those count as? They arent battle hub matches are they? so are they FG, or do i specifically need to go to FG menu first?
By Iggsy81 on 21 Jun 2023 07:52
Anyone wanna do the online cheevos add me
By Deathdealer1776 on 16 Jul 2023 17:18
Anyone want this let me know.
By Joe Cobra on 07 Oct 2023 21:32
im ready to boost this. msg me
By xxBOYSETSFIRExx on 26 Jan 2024 19:45
Anyone want to do that with me my gamertag is on my profile thanks
By Hiró Obunâga on 27 Feb 2024 11:51
I wondered why the percentages were so high on this lol. I just got done with my 100 ranked matches and was like surely not 14% of players on Xbox have done that. But yeah I guess not necessarily!

The whole division with battle hub and fighting ground is weird. I don't think you can be in the hub while waiting for ranked matches. You do need to go into fighting ground and set it to wait. Then you -can- do things like arcade or training while you wait, but it does not make that obvious, and it is certainly a step down from SFIV's simple arcade fight request, but somehow arcade was a much more important part of the game then, and it was where I spent most of my time!

Also odd is the battle pass thing relying on kudos, which are way way slower to get in world tour and single player in general, so they are really pushing the mp modes!
By mvon007 on 23 Jun 2023 20:42
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In the Fighting Grounds section of the game, fight any 100 online battles to unlock this achievement. If you have a boosting partner, you can do this in a custom room and change the rounds to win down to one to speed things up. However, you may need to complete one ranked or casual match through matchmaking to unlock the achievement after that (doesn't seem to be required but a few people have reported they needed to do so). Matches played in Ranked, Casual, and Custom all count toward this.