Styx: Shards of Darkness

Styx: Shards of Darkness

38 Achievements


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Goblin Master

Goblin Master

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How to unlock the Goblin Master achievement in Styx: Shards of Darkness - Definitive Guide

Warning !!! I confirm that success is bug. I have all the successes and he can not unlock.warning

16 Mar 2017 15:29

Hey, everybody, I don't know if this will work, but it's worth a shot.

At the beginning of the month, I got a cheery e-mail from Focus Home Entertainment about them opening up the official Styx: Shards of Darkness Forum.

So I signed up and posted the second thread in their "Tech" section entitled "Fix the Bloody 'Goblin Master' Achievement Already' and after a week, someone from Focus responded. Unfortunately, they're clueless about the issue. But a clueless response is better than total silence from Cyanide.

So, how 'bout everyone go to this link:

Sign up for the forum and start posting in my thread. Be sure to let him know you're playing on XBOX One.
By AllOvaMyself on 14 Jul 2017 15:22
@FullMoonBeaver - Yeah, it'll never get fixed.

Cyanide has moved on to Space Hulk and Call of Cthulhu (just a little reminder to not buy these games, kids!) so the only real way of still hammering them with this is telling them it's the reason you're not buying any further games from them.

But, just as they've done in the past, anything you post that's critical of them or mentions them fixing Styx will get deleted. They truly do not give a shit about fixing Styx: Shards of Darkness. I mean, shit, the game's been out for nearly a year and a half and the only person even remotely connected to it I was able to get to talk about the issue was some dickhead from FHE who explained to me how Cyanide botched the achievement list by sending the PS4 trophy code to Microsoft by mistake. He then went on to literally claim that fixing it was too hard and then stopped replying to messages at all.

And what makes this more irritating is that Styx: Shards of Darkness is a great little stealth game that I can't recommend to anyone because of 1 goddamned achievement...
By AllOvaMyself on 20 Jul 2018 16:37
Well, everyone, my little scheme to get Focus Home Entertainment to respond to us has borne fruit. However, not one of you is going to like it.

From FHE Associate Line Producer Xenohenhiem:

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the delay in the answer.

Indeed, the information about the Xbox One platform clarifies the issue.

This achievement is indeed not unlockable. (Though it doesn't prevent you from gaining the 1000G)

This was part of a technical mistake from the dev team which uploaded the PS4 Achievement List instead of the Xbox One. Goblin Master being the "Platinum Trophy".

Problem is : The technical and localization conundrum to get it removed was too much for the team before release. (Seriously guys, it is NOT easy and getting a maximum of polish for the main game was a priority).

However, it's impossible to remove an Achievement once the game is released.
As TAC14SPECOPS said, replacing the achievement or changing the code in-depth would maybe do the trick but Cyanide and Focus are still small teams and we don't have the resources at the moment.

We're, again, truly sorry for this situation.
We hope it won't prevent you from having fun playing and completing Styx: Shards of Darkness because of this inconvenience.

Thank you for listening.

Best regards,
So there you have it. This will likely never get fixed and will remain permanently unobtainable. It's particularly galling that Xenohenhiem initially responded to me that they "test all patches to make sure achievements unlock" when it turns out they'd actually bungled the entire list and no one said anything for months.

*Sigh* Oh well, time to move on, I guess.
By AllOvaMyself on 18 Jul 2017 15:00
I hate the fact that some developers are beginning to think this is acceptable behavior nowadays. I do remember an article (possibly on TA) some time ago regarding the 'Chameleon' achievement on Alekhines Gun which always springs to mind when I think of unobtainable achievements. I remember that enough people spoke up regarding the glitched achievement after being ignored for so long that a member of one of the major Xbox One Magazine publishers wrote an ugly article/review on the game and stated how buggy it was and that they refused to acknowledge that it had this unobtainable achievement. Shortly after, they reached out to the community to inform gamers that they were working on a patch to fix it. You really do just need enough people to spam them on a regular basis.

