Supreme Commander

Supreme Commander

41 Achievements


Xbox 360
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Nuclear Wind

Nuclear Wind

Fire 10 nukes.


How to unlock the Nuclear Wind achievement in Supreme Commander - Definitive Guide

Nuclear Wind

To use a nuke you first need a Tactical Nuclear missle silo, this is build by any tech 3 Engineer, or ACU from the Quantum gate. Once you make the missile Silo you have to make the nuke in the silo, just have any engineers or ACU's build it by hitting Y on the silo. After nukes are made just hit up on the D-pad while on the silo and there should be a launch Icon.

30 Jun 2012 03:50

See Firestorm.

There is a ridiculously fast way to get this and Firestorm(Fire 100 Nukes).
First, you need to build a Nuke launcher, which shows up as a Tier 3 building. They take a long time to build!!
Once you have at least one Nuke launcher built, what worked for me was spamming the fire button once I fired a nuke. Apparently every time you hit the fire button and click where on the map to fire, even though it doesn't fire a nuke, it STILL counts. laugh Do this 10 times and save for Nuclear Wind, 100 times and save for Firestorm!

14 Dec 2014 09:04