Super Spell Heroes
45 Achievements
22,500 XP
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Super Spell Heroes achievements progress.
Gather a team of 2 heroes!
Gather a team of 6 heroes!
Gather a team of 9 heroes!
Complete your first quest!
Upgrade a hero to level 5!
Upgrade a hero to level 8!
Reach the Crystal Palace!
Unlock your first new spell!
Achieve a skill rank of 10 with one of your heroes!
Achieve a skill rank of 20 with one of your heroes!
Upgrade a spell to level 2!
Upgrade a spell to level 5!
Upgrade a spell to level 8!
Gather a team of 3 heroes!
Upgrade a hero to level 15!
Upgrade a spell to level 4!
Upgrade a hero to level 2!
Upgrade a hero to level 6!
Achieve a skill rank of 2 with one of your heroes!
Achieve a skill rank of 50 with one of your heroes!
Upgrade a spell to level 15!
Gather a team of 4 heroes!
Achieve a skill rank of 7 with one of your heroes!