I personally spammed Iron Galaxy almost every other day since around September last year til about a month ago asking for an update on Crimson Guardian packs to which they never responded EVER. Soooo, I spammed them continuously asking them to put them on rotation just like they do their playable characters as without these crimson packs it was preventing people from obtaining an achievement - Approximately a month ago they just announced that they are putting the Card packs on rotation....Coincidence?!?!? Maybe, but i'd like to think that they got soo fed up with me spamming them on Twitter/Email/Forums that they did something about it. The same thing could apply here is what I am trying to say, we just need people to make some noise.
By TuKraZe on 08 Apr 2018 16:28
What a fucking bullshit
By SoulyTheDude on 30 Jan 2020 15:34
at least it is a 0 point achievement so you can still get 1000
By TheOnlyMatto on 18 Apr 2021 09:20
That sucks; fortunately its a 0G achievement so at least you'll have 100% Gamerscore?
By NoHeroes94 on 17 Mar 2017 12:20
That sucks. Is this an easy completion?
By CrimsonChimo on 19 Mar 2017 19:54
Same for me, all achievements and this one is at 0%.
By Aerryne on 21 Mar 2017 10:51
Can confirm..does not unlock though got all cheevos. Wrote to cyanide...waiting for answer
By Maze Mayhem on 21 Mar 2017 18:05
Just had an update for the game, you guys might wanna check to see if it fixed this for you. Good luck!
By SHlZZY H on 25 Mar 2017 00:21
Still NOT fixed
By OneBgBdArtemis on 27 Mar 2017 05:00
The tweeted the other day that the Problem is known and they are working on it
By Maze Mayhem on 27 Mar 2017 13:52
It sucks.I wanted to buy it,but i'll wait 'til a sale and a patch dance
By Clad master on 31 Mar 2017 20:55
Thought I was going to be the first, shame.:/
By HollabackGaming on 02 Apr 2017 11:06
From what I've gathered, if you have all the achievements except this one, then it still says 100% on your achievements page on Xbox One.
By HollabackGaming on 02 Apr 2017 11:08
Not on TA though
By OneBgBdArtemis on 02 Apr 2017 11:09
On Xbox in your achievements you can look up on how many people got the cheevo it unlocking. Still says 0%. Speechless... 2 Patches and still nothing...really hope that it's Not gonna end up unfinished. Would have been 2nd or 3rd to complete i will propably end up beeing 42nd or makes me doubt they ever test their games....time for a serious shitstorm on Twitter etc
By Maze Mayhem on 05 Apr 2017 21:16
What really grinds my gears is I have ANOTHER game that has a glitched chievo....wanna guess what IT is? OBTAIN ALL OTHER ACHIEVEMENTS!!!!
By OneBgBdArtemis on 08 Apr 2017 11:49
I'm almost convinced that when these "get all achievements" achievements get coded, they include the 0 point achievement itself as one of the achievements you need to unlock to meet the requirements for having all of the achievements. This of course makes a horrible catch-22 and results in the current state we have.

Dark Souls pulled this off 3 times, but everyone else seemed to be fucking it up...
By AllOvaMyself on 11 Apr 2017 19:11
Yup, and no word from any of the others how or even IF they intend on fixing them! angry
By OneBgBdArtemis on 11 Apr 2017 19:27
A new Update is coming today and still no Fix. Its now my third game with one glitched cheevo and i really get angry that players pay money to publishers for any games and they cant still fix games in short time:(
By on 27 Apr 2017 16:43
Hi everybody

I hope the developers will fix that bug as soon as possible. Although the console displays a score of 100%, the counter stucks at 37 of 38 achievements and that doesn't look right. I love this game, but this has to be fixed.

Greetings from Switzerland, Pascolos.
By Pascolos on 29 Apr 2017 13:10
Dein Wort in Gottes Ohr. 3 Patches und die bekommen es nicht hin...Schade. Mag das Spiel auch sehr.
By Maze Mayhem on 29 Apr 2017 13:40
@Maze Mayhem

Wahrscheinlich haben die Erfolge derzeit einfach keine allzu hohe Priorität. Trotzdem hoffe ich natürlich, dass dieser Erfolg schnellstmöglich behoben wird. Ausgerechnet dieser 0-Gamescore-Erfolg macht Probleme. laugh

Grüsse aus der Schweiz, Pascolos.
By Pascolos on 29 Apr 2017 14:02
I tweeted at them, maybe if we all you that could make a difference?
By HollabackGaming on 30 May 2017 04:46
Shit, I wanted to play this.
By deluxnugs on 10 Jun 2017 08:33
@Nugs - I'll let you know if/when they fix it. :/
By AllOvaMyself on 10 Jun 2017 16:22
won't play another game like this until these stupid glitches are fixed, all set
By slipintonite on 27 Jun 2017 00:48
@Tridec -

This game does not appear to be among the 6 that show on your gamercard so I'm really not sure what you're on about.

Care to explain yourself?
By AllOvaMyself on 28 Jun 2017 21:47
Well tridec, I've been doing that once a week for the past three months, and guess what? I didn't unlock the chievo, and ummm, you don't even have a gamer score high enough to have completed this, so what gives?
By OneBgBdArtemis on 28 Jun 2017 21:52
@ Tridec -

Ah, okay, so you can get it on Steam.

That doesn't necessarily mean you can get it on XBOX One. wink
By AllOvaMyself on 28 Jun 2017 21:52
That's steam, pc, NOT XBOX One console
By OneBgBdArtemis on 28 Jun 2017 21:52
This particular forum is XBox, not pc, not ps3/ 4, so what works on pc almost a surely never works on m$'s other os that is the xbox
By OneBgBdArtemis on 28 Jun 2017 21:56
@Tridec -

That's fantastic, mate.

But that information will not help anyone reading the comments for this solution because no one is coming here to look for how to unlock the achievement on Steam. Anyone posting in these comments is looking for the achievement to pop on their XBOX One console.

This achievement list is for the XBOX One version of the game and is not a list of the achievements available through Steam. That's why there's still an "unobtainable" flag noting that you still cannot unlock it because it's not tracking Steam, only XBOX.

