Tesla Force

Tesla Force

18 Achievements


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I am the Danger!

I am the Danger!

Get 120 kill combo


How to unlock the I am the Danger! achievement in Tesla Force - Definitive Guide

Tried several places.
Boss 1 was the best place for me.
You need a 120 multi kill.

Gathered up a swarm/horde and just hammered away.
Save and quit if you didnt get it.
This will give you the option to retry on the same map when you continue.

23 Dec 2020 18:48

Reading through the achievements on TA I was rather confused as what exactly I was supposed to do for this achievement, turns out that the achievement description on Xbox is different & says "Get 120 kill combo" so it's like those "MULTIKILL" things you get for killing a specific number at once, well not at once but the time limit seems very short though that might also be because I simply run out of enough monsters to keep the combo going ... IDK, will have to get back to you on that one, that is if I actually figure it out lol wink.
Oh & thanks for the solution, upvoted smile
Edit: Just wanted to add that your English is spot on mate, no worries there compute
By EverStoned77 on 21 Jul 2021 22:26
You are saying you did this during the boss fight right? This is the only one i need as well.
By DevinMTG on 24 Dec 2020 04:33
Yep. Maybe my english wasnt that good. I will shorten solution
By FreebirdX3 on 24 Dec 2020 06:50
No, worries, I appreciate that you took the time to post how you got it. I'm gonna give it a shot later. Thank you!
By DevinMTG on 25 Dec 2020 03:49
I got this on survive the hive on 2nd world, multi barrel perk. You need a Monster kill which is right after an Ultra kill!
By BK BuDHa on 01 Aug 2021 20:03
Ok, so as I say in the above comment a monster kill is awarded for 120kills & you do indeed need to do it almost in one clean swoop, as far as I could figure even by getting slow but constant kills I couldn't keep the combo going.
Oh & I did get this on the 1st boss but on my first attempt I had the poison thing that kills monsters when they get close & that made it impossible to gather enough live ones to get the achievement, second attempt I could it straight away, super easy smile
By EverStoned77 on 01 Aug 2021 22:45
Boss 1 is very definitely the place. I went in with a Jacob Stick and chipped away at everything, farming crystals, using batteries as shield for Mary Shelley, and AVOIDED PICKING UP NUKE. Once the boss was dead, I kited the enemies around for a few laps, then led them to the nuke. The slower enemies perk helped. Save and quit helped me not have to do another run after I failed, as others have mentioned.
By Chucklestyle on 26 Oct 2022 21:43
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Combos in this game have incredibly short windows between the kills to keep them going. There's pretty much no way you're going to get this outside of the mech, since it fires nonstop without reloading.

The other thing you need, then, is enough enemies flooding toward you nonstop to kill 120 without any real downtime between the kills. I personnally unlocked this naturally during a 'Survey the Hive' level in the third chapter, since I was running from enemies collecting mech parts, and enough had amassed that when I activated the mech, I easily mowed down enough for this achievement. Another good spot to try for this achievement is during the boss fight of the third chapter, since there are constant huge mobs of enemies throughout the fight. Get the mech, get to one corner of the arena, activate it, and fire back and forth to cover all enemies swaming you. You should easily get 120 that way.