Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League

50 Achievements

1000 XP

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Trial by Blood

Trial by Blood

Reach Squad Level 50

30 XP


How to unlock the Trial by Blood achievement in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League - Definitive Guide

This one is acquired by leveling your squad skills that unlocks once you reach 30 with any of your characters.

Once unlocked you have to level up this new squad skill tree to 50 to unlock the achievement. A side note, the tree won't receive any xp if you switch to another character that is not 30 yet.

Tips to speed it up is to aquire or reroll stats on your weapon and gear so they have xp bonuses. Also put skill points into the xp bonuses found in the squad skill tree.

I had a total of: 44% on kills and 63% on general xp gains to speed my progress up

03 Feb 2024 12:24

Once one of the character's reaches level 30, you unlock the "Squad Skills" tree. A way of looking at this is that Level 31 for that character "resets" becoming level 1 on the squad skill tree. This squad skill level is accessed across all characters that have unlocked it (hit level 30) although the benefits are shared across all characters regardless of their level. Get this level to 50 and you'll unlock the achievement.

I've done the 100% and got all the characters to Level 30 first before doing this as 1, you need them all at level 30 to get their respective max level achievement 2, it felt less grindy as I could mix things up a bit with the characters if things were getting a bit stale combat/traversal wise and 3, you can only get xp for this squad level with characters that have hit the max level. Also, as an extra bonus, the "Psyched Up" character bonus XP will contribute to the skill level rather than the character's individual level - just allows for more flexibility.

There is also a message that popped up for me throughout the game that said something like "Your total squad level has gone up to X". If you see this, all this means is that you've unlocked more of the tree that you can progress through. It's confusing how they've worded it as they've used the same term but they mean different things.
By BangFlashed on 21 Feb 2024 10:55
Is Squad level 50 the cap or does it continue further?
By HoggyBear08 on 03 Feb 2024 23:38
It continues further, 2 of the skills are unlimited while the rest has a max capacity
By Holbath on 04 Feb 2024 07:33
As stated by Holbath, the tree effectively is unlimited. The "level" the tree goes up to is 120, while you can continue past that as two nodes at the start of the tree are unlimited (Damage Reduction and Overall Damage)
By Cenarious on 06 Feb 2024 17:24
Is this game similar to Gotham knights?
By OBlockMafia on 14 Feb 2024 12:36
@OBlockMafia no it's similar to Diablo and Destiny, the meat of the game starts when the campaign ends and you grind for loot and tweak it as you advance into stronger and stronger builds
By BrutalPandaX on 15 Feb 2024 05:36
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You should be finding items with experience gain on them and you should be using those at all times. When you have cleared the story and have moved into the postgame, try to hold on to items with Master in the title (the word will also be in blue text). These are better than their other counterparts by a long shot and you should be using these as your endgame build. You should also focus on leveling in a certain way, detailed below too.

Master Items:
1. When you have a Master item, take it to The Penguin to reroll its buffs until it has three. If it already has three, ignore this step.
2. Take the item to Toyman and have him Elite the item, which allows you to reroll all three buffs. This will likely require currency from incursions.
3. Have Toyman reroll the stats (press cn_Y) to specify a certain buff for a higher cost. You want to prioritize overall experience gain, not just from kills, since you get experience from completing missions too and that should not be ignored.

1. Each character at Lv30 will give you +3% permanent experience gain. This isn't a lot, but considering you need to get the four base characters to Lv30 anyways, do this before you level up your squad level too much. You could consider reading step 3 below and following that for a few levels between characters since it would apply to any character.
2. Honestly? Get Deathstroke from Season 7. I'm 33hrs in and I'm at Squad Level 14 and Deathstroke was a worthy diversion, at a pretty low time investment. His movement FAR exceeds the four main characters and he's just sick as hell anyway. I have been using only him now - and him being at Lv30 means you'd get another +3% permanent experience boost if you follow in my footsteps. He is the coolest guy in the game and his movement is seriously fantastic.
3. Invest your Squad Levels into experience gain. Yes, this means you sacrifice function from other skills, but you're trying to minimize your grind. With 4-5 characters you can access three experience skills. This would require 60 levels to max out which is unnecessary unless you still have more work to do afterwards, but you'll slowly accrue 0.5%-30.0% more permanent experience gain as long as you keep investing in these skills and nothing else. You should only see this up to +25% since, as said before, you'd need Lv60 to get all the buffs with 4-5 characters.
X. If you're insane and you like this game and want to keep playing it, unlocking all the characters and leveling them to Lv30 would get you a final total of +24% experience and would let you access the five experience skills, which would total to +50% experience, resulting in +74% if you were playing SS:KtJL for way longer than anyone would recommend.