Please tell me this makes sense to you.
By AllOvaMyself on 10 Jul 2017 20:59
And to think jackass cyanide is taking on Call of Cthulhu. One of the greatest stories ever! I really hope they don't decide to fuck this one up and leave it for dad also!
By OneBgBdArtemis on 14 Jul 2017 15:33's the 17th of July and you still haven't patched this....what. the. fuck.
By BIG L RETURNS on 17 Jul 2017 20:37
I could cry. I had hopes this would be fixed one day! Grrrr.
By BiggDope on 18 Jul 2017 15:50
This is sad. I experienced the glitch in the fist STYX, (I loved it more because of this) and was really excited for this, I was behind in hard completions though and waited to purchase this. Now I'll never get to it.
By deluxnugs on 18 Jul 2017 19:54
i wont be picking it up till this is fixed, i emailed them an posted on there facebook, "sorry were a small team" isn't really an excuse not to fix things, id say don't let it drop just because you got a reply, the more people bug them the more likely they are to do something
By Evi1 Over1ord on 25 Jul 2017 12:58
A small team that has all the time in the world to implement Co-op and some other stupid features
By OneBgBdArtemis on 25 Jul 2017 13:00
Hello guys. I think we must flood focus's forum with all our profils.
They don't know how many players want this achievement ! They do not know how harmful it is to them. Lot of gamers won't buy the game for this...
By Lucien Gallo on 26 Jul 2017 01:24
And I won't buy their upcoming Call of Cthulhu title either, in fact, I won't be buying ANY more of their titles
By OneBgBdArtemis on 26 Jul 2017 01:39
I will not give up. I'll send them a lot of messages. I will militate against this studio with my friends to the end.
By Lucien Gallo on 27 Jul 2017 23:29
Preach it brother!
By OneBgBdArtemis on 28 Jul 2017 02:26
Glad my suggestion seems to be on the mark. Less glad it'll probably never be implemented. Sorry about that guys...
By TAC14SPECOPS on 28 Jul 2017 19:01
As suggested, I also wrote a message at the FHE Styx forum.
I still hope it will help.
By Stahp on 24 Aug 2017 09:32
Thanks you Stahp. If all the players were like you, we would win
By Lucien Gallo on 29 Aug 2017 12:19
The above link is for the forums provided by the publisher (Focus Home Interactive).
I suggest to also write to the developer (Cyanide Studio) using the online form at
By Stahp on 29 Aug 2017 13:00
Too bad. It is on sale and I was going to buy it. But not now. I posted as much in the Focus forum.
By SmactSilly on 25 Sep 2017 06:10
Make a gaming session and get a bunch of people to together to spam the fuck out of their twitter.
By HollabackGaming on 07 Oct 2017 23:21
They had a update recently just to add fucking Korean..
By HollabackGaming on 08 Oct 2017 19:27
Not to mention that I've got an update for Of Orcs and Men sitting in my queue.
By AllOvaMyself on 09 Oct 2017 05:05
I think the most shocking thing to me is that somehow they added the PS4 list. How is that even possible? I don't even understand how they're compatible. I would think that would make the whole list unobtainable and maybe even crash the game upon meeting the requirements to unlock your first achievement.
By I am Gozer24 on 20 Oct 2017 08:52
As appearently they can't fix this. I think the best way to go about it should be, that they just change the description and make it a different achievement. As stated by Microsoft Achievement win conditions and desciptions can be changed. Build a quick trigger, that this will just unlock for everyone and or so.
By on 31 Oct 2017 14:29
THIS IS A LIE. They could change the perameters of the achievement, making it something simple. Many games have changed, NOT DELETED, the requirements of an a chievement into something else. Or updated the requirements
By Kanchanaburi on 31 Oct 2017 16:15
@Fanta - No they CAN fix it, they're just not going to.

From my post up above that shows a response from FHE:

"As TAC14SPECOPS said, replacing the achievement or changing the code in-depth would maybe do the trick but Cyanide and Focus are still small teams and we don't have the resources at the moment."

However, they can add features to Shards of Darkness no one asked for and, like I mentioned, I've got a patch for fucking Of Orcs and Men in my queue that showed up a few weeks back.
By AllOvaMyself on 31 Oct 2017 17:20
They don’t actually have to change any “code in-depth” or anything of the sort. Just update the unlock telemetry that it sends the server to “Open Game” and bam. Would likely take a coder worth half a shit about half an hour.
By kliqIMB on 01 Nov 2017 01:45
Made another post on the forum (again). Don't think it will achieve anything be itself but maybe if more people went back to it and posted that could get some new wind in the sails. I don't know if anyone else has considered it but maybe trying to contact Cyanide through twitter maybe also be a method, at the very least to make them acknowledge the problem.
By TAC14SPECOPS on 11 Nov 2017 22:40
They seem pretty proud that they won Best Stealth Game from someplace called GameDebate.

I've already started mentioning Goblin Master in the tweet. Any of you wanna chime in?
By AllOvaMyself on 16 Nov 2017 20:12
They've also got Space Hulk: Deathwing on the horizon, too, if anyone wants to mention more games they won't buy if this doesn't get fixed.

@OneBgBdArtemis - I think they'll pay more attention if they get a number of tweets from unique responders. It doesn't take that long to set up a Twitter account.
By AllOvaMyself on 16 Nov 2017 20:43
I spoke in person with the guys of Focus Home Interactive this afternoon,they'll contact Cyanide studio about this problem.They're in contact every day.

