Tesla Force

Tesla Force

18 Achievements


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Complete a boss fight without taking any damage


How to unlock the Untouchable achievement in Tesla Force - Definitive Guide

This can be tricky without the right setup. Out of the three bosses the second boss, the Abomination is the only feasible one.

My gun of choice was The Daisy Cutter. You can buy one before starting chapter 2 for 93 crystals. From there I would recommend also having tier three of the scout perk so you can see the whole map of what you can route. From there you want to aim for the missions that upgrade your weapon and getting perks.

For the boss fight it’s pretty simple. In order to damage him you need to destroy a red polyp that’s near him. Once it’s gone it will say you can damage him. If you have the shield perk or starpower it’ll help destroy the boss quickly. His move sets only seem to be spitting something that can be noticed by a pink circle on the map. Besides that you just gotta worry about regular enemies trying to hit you and ruining the achievement.

I suggest you run through the boss once to get the feel of it before attempting so you don’t lose out on the crystals to buy the weapon. If you need any more advice, let me know and I’ll gladly help. He’s to luck to you all. toast

28 Nov 2020 18:49

Worth noting you can take damage as the mech. I was unsure..
By FreebirdX3 on 23 Dec 2020 18:18
You can? I took damage from the mech my first try and didn’t seem to pop. Maybe I took damage as it was exploding too or something. If more people seem to have that work I’ll update. Thanks for the info though sir!
By Its Uncle Kev on 23 Dec 2020 20:17
Well,maybe I caused some confusion.
I did NOT take damage from the boss as a mech,but took damage from minions/horde as mech.
BUT,I did not take any damage from neither boss or horde/minions in human form.

So I found it strange as the achievement is labeled "no damage during a boss fight".
By FreebirdX3 on 24 Dec 2020 07:00
Where can you buy before starting chapter . I saw only the weapon tiers what you can buy
By IIIDarkmasterII on 30 Dec 2020 15:28
Can confirm that in the beginning of the boss level, when in the Mech, I got hit by enemies and the achievement still popped. It really only negates the achievement if you loose life points. Also researching the mech durability helped greatly for this achievement!
By Rusty Nail zh on 07 Mar 2021 22:34
Can someone confirm if taking damage as the mech or Shelley’s shield getting hit is okay? Conflicting info going around.
By MGaskell on 22 Jul 2021 12:50
Use Mary Shelley! She has a force field protecting her health that regenerates! The damages the force field take does not count, as long her health is intact!
By FlawlessPine483 on 28 Jul 2021 06:24
FYI, for me this only popped after I completed the 2nd boss, pressed Y and returned to the hub area. I kept doing the boss over and over again and restarting the game after the boss battle if the achievement never popped, but I guess you have to actually press Y and finish for it to pop. So only confirm the level completion with Y when you're sure that the fight was 0 human damage, if not you can force close the game and try again straight from the boss fight. Mech damage is conpletely fine.
By Leap Of Faith77 on 28 Jul 2021 17:18
I managed to get this today without wven trying for it. Totally forgot about it as I just fancied a quick blast at the game. Positive I took damage though, at least against the smaller enemies.
By FullMoonBeaver on 26 Aug 2021 18:53
I had got some very good perks in a chapter one run. But got unlucky by the boss spawning on me, which made me take damage. So decided to save and quit to see what happen. And surely enough, it takes you back to the mission select screen, where you can select the boss mission again and have another go at it. So you basically have unlimited tries if you just save and quit if you take damage on a bosssmile
By HolyThugRabbit on 03 Dec 2020 17:21
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This trophy is the bitch of the bunch.

1. You should max out your bullet strength and mech armour.

2. Spend some money on teleport upgrades too. And the perk that gives you an extra projectile.

3. Play through chapter 2 and focus on perks, not weapons. Although pick those up in natural play.

4. This has to be done on the boss, not the mid chapter elite enemies.

5. When you start the boss level, teleport down while firing up. That first bit is the most dangerous. Then focus on doing maximum damage to the boss with crowd control. The back during perk is good if you can get it. You cannot take a hit, even to your mech. Play as Tesla.

I wouldn't attempt this until you have beaten the third chapter and gotten good at the game.

03 Dec 2020 23:28

This achievement description is not entirely accurate. What you actually need to do is complete a boss fight without losing any health while on foot. The reason this clarification is necessary is because it's important to realize that, while in the mech, you can "take damage" without voiding this achievement.

With that in mind, in my opinion, the abomination boss at the end of the second chapter is ideal for this achievement: the regular enemies are not overwhelming and they're very weak and easy to kill, the boss is stationary making it easy to shoot and destroy, and its attacks are extremely simple and easy to avoid. On top of that, the arena for this fight is simple and small, making it very easy to collect all the mech parts.

And that's basically the only strategy you need for the second boss, to beat it without taking damage. What is that thing? (40G) has more information on how the boss fight progresses, but basically start by unloading on it in your mech, tanking whatever damage comes your way. Once the mech explodes, use your dashes and weapon to take care of regular enemies while you collect the mech parts. I never even had close calls with the boss's purple attacks, but keep an eye on them just in case. Once you're back in the mech, head up to the boss and unload again. In two or three mech activations, you should be able to finish the boss off. As long as you're good with moving around to collect the parts quickly without taking damage, you should have no problems with this fight.

NOTE 1: If you do take damage during the fight, you actually can attempt it again without having to do a new run. You can pause and choose to 'Save and Quit.' When you go back into your game, you'll be at the start of the boss fight, allowing you to attempt it again without getting hit. Make a mental note of your health when you start the fight, and then, worst case, if you finish the fight but see your health is lower than where you started, Save and Quit instead of pressing button-y.png to complete the mission, and you can try again.

NOTE 2: There are reports that, if you play as Mary Shelley, her shield she gets doesn't void this achievement if it gets hit. All that matters is that your health on the left doesn't go down. However, she is only unlocked by collecting 125 Energy Cells in a single run. I never unlocked her in my time with this game, and she certainly isn't required for this achievement to be possible. It's just an extra layer of protection in case you do have her unlocked.