Super Destronaut: Land Wars

Super Destronaut: Land Wars (UP)

12 Achievements


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Increasing difficulty

Increasing difficulty

Reach to 125.000 points in Maximum Strength.


How to unlock the Increasing difficulty achievement in Super Destronaut: Land Wars - Definitive Guide

Go to Arcade modes on the main menu then select Maximum Strength mode
In this mode you get a rocket launcher and you can't regain health
You must score 125K and it pops after you finish the match by dying
The multiplier meter is the yellow bar under the points on the top left

In video at 6:20
Achievement Walkthrough:

10 Mar 2020 20:26

You access this mode by selecting 'Arcade Modes' from the main menu then 'Maximum Strength Mode'. In Maximum Strength mode, you start off with a rocket launcher, but the kicker is that you do not replenish health with every kill, so you must be careful that your health doesn't deplete before reaching 125,000 points. They still drop money, so it might be wise to save up to 2,000 and spend it on increasing your max HP (hit points). This one might take a couple of attempts.