Don't expect anything new 1 year after,but it's still possible :)
By Clad master on 23 Nov 2017 21:03
I want to play this game but refuse to get it until they fix this cheeve.
By DillionDay on 26 Nov 2017 16:30
same for me. I won't get this until they've fixed this.
By TarasqueAC on 12 Dec 2017 06:43
Guess what they fucking did on the Styx twitter account? They deleted all the tweets from concerned gamers about the achievement being broken on Xbox One!!! All of them. Gone!
By HollabackGaming on 07 Jan 2018 23:26
So now I definitely will NOT be buying their upcoming Call of Cthulhu rendition. No support for lazy devs from me.
By OneBgBdArtemis on 08 Jan 2018 01:19
Wow, they clearly do not want to fix their game.

So, when they announce their next game being released on Twitter let's fill that with messages telling them we won't buy it because they won't fix Styx.
By AllOvaMyself on 08 Jan 2018 16:19
Sent Cyanide and Focus-Interactive both another message about this. Figured if most of us do it and pester them long enough maybe something will actually happen.
By TAC14SPECOPS on 17 Feb 2018 18:12
Do we literally have to fucking beg for them to fix this? As I slowly approach 100.0% completion percentage, I come to the realization that I won't get there because of the mistakes of this developer. Years spent as a completionist and I can't complete this. C'est la vie.
By HollabackGaming on 22 Feb 2018 06:01
If anyone wants to help tweet something like this to Focus Twitter, Styx Twitter, and Cyanide twitter.
By HollabackGaming on 22 Feb 2018 20:34
Can you please get Cyanide to fix the Goblin Master achievement on Styx: Shards of Darkness for Xbox One? Not a single gamer has it. It has almost been a year, and I don't believe you are doing right by the consumer here. Thank you.
By HollabackGaming on 22 Feb 2018 20:35
At this point, go onto the Twitters of the other upcoming games Focus/Cyanide are going to release and let them know that despite your interest, you will not be buying the game because they won't fix Styx.

I've send a few of these, but I think if more people did it, it might have a better impact.

Here's FHE's home twitter and there are a number of games there you can post this message to:
By AllOvaMyself on 23 Feb 2018 00:12
Figure at this point maybe it'd be more productive to all spam Microsoft about this issue since the achievements technically fall under their jurisdiction as well? If all people from this thread message Microsoft Xbox One Games support about this, maybe it can at least be acknowledged?
By TAC14SPECOPS on 18 Mar 2018 04:53
Here's another link for focus interactive support. Really don't know what else to do but bug the shit outta them till they do something...
By TAC14SPECOPS on 18 Mar 2018 05:03
Everyone should read this:

Solution for Spit the dummy In Western Press

So, impossible to remove or not? One of those devs is clearly lying... MY bet as everyone else here should be is that Styx dev is lying and being an even bigger asshole then we all though. What about pressuring them again if the other achievement gets removed?
By SiegfriedX on 01 Apr 2018 01:51
If they cannot remove it, then I don't understand why they don't just alter the requirements to something simple like, 'Press start and begin your adventure - 0G'. We ALL know that they at least have the ability to change the achievements and their requirements; have seen this done multiple times already and TA proved this with a few of the achievements on their app.
By TuKraZe on 03 Apr 2018 20:05
Wondering if it would be worth contacting/pestering Microsoft about this since technically even IF the developer made a patch (which they haven't) it would have to be vetted by Microsoft before it was implemented.

I figure if ALL of us here bugged focus interactive and Cyanide constantly (through their support/facebook/twitter) maybe SOMETHING will happen. That's what I keep doing at least.
By TAC14SPECOPS on 04 Apr 2018 21:41

I don't know if it was me or someone else, but that's like the very first obvious thing we posted on their forums when they said they could not remove it. My point now it that not being able to remove it now seems to be a lie, they simply do not wanna do it.
By SiegfriedX on 05 Apr 2018 17:08

Thank you for contacting the technical support of Focus Home Interactive.

This game has been developed by Cyanide Studio which has been bought by Bigben Interactive.

You should contact directly the developer


I emailed them. And I will continue to do so each and every week, this shit needs to get fixed. Period.
By OneBgBdArtemis on 12 Feb 2019 22:09
hey guys i personally don't have this game, and i don't know if this will help, but maybe if you guys submit a bombardment of complaints to the BBB it might trigger action to fix the unobtainable achievement. Apparently it forced Activision to work on one of their glitched achievements on Black Ops III

Again i am just offering a suggestion, it up to you guys, but after reading about what the TA community did by submitting so many complaints to the BBB, about Black Ops III maybe it might work for this game as well.
By R4AssaultRifle on 13 Aug 2019 01:37
Sent a few support requests through Focus' support site about Styx:SOD but haven't gotten a single response. Decided to test it and sent in a support request for Farming Simulator 17 for Xbox One and Styx: SOD at the same time. So if they only respond to Farm Sim then that's a pretty telling amount of "support" that Styx:SOD has.
By TAC14SPECOPS on 08 Apr 2018 23:21
Again, the best way to get their attention is to do what I've done on the last 6 new games, DON'T buy anything from them. I've cancelled my last 6 pre-orders due to greedy loot bix micro transaction inclusions. These guys, Focus, I will not buy another title from nor will I even play them, free or not. Fuck 'em if they don't have ANY respect for their customer base.
By OneBgBdArtemis on 08 Apr 2018 23:25

I do agree with you. If we get enough attention to the issue, they will fix it. Darksiders 2 for example was patched on PS4 and nothing was done on XBOX. They are stating they don't care at all about people that bough the game here. Or at least we are not as important as people that bough it on PS4.