My Advocating for Unlocking Deathstroke / His Movement:
You can do a cn_RB dash with a string thing in any direction, then jump midair, then do a quick cn_LB dash in any direction, a midair jump, a second dash, another midair jump, a third midair dash, and another midair jump. Then your meter will be empty. But a cn_RB dash only costs half your meter and you can repeat the above cycle like four times until it runs out. Your distance coverage is insane and it looks awesome at the same time. You can also do this cool dash thing nonstop on the ground at no cost, whereas Captain Boomerang gets motion sickness if you use the speed force too much in a short span of time. Imagine, if you've played Metal Gear Solid V, the Skull Unit and how they dash around really quick. That's Deathstroke on any surface, and you can hold cn_LB to do this off rooftops for a little more distance in the air - or jump at the end of a dash to shoot upwards, leading into your first cn_RB string dash thing.
His moveset involves sniper rifles, shotguns, and assault rifles. If you main him after you unlock him (which you'd want to do since his movement is insane), you can freely disregard most other items - just remember your CPU allies pull from your gear too, so don't leave them hanging!

15 Jan 2025 08:08

In order to unlock this trophy, you need to get your overal squad level to Level 50. Once you've reached Level 30 with one of the characters, any further levelling you do will contribute to your overall squad level. This trophy isn’t particularly difficult to unlock; it just takes a bit of grinding to get there. Chec out our guide on How to level up faster in Suicide Squad. That will get you some good early XP, but for the rest of the way to Squad Level 50, you’re best bet is doing the Incursion Mission on high difficulties (see Act of War trophy_silver.png). This one is best attempted when you’re in the endgame part of Suicide Squad, though of course your general levelling throughout your main playthrough still counts toward this end goal. Once you have gotten to Squad Level 50, this trophy will unlock.
In order to unlock this achievement, you need to get your overal squad level to Level 50. Once you've reached Level 30 with one of the characters, any further levelling you do will contribute to your overall squad level. This achievement isn’t particularly difficult to unlock; it just takes a bit of grinding to get there. Check out our guide on How to level up faster in Suicide Squad. That will get you some good early XP, but for the rest of the way to Squad Level 50, you’re best bet is doing the Incursion Mission on high difficulties (see Act of War (20G)). This one is best attempted when you’re in the endgame part of Suicide Squad, though of course your general levelling throughout your main playthrough still counts toward this end goal. Once you have gotten to Squad Level 50, this achievement will unlock.
The most time-consuming achievement, I recommend paying attention to it from the very beginning . After leveling up any character to level 30, you will have a new branch that will be common to all characters and will again start from 1, in which you will need to reach level 50 (that is, additionally farm another 50 levels). At the same time, new levels of characters who have not yet reached level 30 will not be counted into the branch.

To speed up gaining levels you can do the following:
1. In the new leveling branch, add points to the experience bonus (there are two cells, the maximum you can get is +10% to experience in each)
2. Wear things with a bonus to experience, you can get a maximum of +15% from each item you wear.
3. Set the difficulty level higher so that the experience bonus for completing missions is higher. This can be done in the menu in the "Squad - Difficulty" tab.
4. Complete Incursion missions with a higher Mastery level.
5. In missions where there is "Psyched Up" - use the desired character, as this also gives additional experience
6. Try to complete contracts that give you a bonus to experience + complete daily contracts

The easiest way for me to farm was in the Incursion mission "Laugh Riot", in "Episode 1: Fear". 150 enemies will spawn there and you can get additional experience for killings, in addition to the experience for the mission itself.

09 May 2024 14:41