Tales of Kenzera: ZAU
20 Achievements
The Art of Trinketry
Collect all Trinkets
How to unlock the The Art of Trinketry achievement in Tales of Kenzera: ZAU - Definitive Guide
There are eleven trinkets in the game: 1 is given as part of the story and the other 10 are gathered via completing Greatness Trials. The game does a great job of showing you which areas have Greatness Trials and they are marked with a triangular greatness icon (they're called Challenge Gauntlets if you check the legend with Y). If it is greyed out, you've completed that trial (and earned its corresponding trinket). If it isn't, you may have started the trial (or gotten very close to the entrance) but didn't collect the trinket at the end. Here are maps of all the areas:
Wanderer's Pass (0) and The Buluu Caverns (1):
The Great Cliffs (1):
Ikakaramba (1):
The Drowning Swamps (1):
The Wildwood (1):
Nature's Crown (1):
Ember's Spring (1):
The Searing Sand (1):
Mount Itshoka (1):
The Enduring Rite (1):
You may need some abilities from later areas in order to open the doors to these trials... you can fast travel around the map up until the Point of No Return after Act III. The game is very clear about that point, so collect away until then!
Wanderer's Pass (0) and The Buluu Caverns (1):
The Great Cliffs (1):
Ikakaramba (1):
The Drowning Swamps (1):
The Wildwood (1):
Nature's Crown (1):
Ember's Spring (1):
The Searing Sand (1):
Mount Itshoka (1):
The Enduring Rite (1):
You may need some abilities from later areas in order to open the doors to these trials... you can fast travel around the map up until the Point of No Return after Act III. The game is very clear about that point, so collect away until then!
Fantastic game and fantastic summary. Thank you.
By VincibleOcean71 on 03 May 2024 11:27
Great guide, but in my Lengend the trinket icon is called “Challenge Gauntlet” and not “Greatness Trials” or “triangular greatness”.
By xxxDarkRuleRxxx on 07 Jun 2024 09:02
There are eleven trinkets in the game: 1 is given as part of the story and the other 10 are gathered via completing Greatness Trials. The game does a great job of showing you which areas have Greatness Trials and they are marked with a triangular greatness icon (they're called Challenge Gauntlets if you check the legend with Y). If it is greyed out, you've completed that trial (and earned its corresponding trinket). If it isn't, you may have started the trial (or gotten very close to the entrance) but didn't collect the trinket at the end. Here are maps of all the areas:
Wanderer's Pass (0) and The Buluu Caverns (1):
The Great Cliffs (1):
Ikakaramba (1):
The Drowning Swamps (1):
The Wildwood (1):
Nature's Crown (1):
Ember's Spring (1):
The Searing Sand (1):
Mount Itshoka (1):
The Enduring Rite (1):
You may need some abilities from later areas in order to open the doors to these trials... you can fast travel around the map up until the Point of No Return after Act III. The game is very clear about that point, so collect away until then!
Wanderer's Pass (0) and The Buluu Caverns (1):
The Great Cliffs (1):
Ikakaramba (1):
The Drowning Swamps (1):
The Wildwood (1):
Nature's Crown (1):
Ember's Spring (1):
The Searing Sand (1):
Mount Itshoka (1):
The Enduring Rite (1):
You may need some abilities from later areas in order to open the doors to these trials... you can fast travel around the map up until the Point of No Return after Act III. The game is very clear about that point, so collect away until then!
Great guide, but in my Lengend the trinket icon is called “Challenge Gauntlet” and not “Greatness Trials” or “triangular greatness”.
By xxxDarkRuleRxxx on 07 Jun 2024 09:02
Will update, thanks!
By Scarovese#3367 on 07 Jun 2024 09:37