Takotan (UP)
15 Achievements
King Krushed
Defeat King Krunky
How to unlock the King Krushed achievement in Takotan - Definitive Guide
This is the boss at the end of level 2, he’s a giant cloud. His weak point is his eye, just keep shooting and moving.
Story-related; cannot be missed.
King Krunky is the cloud boss at the end of the second level. He only has a couple attacks: he'll shoot clouds across the screen at you (much like the ones in the level, they slow you and do minimal damage), he'll move to the left side of the screen and do the same, and he'll move to the center and move in circles over and over. All attacks are very easy to avoid. Once you do enough damage, he will send out his two balls to bounce around the screen in addition to his normal attacks. They follow a simple and predictable path, which should pose minimal problems to avoid. Focus fire on his eye and he should go down pretty quickly and painlessly.
King Krunky is the cloud boss at the end of the second level. He only has a couple attacks: he'll shoot clouds across the screen at you (much like the ones in the level, they slow you and do minimal damage), he'll move to the left side of the screen and do the same, and he'll move to the center and move in circles over and over. All attacks are very easy to avoid. Once you do enough damage, he will send out his two balls to bounce around the screen in addition to his normal attacks. They follow a simple and predictable path, which should pose minimal problems to avoid. Focus fire on his eye and he should go down pretty quickly and painlessly.