Street Fighter 6
44 Achievements
First Encounters
Start by fighting a match in the Battle Hub. It doesn't matter if you win or lose. What matters is challenging yourself to take that first step.
How to unlock the First Encounters achievement in Street Fighter 6 - Definitive Guide
This one is simple enough, go to the battle hub (should be the middle panel on the mode select) and sit down at one of the many arcades in the ring around the plex and wait for a fighter to challenge you, or better yet look for an arcade set up with one person already sitting on it and sit down and challenge them, either way, have fun and of course, this can be boosted with a friend by join whatever server they are in and doing so for other achievements linked in the battle up. Hope this helps, feel free to add me on SF6 to send a like my way in the game for the 600 achievements so I can update that achievement for progress on here for all the future world warriors of SF6 achievement hunting community. Thanks again!
Earned by playing for first match in the Battle Hub. Simply sit down at one of the arcade cabinets and fight someone
See There's Always Time for Training! (40G) for more info.
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