TA, being focused mainly on achievements, could/should do articles about that kind of thing to draw attention. I don't mean bashing devs that have glitched achievements, only the ones that after we report the issue to them, simply ignore us or come up with lies because they don't want to fix it.

Styx and Darksiders would be awesome examples to start drawing attention to this. Styx because the dev has an statement contradicted by another dev now (and a weak statement to begin with, because they could simply change the achievement into something else like die once and be done with it) and Darksiders was patched on another platform and nothing for us.
By SiegfriedX on 08 Apr 2018 23:58
Don't forget Arcania: Gothic 4. The real problem with all these titles is that m$ continues to sell them as digital titles and make money on a product that does not function as designed.

I know I'm in the minority, but I'm done buying incomplete titles at launch and games that are broken and have no support. Glad I kept my original XBox and play it regularly.
By OneBgBdArtemis on 09 Apr 2018 00:03
Let's reach out to the same journalist that slammed that one game. Maybe they can help us!
By HollabackGaming on 10 Apr 2018 13:42
If we could get them to make an article called Styx SoD: The state of the game a year later, then get them to slam Focus Interactive, enough to make them cast a shadow over the release of the highly anticipated Vampyr by DONTNOD and Focus Home Interactive, then they may fox Styx just so they don't lose money on the new game.
By HollabackGaming on 10 Apr 2018 13:46
That's a brilliant idea...I wonder if one of the TA team who deal with writing articles could start putting together article like this with maybe a simple link to the Contact page for anybody who has either started the game already or is thinking of doing so in the future can at least contribute to submitting a quick support ticket in the hope that we can make enough noise. TA has a pretty large community, if enough people used the link from the artical it could be the sort of numbers that may grab the attention of the developers. Who would be the best person for this to contact do you reckon?
By TuKraZe on 12 Apr 2018 14:21
Keep posting on FHI's forum for shits and giggles (more shit than giggle though) but in all seriousness: How's the effort of getting an article made about this? Think it's possible to have Xbox mag post something or another known gaming publication/site?
By TAC14SPECOPS on 16 Apr 2018 21:44
They deleted the tweets again lol. They should be bloody ashamed of themselves
By ChArG1nMaLAZ0R on 27 Apr 2018 23:31
So the response I keep getting from Cyanide AND focus interactive is that the developer is "too busy" with their next release to be able to work on a fix. So maybe one thing all of us will need to do is spam the ever living shit out of cyanide and focus once the game is about to be released and get them to finally do something about this.

Side note: Did that suggestion about getting a TA article made about this ever get anywhere?
By TAC14SPECOPS on 06 May 2018 04:01
Their next release is Call of Cthulhu. FUCK 'em, not buying it. If they can't fix this 1.5 years-old game 3 months after it was released, what make anyone think they'll support their "next" release any better?
By OneBgBdArtemis on 06 May 2018 04:53
I also suggest shitting on all the news about Vampyr in the comments because it's published by Focus Home Interactive.
By HollabackGaming on 07 May 2018 12:47
so Focus better be ready for this because it looks like this game is on GWG for January, which will mean a whole new bunch of players that'll be wanting to unlock this (including myself). From the age of this thread, they've had more than enough time to be able to do it too...
By Becky070 on 19 Dec 2019 20:34
Never understood why they put achievements like this....when you get everything else everybody sees that....they try to be as playstation with platinum trophy or what? bad they didn´t remove it through the patch if it´not working....nobody has it so it should be no problem for them.
By New xDante1986 on 14 Apr 2020 06:38
Actually, Cyanide's next console release is Space Hulk: Deathwing (May 22), which they recently decided would not be released on XBOX One.

I've been posting negative comments about Styx on the twitter pages for Space Hulk and I've received exactly one response from a gamer, and not Cyanide or FHE.

When I explained that it didn't matter that they decided to cancel the game on XBOX because I wasn't going to buy it anyway based on the fact that they won't fix Goblin Master. This person asked "Why does it matter? I thoroughly enjoyed the game without it."

The people that post in this solution appear to be the only ones that care if it gets fixed.
By AllOvaMyself on 07 May 2018 15:57
Anybody here still trying to bug Focus/Cyanide about this? I have just because. It actually becomes kind of hilarious (in a completely dumpster fire sort of way), since both parties just pingpong it back to the other as being responsible. And on a side note, does anyone have/know someone that can look into the coding of the game and try and find the exact issue? Feel like it might be slightly less impossible for them not to fix this if someone literally shows them the problem and potentially how to fix it.
By TAC14SPECOPS on 17 Jul 2018 21:12
Good Lord. This is still an issue? I’ve put off buying this game for some time in the hope that it would be fixed. Turns out Cyanide would prefer to make Tour de France games. Glad I slated the last TdF 18 game in my review as it’s a steaming pile of shit and obviously more important than fixing an achievement.
By FullMoonBeaver on 20 Jul 2018 13:45
Agreed. I emailed them a two page letter explaining what good business practice is compared to NOT good business practice, especially since I've had my own business for 21 years. I also explained to them that they had no business and no right to make a Call of C'Thulhu game, kinda if like ea had no business in the Star Wars universe. They were notified that I along with ANYONE I knew on XBox live would NOT be purchasing another game from them if they were too overworked to fix ONE achievement in a previous game that I paid full price for. I didn't receive an open box (broken or otherwise not functioning correctly) discount on this game. And I also added that even them fixing it would NOT bring me to purchase ANY future titles from them.
By OneBgBdArtemis on 20 Jul 2018 17:44
Well its on sale now. I have a bunch of unobtainables. Atleast this is a 0... Still don't understand how companies won't fix their product that is on shelves that thousands pay for. Oh well.
By on 31 Jul 2018 16:39
Looks like Shadow of the Tomb Raider just released a patch to fix their glitch 100% achievement just a few weeks after release. Wondering how hard you have to beat someone over the head before they get the message, eh? Also anyone think of editing the Wiki page to include this "little" problem and the response (or lack thereof) to this problem by Cyanide studios and Focus Home Interactive?
By TAC14SPECOPS on 10 Oct 2018 16:47
Suprised this wasn't mentioned before, but I just spotted that while the Achievement is called "Goblin Master", there is a missspelling in the Trophy which is called "Gobelin Master"

