Tesla Force

Tesla Force

18 Achievements


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Crimson King

Crimson King

Defeat 3 Elite monsters in a single run


How to unlock the Crimson King achievement in Tesla Force - Definitive Guide

This can be done on chapter 3 - „Forgotten Caves“. On all my playthroughs, chapter 2 always only had 2 elite encounters.

What you absolutely need for this achievement as a bare minimum, is the Radar Research fully upgraded! Otherwise you‘re not able to see which path you have to take, to reach the 3 elite levels. Elite levels are the pink circles with a flag as a symbol. Which elite enemy spawns is competely random, however.
To be able to beat the 3 elite encounters, make sure that you finish all other levels as fast as possible, you don‘t want to have the Dark Rituals clock on a high count when attempting this.
On the actual elite level, always try to focus on the elite and try to dodge the enemies with teleport (I researched teleport 3-4 more times, to have enough of them ready) and remember the elite will always follow you, so get those mech parts while running around the map. Levels become harder in chapter 3, as you won‘t be able to walk in a circle around the map. There are levels with a lot of dead ends, which forces you to go through all enemies to leave again, that‘s why teleports could save you here.
As soon as you killed your 3rd elite, the achievement pops.
Please comment, if you have any questions or stuff that helped you get this achievement. I‘ll gladly add it to the solution.

07 Mar 2021 11:13

Worked like a charm! Good guide, great tips.
I followed all the above and got this with Tesla, using Ion Rifle for crowds and Repeater Shotgun for huge damage in close quarters versus the elites & any tougher-than-average mobs.
After figuring out which map route hit 3 elites, I made sure to grab as many weapon upgrades (gun icon) and high quality perks (blue star icon) as possible along the way.
By Reverend M3TA on 04 Jun 2021 23:40
@Reverend M3TA: Happy to help! :) Cheers for explaining your way of doing it.
By Rusty Nail zh on 19 Jun 2021 09:39
Hello everyone ! How do you get the "Radar Research" ? Is it an ability ? I have 3 habilities locked, and don't know their name and description.
By Makspen on 11 Nov 2022 07:20
Finally got it by just playing chapter 3.
I had Elites in level 3, in level 6 and level 8, just before the Boss level.
I was lucky this time.
By Makspen on 15 Nov 2022 19:32
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This achievement is referring to the Elite enemies that you kill in the 'Elite Monster' level type. From what I can tell, this is only possible in the third chapter, as there aren't enough of these level types in the other two chapters.

Either way, before even attempting this, you'll need to have the first Research option (to show all stages in a chapter) fully upgraded. This allows you to see and fully plan out your route through a chapter, ensuring you go through enough 'Elite Monster' stages, which are always a purple circle. Then, you'll want to start up a run on the third chapter and immediately use the right thumbstick to scroll around the map and review the layout. There will always be three Elite Monster stages, but make sure a route exists that lets you play them all. If you don't see a route, abandon the game and restart until it's possible. 

From there, it's just a matter of actually making it through all the appropriate stages and beating three Elite Monster ones, all without dying. For the Elite Monster stages, treat them like boss fights: don't engage them unless you're in the Mech. When not in it, ignore the Elite and hunt down the Mech pieces. Once it's ready, wait for the Elite to catch up to you, activate your mech, then tank all damage while you focus fire on it. I never had an Elite survive a single mech use, so it should go down with ease. Do this for each Elite fight and you'll immediately unlock this achievement after beating the third one.