63 Achievements
Until Next We Meet
Receive mail from an unknown sender. Details for this achievement will be revealed once unlocked
How to unlock the Until Next We Meet achievement in SWORD ART ONLINE: FATAL BULLET - Definitive Guide
This is missable.
All credit to Omega N1ghtm4r3 for determining the exact details of the dialogue choices
1.) When you 1st encounter LLenn, Fukaziroh, Pitohui, and M outside of the shop in the SBC Glocken, Rain and Seven soon joins the conversation. You'll finally get the rewards from the main quest, Battle Preparations.
Immediately afterwards, Seven and Rain will bring up something about gathering some materials, you have to select the 2nd option that says, I know where to look. This will give you the quest, Outerwear Materials: Hard
2.) After using the Night Crystal to save Sachi, you'll end up completing the Frozen Door main quest. Afterwards, Eiji will start to walk away due to him looking for someone. When Kirito offers help to search, select the 2nd option, We'll search every last inch of this place. This will net you the main quest, Manhunt: Hard.
3.) After doing both of the above, you get a new mission after the Lievre Material Gathering Request that you otherwise wouldn't receive. The new quest is called, Yuna's Request. Doing this mission unlocks the Chic Dress F Design. Afterwards you will also go through the cut-scene for the e-mail for the Until Next We Meet achievement.
(Edit: will be attempting to get TA to mark these achievements as missable.)
any idea on what you might've done to possible have popped this?
You can in fact miss this trophy. 100% missiable. There's dialogue options (specifically two) that matter.
I read all the guides here before starting the dlc and now I have to replay the entire dlc to get this trophy.
Nothing that bothers me more than someone who throws up a guide (for free likes/points etc) when they have no idea what they're talking about.
During the DLC there are 2 instances where your response will decide which quest you get. To be safe always pick the bottom response. The specific parts are after meeting Rain and Seven outside the shop they will be talking about where to get materials and you want to select I know just where to look. This will unlock the Hard version of the quest, if you get Easy you will be locked out of this trophy for that run. The second is after defeating the Snowstorm Queen Eiji will be looking for someone and you need to respond We will search the entire map. This will unlock another Hard version of a quest, if you get Easy here you are locked out even if you get Hard on the first quest. There will be one final quest after getting Sachi back where you help Yuna and Eiji and it will award you with the Chic Dress F blueprint and this trophy.