The developer of the game Pinstripe recently fixed one broken achievement stating that the problem was caused by a "minor issue with the name of the achievement."

Pinstripe Not So Nice Guy Achievement Fixed

So if they really uploaded the PS4 trophy list, the different spelling could be the sole reason it doesn't unlock on Xbox.

Just a guess.
By Erik Seidel on 23 Jan 2019 12:57
Or, if they would've quit working on the MULTIPLAYER add-one for it and focused on fixing the glitch as soon as it was brought to their attention I would have bought Call of Cthulhu and more from them. But since their priority was to ACTIVELY remove negative feedback about glitched chievos, they deserve to FAIL.
By OneBgBdArtemis on 23 Jan 2019 23:13
They don't care what anyone has to say so long as games pay them. The best method is to just hold that wad of cash and not buy their games
By OneBgBdArtemis on 24 Jan 2020 17:09
It looks like another cyanide game is in GWG
By CapeScarabee78 on 28 Jan 2020 17:46
Like others in this thread, I am not gonna spend any money on their future games.
Edit: I don't even want to play this one even if it was given for free on GWG, unless this chevo is fixed.
By TheFirstWonder on 20 Dec 2019 04:17
Exactly. And in all honesty, I thought the first one was better
By OneBgBdArtemis on 20 Dec 2019 14:15
Except that Cyanide not only ignored request to fix it, after only 1 month, but they actually removed any mention of it being glitched from ALL their feeds
By OneBgBdArtemis on 20 Dec 2019 19:04
Pretty much EXACTLY like paradox and their broken chievos in Pillars of Eternity. I actually uninstalled it, and sent it back and for a refund. Will NEVER buy ANY of their games again unless they're used for about $5
By OneBgBdArtemis on 20 Dec 2019 19:05
So in the end you will have 100% and 1000g.?! Right?

But it will not show 38/38 unlocked?
By V87Beast on 01 Jan 2020 19:58
No, 37/38 is what'll show, with 1k
By OneBgBdArtemis on 01 Jan 2020 20:42
After all this dialogue about that last achievement not unlocking, I WILL NOT be buying this game either.
However, it's FREE WITH GOLD this month January 2020. So I'm playing it, and didn't pay for it.
And I don't care about the achievement being stuck, but I agree with the posts from 2 years ago. Well done guys.
By E vee dub on 02 Jan 2020 09:05
I’m still stung from Cobalt - and that was sadly not a 0G! :( will be giving this a miss
By metallicafan459 on 04 Jan 2020 13:03
I swear I don't know why companies keep doing this. The "get every other achievement" achievement is the most glitched type of achievement in the history of XBOX. Just because you had to make a Platinum Trophy for PS doesn't mean you have to put these shitty achievements in the XBOX version.
By napoearth on 06 Jan 2020 14:23
Because m$, that's why. These games are still for Sale on the m$ store and you can bet m$ gets a profit from them. Money, it's never about quality, but rather quantity, because they know there are a multitude of sheep to buy these things no matter the issues. Until people do research, like is provided here, it'll keep happening as big business has no ethics and no point other than money. Period.
By OneBgBdArtemis on 06 Jan 2020 14:27
That sucks...
By DeniWhiteRPG on 09 Jan 2020 21:31
they should fix this game since its free with gold would get more people to play it if it was fixed
By Tyler Haz3 on 12 Jan 2020 13:04
That means them acknowledging it needs to be fixed in the first place
By OneBgBdArtemis on 12 Jan 2020 14:57
No update planned for the game ?
By CapeScarabee78 on 14 Jan 2020 11:13
By OneBgBdArtemis on 14 Jan 2020 13:23
And why Playniac had the "resources" for fixing their game achievement? It's a microstudio...
By UnfurledEmu75 on 15 Jan 2020 08:22
Frankly, it would take them how long to correct the success, just modify the conditions of obtaining, 1 hour or 2. They should correct this success now since their game is now free and there are new players in their Game
By CapeScarabee78 on 18 Jan 2020 21:02
1 hour or 2 has nothing to do with the achievement. It's an achievement for obtaining all other achievements. I actually have three of the same conditioned achievements that are all locked still. It IS however a simple.matter for them to go into the code, and take their hard earned cash Revenue and PAY someone to figure out and FIX why this chievo won't unlock. But, again, dealing greedy sob's means no fix, basically a cash n dash here. You pay, they run.
By OneBgBdArtemis on 18 Jan 2020 21:22
Again, if they really accidently uploaded the PS4 Trophy list (however this is possible), the sole reason why this achievement isn't unlocking on Xbox is because there is a spelling difference between Xbox and PS4: It's called 'Goblin Master' on Xbox and 'Gobelin Master' on PS4.
By Erik Seidel on 19 Jan 2020 21:48
Yup, an even easier fix that a hidden code problem like was in Aliens Colonial Marines. Of course, then that means they'd have to Admit is broken, Admit it's easily fixed, Explain why it's been ignored and Then Fix it!! That's too much trouble for a company that already has our money!!
By OneBgBdArtemis on 19 Jan 2020 22:02
Tha gaming industry has become one that believes it is not accountable for anything. So it's down to the players to stop giving your dollars to the ones with proven records of silencing paying customers and lying directly to them.
By planchetflaw on 21 Jan 2020 13:01
Exactly. Which is why I won't even buy games from these Devs upon launch. And a few such as paradox and cyanide, I won't even purchase used on eBay. But, a few of us acting with our wallet's are NOT going to make the tiniest bit of difference to them. However, it Does save us our time and money.
By OneBgBdArtemis on 21 Jan 2020 14:15
Has anyone filed a complaint to the BBB yet?

