Tales of Vesperia

Tales of Vesperia

50 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Map Nerd

Map Nerd

You have traveled the farthest reaches of the world. Did you find what you were searching for?


How to unlock the Map Nerd achievement in Tales of Vesperia - Definitive Guide

When you get the flying ship later in the game, fly around exploring all the cloudy areas of the world map, when all of the cloudy parts are off (even little bits) the achievement unlocks.

If the achievement does not unlock, and it looks like all the cloudy parts are off the map, go up and down the maps in lines, and you will hit the spot you are missing.

23 Sep 2008 12:27

The overlay map you get by pressing x until it appears while exploring is really good for getting the large unexplored areas, but I found the world map you get when the game is paused to be the best to get those last couple annoying spots =D
By Kaisar Villhelm on 18 Jan 2011 05:10
Best way to do this is diagonally so that when it reaches the end of the screen it starts in a different part, it only took 5 minutes for me personally to find the invisible speck that I needed.
Also use a wired controller so the battery doesn't run out and wrap the cable around the analog stick so it flies by itself.
By kcy90 on 04 Jul 2011 06:04
An easy way to uncover every part of the map is to click the right stick in, while riding Ba'ul so he faces North, and hold the control stick up, slightly to the right. Either hold it down, tape it, or use a rubber band to hold the stick in place. After a while, he should have explored every inch of the world map.

I couldn't find which spots I was missing on the map, so I held the control stick north-east for about 5 minutes and the achievement unlocked.

15 May 2013 04:09

Great tip! This helped me when I had a tiny missing spot I couldn't find. Thanks!
By Peeeeeeete on 30 Dec 2019 21:14
Great tip. I couldn't see the microscopic speck I was missing. This did the trick in a minute. toast
By BloodGodAlucard on 20 Sep 2021 11:59
This is easier when you have the flying creature to fly about. So if you haven't reach that partbin the story dont bother until you do. Once you have the flying creature anf you can fly about, fly around the entire worl until you either get the achievement or an easier way to see what you haven't traveled yet. Hit Y go to library, look at the world map, its a much easier way to spot the cloudy parts you haven't traveled over. Instead of doing the way the others stated. Looking at the world map after you went up and down and think you have every spot is better then blindy going up and down ladt to right hoping you'll find the spot you missed. Because the two spots I missed where very small and I couldn't see until I checked the worl map in the Y menu.

24 Jul 2014 02:02

As you travel the world you will gradually uncover more of the map. Hit Y, then select "Library" and finally "World Map" to see your progress. Look around for spots that are still beige and head there to uncover them. Very easy once you get Ba'ul. You will most likely be missing some small speck that you can't see with your naked eye, so once you do your initial sweep when you get Ba'ul, if you don't have the achievement just ignore it and finish playing the game. You ride him often going from city to city so you'll probably hit that last spot randomly somtime. If you don't get it before you finish the game for some reason, be sure to spend 300 in the Grade Shop to carry your map over.