Summer Athletics
37 Achievements
Xbox 360
Maximize all of your skills.
How to unlock the ALL-ROUNDER achievement in Summer Athletics - Definitive Guide
You maximize your skills by playing through the career mode, and you get the same amount of points to spend on those skills no matter how you end up doing in the event.
Each skill caps at 100, though the game isn't exactly clear on when you can advance the skill from 99 to 100. When it's at 99, it'll seem to stay at 99 potential forever. What I did was I kept dumping points into any skill where I had 99, and eventually it ticked over to 100. You'll need to do this for all 5 skills as you go. Stamina seems to move up the slowest, and you'll probably be stuck at 100/100/100/100/98 for what seems like an eternity, but it will eventually go up.
It will take you 5 or 6 runs through the career modes to actually maximize all of your skills. Luckily, if you've already beaten the career mode you can just grind this out through losing. False starts in the running/cycling/swimming events, not trying in the power events, etc. Just keep plugging away and failing, dumping points into your 99/99 skills, and you'll eventually get this.
Each skill caps at 100, though the game isn't exactly clear on when you can advance the skill from 99 to 100. When it's at 99, it'll seem to stay at 99 potential forever. What I did was I kept dumping points into any skill where I had 99, and eventually it ticked over to 100. You'll need to do this for all 5 skills as you go. Stamina seems to move up the slowest, and you'll probably be stuck at 100/100/100/100/98 for what seems like an eternity, but it will eventually go up.
It will take you 5 or 6 runs through the career modes to actually maximize all of your skills. Luckily, if you've already beaten the career mode you can just grind this out through losing. False starts in the running/cycling/swimming events, not trying in the power events, etc. Just keep plugging away and failing, dumping points into your 99/99 skills, and you'll eventually get this.
FYI, I *think* I may have found a trick for getting stamina to go up faster - on a game type that uses stamina (long running races, long cycle races) make sure to completely exhaust your stamina. At the end of the race, when you allocate your training points, put all 100 in stamina. After I finished career, I was at 98, and needed only two stamina-based events (1km scratch cycling, 800m middle distance) to get the remaining two points. Maybe it was just exceptional timing, but give it a try.
By The Globalizer on 14 Aug 2012 02:39
(FYI, I did this on the EU version but wanted to cross-post here.)
By The Globalizer on 14 Aug 2012 02:40