The BBB was responsible for getting several games achievements fixed. Despite Cyanide Games being in France maybe it could push them to fix this achievement.
By R4AssaultRifle on 23 Jan 2020 23:48
The BBB only covers Canada, the US and Mexico, so I don't think Cyanide will care about what they have to say.
By AllOvaMyself on 24 Jan 2020 17:02
I've noticed 0.01% of players have unlocked this according to Xbox Live statistics. Cheaters or a dev testing a fix?
By Dresden N7 on 31 Mar 2022 18:19
Has to be a PC unlock. No one on XBox has unlocked. I still tweet at them each and every single tweet the put out every day. Wish I wasn't the only one, we might actually get this fixed, but me the doing it isn't going to go far. But I still have to out of principle
By OneBgBdArtemis on 31 Mar 2022 18:21
unreal what a piss off. i wouldnt have played this game.
By noobbeater4 on 10 Apr 2022 21:20
Yeah, but they're hard and heavy promoting preordering Vampire Masquerade 2 on their Twitter account. They seem to have all the time in the world for that. So I say 'em every time they tweet
By OneBgBdArtemis on 10 Apr 2022 21:23
I wrote in support, for a long time I want to complete the series 100%, but this problem repels me from buying
By Constrictus on 02 May 2022 21:54
The Playstation trophy is called Gobelin Master and is unlockable while the Xbox achievement is called Goblin Master and is glitched. If they really uploaded the same list for Xbox as they did for PS, I think it is very likely that it is only the different name which prevents the Xbox achievement from getting triggered.
By Erik Seidel on 03 May 2022 08:36
And of course it's up to us, game testers to figure it out and once we figure it out do they bother to fix it. Fuck no!! They've moved in to peddle other wares. Fuck 'em, don't buy anything from or support them.
By OneBgBdArtemis on 03 May 2022 13:55
a person on xbox named cold whistler has this game 100% I would ask him how he got it. I think it's cheated.
By HUNTING THIEVES on 01 Oct 2022 11:51
@HUNTING THIEVES Maybe you should have checked first before posting that.. They do not have the achievement.. Basic research would have shown you that.

I would suggest removing it.
By Phantom Deth on 09 Apr 2023 17:57
@OneBgBdArtemis: Hi! I just wrote them throught their website's contact form, in French, as them and I are, maybe I'll be luckier than you.
Six years since the game is released and no patch on Xbox One, whereas on PS4 and Steam this achievement isn't unobtainable. And apparently they don't even reply to users... A shame. In matter of French shame, we already have Ubisoft, no need for more studios to dirty France's image worldwide with more buggy games...
By vegansound on 21 May 2023 06:00
Yup. I hear ya. I gave up on these clowns. I gave my game away too. Not going to charge someone so they can experience what I did. I suggested to them to play it for what it is and leave it at that.
Modern gaming, in my opinion, sucks
By OneBgBdArtemis on 21 May 2023 14:01
I would have bought this game now being very cheap on sale! I guess I buy the first game only and avoid this one perhaps forever.
By MattiasAnderson on 11 Mar 2024 17:28
WTF, this shit still glitching in 2024??? Man, fuck this game… all that insignia shit just to find out about this mess
By niknamey on 26 Mar 2024 20:37
I thought something was wrong when I start this game every other achievement had 3% or higher with completion but the “ Goblin Master “ has 0.01% and plus it’s worth 0G ?….. don’t get me wrong great game but that one unobtainable achievement it’s going to haunt me.
By ElectPlayer2644 on 23 Apr 2024 22:19
Good that I checked this page before planning the completion
By RancidVessel14 on 17 May 2024 19:09
Sent another tweet to the StyxGames twitter account and Cyanide Studios. Hopefully if people keep pestering them about this maybe something will change, or at the very least get a response.
By TAC14SPECOPS on 25 Dec 2017 20:47
And an update today and still NO FIX!! I don't know how you got ahold of them at Cyanide, but I can't find that this game is "supported" by them according to their web site. So, no news on this is starting to look like yet another developer who isn't supporting their broke ass shit!!
By OneBgBdArtemis on 05 Apr 2017 19:56
The "developer" don't even fucking support this god damn thisng. Check on m$hit's page. Same fucking thig, they don't even show support for it. WHAT THE FUCK? Am I in the god damn twilight zone. Does this game not fucking exist? Did I not actually play it? Was I fucking hallucinating? This is the most fucked up thing I've seen from ANY developer in all my years of gaming. 39 of them in actuality. There's not one god damn mother fucking contact email for ANYONE!! No one apparently is responsible for it. So who the fuck is receiving the money from it's sales? Oh, but someone is working hard to implement new features. FUCK YOUR FEATURES, I want my game fixed A$$HOLES!!
By OneBgBdArtemis on 14 May 2017 01:02
Just why the f*ck would they put an achievement like this on the list anyway? laugh
Such a fail!
By SzilardUK on 27 Jun 2017 19:23
You CAN obtain this achievement, I just did. (Edit: Apparantly you still can't can't get it on xbox but you can on Steam.)

