Surviving Mars

Surviving Mars

80 Achievements


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Have a Colonist with 5 Perks


How to unlock the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. achievement in Surviving Mars - Definitive Guide

This is how you can get this achievement and all the other achievements. You want to open mods and look for Sepp and Sepp2. Then start a new game and you should get all the achievements including this one. *Warning* if you do not have the DLC for the 500 extra gamerscore you will not get this achievement. Tell me if Sepp and Sepp2 no longer pop-up in the mod menu by commenting, so I can edit this solution

08 Mar 2021 15:34

Each Colonist can have a maximum of 5 traits at one time. Beneficial traits are known as Perks, whereas negative ones are known as Flaws, and there are some traits in between known as Quirks. It is extremely rare that an applicant Colonist from Earth or one born on Mars (Martianborn) would have 5 perks from the get go, so this requires a bit of work.

You'll need the following setup below in order to increase your chances of unlocking this trophy. Once you have everything in place, all you need to do is wait.

  • Colony Size - Build your Colony to be able to sustain a population of 1000-2000
  • Build Schools - These buildings can teach Children up to 3 Perks, very invaluable
  • Research "Martianborn Adaptability" Social tech - Martianborn Colonists graduate faster in Universities and Sanatoriums and have higher chance to gain Perks from Schools.
  • Research "Behavioral Shaping" Social tech - This technology will unlock the Sanatorium spire building, which can be customized remove up to 7 types of Flaws from Colonists, and can treat 3 out of 7 Flaws at any moment.
  • Research "Behavioral Melding" Social tech - This technology allows Sanatoriums to be upgraded to replace any Flaw removed during treatment with a random Perk
  • Research "Dream Reality" Social tech - This unlocks the Project Morpheus wonder. Once built, the Wonder will grant Colonists everywhere random Perks from time to time.
  • (OPTIONAL) Research "Gene Selection" Breakthrough tech - This technlogy doubles the chance that a Colonist will be born with or acquire Rare traits. As the only Rare Traits are Celebrity, Genius, Saint which are all beneficial Perks, this is a good tech to have. However, since Breakthrough tech are randomized in each playthrough, it's down to your luck if you get this tech.
  • (OPTIONAL) Research "Multispiral Architecture" Breakthrough tech - This unlocks the Oval Dome which allows for 2 Spires to be built within. Sanatoriums can only treat 3 Flaws at one time. Although you can switch which flaws to be treated anytime, this change needs to be done manually, and can be a hassle when dealing with many domes. With this Dome you can build 2 Sanatoriums within and customize each one to treat different flaws for a total of 6 at a time, reducing the need for micromanagement. However, since Breakthrough tech are randomized in each playthrough, it's down to your luck if you get this tech.


  1. I left the game running on its own for quite some time while waiting, and only unlocked the trophy when I accessed the resupply menu, wanting to call in some Colonists. As the game is paused when you access any menus, this trophy could potentially be bugged in the sense that the game only checks if you've fulfilled the conditions when in the menus (perhaps too much processing power used when running 2000+ Colonists)
  2. When I unlocked the trophy, I checked all 2600 Colonists of mine, and none of them seemed to have 5 Perks. A majority of them did have 4 Perks + the 'Martianborn' Quirk. It is possible that the 'Martianborn' Quirk could also be a Perk as Martianborns Colonists do acquire many beneficial advantages through researching other technologies. You can see the full list of Perks, Flaws and Quirk at Surviving Mars Paradox Wiki