Tesla Force

Tesla Force

18 Achievements


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Lucky Number

Lucky Number

Complete a chapter with 13 on the clock


How to unlock the Lucky Number achievement in Tesla Force - Definitive Guide

This achievement is actually quite easy to obtain. Once you complete your first run of the game win or lose, back at the hub you will be told about a doom clock. Essentially what this does is increase the difficulty of the enemies the longer your run in for whatever chapter your playing. You need to have the clock do a full rotation 12 times and then while on thirteen escape with the chapter complete.

Best part is that you can idle this after you defeat any boss. So once you kill the boss on chapter one or two, no more enemies spawn and you can just wait until the clock hits 13. Once you escape and return to the hub the achievement will unlock. :)

27 Nov 2020 23:03

I tried this on one of the first Arkham missions, legit, by killing enemies for 30+ minutes. Unfortunately, the ach didn't unlock for me.
By CoreScan on 05 Dec 2020 12:54
That sucks. It could be a little glitchy maybe? I would try to rush to the boss, beat it at a low level and then dip when it hits 13. Much easier that way and you don’t have to play longer due to enemies getting stronger.
By Its Uncle Kev on 05 Dec 2020 17:03
Are we sure that enemy spawn stops after the boss fight? My enemies are keep coming even after I defeat the boss.
By Ecologist0 on 12 Jan 2021 12:30
Hmmmm. You are talking about the final level in the chapter yeah? Every run I did regardless of chapter, once the board was destroyed no more enemies spawned in. Maybe they updated it since launch. But I’m not certain
By Its Uncle Kev on 12 Jan 2021 12:33
Yes, levels in the end of chapters. I tried it in chapter one and they kept spawning. Now, I tried in chapter 3 but this time there is no enemy spawn but clock doesn't go up. Thanks for the info though.
By Ecologist0 on 12 Jan 2021 13:27
I can confirm that the boss method works on the 2nd boss, with just waiting it out after beating him. On the 1st boss, enemies will still spawn after he‘s done.
By Rusty Nail zh on 07 Mar 2021 10:29
Thanks for clarifying Rusty Nail zh. Just got this idling after the 2nd boss for 15 mins and then when it's on 13 on the clock pressing Y to complete the mission.
By Leap Of Faith77 on 24 Jul 2021 02:58
I tried winning, dying and quiting with the doom clock at 13th rotation and in 14th! None unlocked the achievement for me... :( I don't know what I'm doing wrong...
(I tried that on mid stages, not on bosses)
By FlawlessPine483 on 28 Jul 2021 06:31
You need to complete a chapter. Chapter ends when you beat the boss and continue. Mid stages do not count as a chapter
By Its Uncle Kev on 28 Jul 2021 06:40
Thanks! Now I got it. It HAS to be on the boss stage in order to complete the chapter. Silly me for not paying attention.😝😂😂
By FlawlessPine483 on 29 Jul 2021 06:07
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Once you kill the second boss no more enemies will spawn but the clock will still be running, so yet sit back and wait till the clock goes to 13 and exit the level

31 Aug 2022 10:12

Level up, focus on bullet strength. I said this last so I was highly levelled.

Play the first chapter. For the majority of this trophy you won't have mech access so focus on getting a good weapon with a decent spread on it. Tesla Shotgun or similar.

Stay away from the regular shotgun.

Play chapter as normal. Beat the final boss of chapter 1. After you've done that, enemies will continue to arrive in small groups (give it a few seconds to happen).

Health is hard to come by now and there are no more mech parts. You need to stay alive for a while. Keep killing the mobs. Do not press triangle as that'll end your run.

When the doom clock hits 13, press triangle to exit the level.

03 Dec 2020 23:35

After your first run (win or lose), you'll be introduced to the Doom Clock that will now exist on the right side of the screen in all subsequent runs. It gradually progresses, and each time it crosses a new hour, enemies get buffed in some way, and you'll see the level on the clock increase by one. What this achievement requires is for you to beat a chapter (i.e. a boss fight at the end of a run) with the Doom Clock at level 13.

Obviously doing this "legit" would be quite challenging, as enemies get progressively stronger every level on the clock, and so you would need to survive quite a while with very strong enemies. Thankfully, there is actually a very simple workaround for this achievement.

After beating the boss of the second chapter, and the second chapter only, enemies stop spawning but the clock keeps on ticking until you press button-y.png to end your run. You can therefore play through the second chapter, beat the boss at the end, and then just sit there idle while the clock ticks up. Once it reaches level 13, as indicated on the clock itself, press button-y.png to end the run and this achievement will unlock.
For a very long time I could not understand what was required to obtain this trophy. Only on one resource could I find a normal description of the conditions for achieving it.
1. You need to complete a chapter (there are only 3 of them in the game), not a level.
2. It is necessary that the clock does not show the time with an arrow, but makes 13 full revolutions and the number 13 will appear in the center of the clock!
3. There is a glitch that makes this trophy extremely easy. You need to start chapter 2 (Farm), go through it to the end and kill the boss, but do not press the triangle button to complete the level. Wait for the required number of revolutions (you need 13) and complete the level by pressing triangle.

08 Jan 2023 05:46