What you need to do is obtain all the other achievements and then complete a mission so you return to your hideout. Doing that triggered the achievement for me.

Here is a link to my Steam Profile so you can see I have 38/38:
By Tridec on 29 Jun 2017 12:44
@Lucien - I tried getting people to post at the FHE Styx forum, but only one or two came over, so I don't know how well that idea will turn out. As far as I know, they haven't responded to my last post to them either...
By AllOvaMyself on 26 Jul 2017 14:44

Little reminder : Please post comments on this forum. If we are numerous enough they will surely correct the achievement
By Lucien Gallo on 29 Aug 2017 12:22
While I don't have Twitter feel free to repost this you don't even have to credit me I really don't care but I will not in any way shape or form going to support their of upcoming rendition of Call of Cthulhu if they're going to give it as little attention as they have fixing this game if all they're worried about is implementing a new language then ot means that all they're doing is trying to take a licensed and make money on it and they're not going to support it which means I'm not buying it sorry about the lack of punctuation I'm driving right now and this is voice to text
By OneBgBdArtemis on 16 Nov 2017 20:17
See, if there we're some sort of accountability, say Microsoft imposing sanctions against them until they fix their shit, then nobody would have to deal with this kind of shit, but since Microsoft doesn't give a shit, they make the money off of it too. It's never going to get fixed as Microsoft is ultimately to blame and, beyond that, Gamers because they accept shit being put out instead of not buying games that are broken. Whereas they "could" wait until they're fixed and then buy them
By OneBgBdArtemis on 22 Feb 2018 21:34
Understandable your point of view, But, Focus only publishes it, i.e., put the money up for advertising, cd manufacturing, digital distribution (which is the real culprit here), shipping and unit allotment. Focus has published near 10 games I've played over the years and not a one of them had a single issue. The problem lies with the developers. DONTNOD is developing Vampyre and I don't know of any games they've done that are problematic either.
No, Cyanide is the asshole here. Cyanide is developing Call of C'Thulhu, and that's the one gamers should be shitting on. And as I've stated before, a lot of this is the gamers fault too. I for one will NOT be purchasing it EVEN if they do fix Styx. It just reinforces their shit assed attitude that they have zero accountability to gamers. IF I play it,I will buy it in the bargain bin or off some poor sod on eBay that bought it and doesn't like it.
As long as gamers continue to gobble up shite games from developers, they will continue to get what they ask for.
Digital media DEMNANDS that developers push out shit for the sake of appearing to deserve a job. It allows for them to "fix it over the course of the game", and gamers are to blame for lying on their back, pulling their legs back to their heads and taking it in the ass. They look the developers right in the eye and say yeah, give it to me just like that, punish me!!
That's my rant for the time being. Not going to get started on the whole FULL EFFING game on the disc, (thank you Bethesda) vs, NO EFFING game on the disc, (EVERYONE ELSE), problem.
By OneBgBdArtemis on 07 May 2018 13:29
Not a chance in hell. These guys DELETED posts on their feed that upset players had requested to be fixed. Radio silence pretty much says it all. And it's not focus, well it is, but they've passed the buck to Cyanide studios, who haven't uttered a peep about giving a damn. Which is why until this is fixed I will continue to only buy USED games from them on eBay, that way, I'm not supporting this pathectic practice
By OneBgBdArtemis on 19 Dec 2019 20:58
Yes matto, except for those of us who have been unfortunate enough to start completing games some 40 years ago, it's really a let down to us, and only us, that we haven't managed to COMPLETE it. Which is compounded by the fact that these types of chievos specifically require "obtain all.other achievements". Yes, it's petty, but damn, it's what we do.
By OneBgBdArtemis on 18 Apr 2021 14:49
So, I signed up for a twitter account. Followed Cyanide and I've noticed that they're not such a "small" developer as they stated. So I've taken to messaging them once a week on whatever their newest post is and asking when this title will be fixed.
Maybe all those who do t have this chievo and do have twitter could do the same. Become a right pain in the arse until they fix it. And call them out for their "small" developer complex too
By OneBgBdArtemis on 02 Feb 2022 16:08
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This achievement will unlock after obtaining all thirty-seven achievements in the game.

NOTE: This achievement is currently glitched and will not unlock even after the requirements have been met.