Test Drive Unlimited

46 Achievements



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Successfully complete ALL the missions (Top-Model, Hitchhiker, Vehicle Transport or Courier).


How to unlock the SUCCESSFUL MISSIONS - LEVEL 4 achievement in Test Drive Unlimited - Definitive Guide

You have to beat all the missions (not challenges). These are the top model, hitchhiker, vehicle transport and courier missions. Most of them are pretty easy already but if you are having trouble make sure you use the best car you can (if you get a choice) and tune it to level 3.

Top model: Drive a fussy model to a given destination in a certain amount of time. There is a damage bar so you can't hit too many cars or go off the road too much. You have to have specific cars or classes for most of these. The time limits are usually pretty generous so they shouldn't give you any trouble. You do NOT need to get a perfect to get the achievement so don't worry about hitting a car or two or going off the road unless you want all the clothes. You can replay them later if you want to go for perfect.

Hitchhiker: The missions are just like the top model missions except that they don't have car restrictions. Pick a fast, controllable car like the Enzo and you should be able to do them all quickly. You don't have to get perfect for the achievement so hitting a few cars or going off the road for a little bit is ok. You can replay them if you want to go for perfect (and all the clothes) later.

Vehicle transport: You have to drive a car to a particular destination with no time limit. They pay a LOT of money so you should do these early on in the game. Getting perfect nets you an extra 50% reward so drive slowly and carefully and restart if you crash or go off the road. Once you complete the mission it's gone forever.

Courier: You have to drive a package to a certain destination in a given amount of time. The time is pretty generous so there's not too much pressure to hurry. Just watch out for the cops. Your reward is money and the mission disappears when you complete it.

11 Sep 2009 09:31

So for the courier missions. Are there bonuses for perfect? And it aint possible to re-do once done for getting a perfect. Did I understand it right? Answer through copying this text and complete it with answers please. =) /Becker SWE of B13 clan
By Becker SWE on 22 Nov 2010 15:42
So for the courier missions. Are there bonuses for perfect? And it aint possible to re-do once done for getting a perfect. Did I understand it right? Answer through copying this text and complete it with answers please. =) /Becker SWE of B13 clan

1. For courier missions, there is a bonus for perfect - you get an extra 50% money - $80 000 becomes $120 000, $90 000 becomes $135 000 (and from memory $99 999 becomes $149 998).

2. You are correct; it is also not possible to re-do once done to get a perfect in a second attempt.
By blackjacktrial on 16 Jul 2011 07:14
For this achievement you need to FIND the missions, they don't just appear on the map. You find them by driving on roads you haven't driven before, or you could copy the map from the guide made by "Confused Shelf" and search for them there.

Vehicle transport mission are between easy and hard depending on the car you have to deliver. I know its tempting to get Perfect on these mission's so if you fail you start over. I recommend not doing that as you only get between 30-45 thousand bonus. If you get between 75-85 thousand everytime you do it, you'll get 2,250,000-2,550,000 million dollars by the time you finished all 30 of them! The 35-45 thousand bonus might sound good, but it takes a lot longer and its harder than if you try and keep it between the 75-85 thousand. Also when your driving, try keeping on the right side and everytime a curve or junction comes up on your GPS map, slow down as cars can suddenly turn right on a junction and its easier to go around the curve if you drive slower.

Courier missions can vary and can be very annoying if you don't have a fast enough car. Out of all the courier missions I've done, i haven't seen a single damage meter so you can just step on the gas and get there as fast as possible. BUT don't think you can just crash into cars because the cops are actually around and ones you have 3 stars, they are very annoying to get rid off.

Hitchhikers are almost the same as Top models but they require you to drive longer distances. Same with vehicle transport, don't try and get perfect as it takes a very long time, just try and get to the destination without damaging out.

Top models are the easiest ones in my opinion as you don't have to cover long distances. Same as Hitchhikers and vehicle transport, don't try and get perfect.

Note: There is no achievement in this game that says "get every mission on perfect" so thats why im saying don't bother getting perfect on the missions.

Hope this guide helps. This is my first guide so thats why i did it on a old game and not on a new one. Please comment below if you think this guide is good, reasonable, or bad. If its bad, please say why so i can improve on my next one. Thanks for reading.

