Tennis World Tour 2

Tennis World Tour 2

30 Achievements

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Get promoted in online seasons.


How to unlock the Promotion achievement in Tennis World Tour 2 - Definitive Guide

This game is very buggy. First you want go into the online league modes and from there hit next match.

I found that I only found my boosting partner when my boosting partner would search in the league mode and let the search clock run to 6 seconds. After 6 seconds my boosting partner would tell me to search and I found them very frequently doing this. I suggest when boosting that the person not winning uses an alternate account so you don't get too far apart in rankings when you return the wins back to yourself.

Once the match starts if the person getting the achievement is serving then serve one point and have the person not getting the achievement quit after the game re sets up to serve again. DO NOT quit before it sets up to serve again or the game will not count. IF YOU ARE NOT the one serving you need to let your boosting partner win a game first then have them quit after you serve a point.

I have found when I just try quitting at a random time or not while not serving the game will freeze up and the win doesn't always count so to be safe this method always results in a counted win.

You need 6 wins to get the achievements. If you somehow mess up and get a loss you have 10 tries to get the 6 wins.

17 Jan 2022 05:07

Just a heads up, at 4 matches in the league it says promotion, but it's actually at 6 matches you get the direct promotion. So you gotta win 6 matches.

27 Sep 2020 23:20

If you understand that you will not win the match, just click on options and exit the game, your defeat will not be counted as a loss.

14 Aug 2021 08:05

For me, winning is a problem. Played 8 times, won 2 times. I decided not to risk it, I threw the save into the cloud, or onto a flash drive. I played, loading an old save, until I won. The trophy dropped after the 10th match (assuming 3 wins out of 10).

13 Aug 2021 20:59