07 Jun 2011 08:14

Patience and perseverance is required for this one. You'll need to do enough missions to unlock the next batch of missions in the same category.

Top-Model missions are relatively easy and can get you extreme amounts of clothes vouchers - I ended up with more than 300 after I had finished.

Hitchhiker missions are similar to Top-Model missions, the difference here is that the route is usually longer and your reward is money, rather than vouchers. Some of the guys you pick up are rather picky on your driving style and choice of car, however, there is no option to punch your passenger in the mouth.

Vehicle Transport missions are also fairly easy because this time you're not racing against the clock. If you manage to deliver the vehicle without scratching it, you'll receive a 50% bonus on top of the prize.

Courier missions require a little bit of patience because you need to deliver a package with considerable speed, albeit with an increased abundance of police - be careful. If you fail the mission, you have to pay the insurance for the package.

Good luck.

27 Oct 2008 11:03

hitch hikers give coupons, not cash. and if you think about it also makes sense because if they had money theyd buy a car!!!
By The Real Tizzz on 30 Nov 2009 09:30
somehow after i did only 75 missions they're were no more missions spawning. i checked my map and there are no more missions too do and i don't know what to do. do i have to get some more achievements for them to spawn up or wait? please i really need your help people
By ZENMASTR6555 on 12 Mar 2010 04:29
ah i found out what was wrong. i haven't found all the roads yet and as soon as i uncovered some of the ones i was missing a few started to pop up. you need to have to explorer achievement to get this achievement hope this helps anyone who had the same problem as i did.
By ZENMASTR6555 on 15 Mar 2010 00:26
If you can't afford a high-end car, the Corvette Z06 (B Class; $72K) is a good choice for the hitch-hiker missions early on. The time limit for these missions is fairly forgiving, and an upgraded Z06 is a pretty nice early-game car that handles well and has good speed after its been upgraded. I did lots of the hitch-hiker missions with the Z06 early on and often finished them with 30 - 45 seconds to spare.
By KingOfWeight on 30 Aug 2010 11:55
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To get this achievement you have to complete 40 of the single player missions that are scattered across the island.

Here is a map for the locations of all challenges. To use it, simply copy the image location and paste it into a window or tab.
External image

Top-Model missions are short bursts, usually through a city or town. Stop next to the woman who needs a ride and get her to her destination in the time limit. You have a meter on the left of the screen that varies on the mission. You have a number at the start of the race and if that number reaches 0 the mission is over.
You loose 1 for every 0.25 seconds a single wheel spends off the road.
You loose 10 if all four wheels come off the road.
You loose 10 for crashing into a destructable sign.
You loose 20 for crashing into a car.
These missions reward you with coupons that you can spend in the many clothing establishments.

Hitchhikers are essentially the same as Top-Models. They do provide more coupons however. This time it is a guy who needs a lift and they are generally much longer than Top-Models. This makes these far more challenging as the time limit requires you to drive at the same pace. The same rules apply with the meter at the left of the screen.

Vehicle Transport missions are the easiest, highest paying and definably the most stressful. There is no time limit so you can drive at a slow speed, and I highly recommend that. There is still a meter at the left only this time the number represents the money you will receive upon completing the mission. This goes down at the same respective speed as in hitchhikers and top-models but because it such a large amount of money you are loosing it can be very disheartening. The distance you must travel in these cars are extreme.

Courier missions are similar to vehicle transportations. You have to deliver a package to a destination. These missions vary considerably. Sometimes you will have a time limit, sometimes you will have a meter and sometimes you will have to pay if you loose the mission. Often it is a combination of challenges. These also reward big cash but the distances are long.

All of the missions provide a bonus for completing them without the meter on the left dropping. The bonus is usually between 20-50% of the payment.

25 Feb 2011 13:04

By this point, you've probably already gotten most of the achievements, and are almost completed the game. This is hard, especially a couple of the Hitchhikers and top-model ones. You must complete all 120, 30 from each different activity.

If you have any trouble with some of them, feel free to contact the owner of this guide at any in any of the following ways:

E-Mail: [email protected]
Xbox: Gamertag: MAKA91