Tetris Evolution

Tetris Evolution

40 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Old Skool Back to Back

Old Skool Back to Back

Scored 2 Tetrises in 2 drops playing Marathon.


How to unlock the Old Skool Back to Back achievement in Tetris Evolution - Definitive Guide

A Tetris is when 4 lines are cleared at once. To do this, you must build leaving a sport just for the stick on either the right or left hand side.
The fastest way to unlock this achievement is to start a new game on marathan, when you receive a stick, hoard it with (RB). That will save it until you need it. continue playing until you have at least 8 lines ready to be cleared and you get another stick from the game. Use the stick you just got to clear out 4 lines (a tetris), then as the next peice comes down swap it with the stick you have saved by pressing (RB). Acquire another tetris, and achievement unlock.

23 Dec 2009 13:48

***Do this achievement at the same time as the original "back to back" achievement
what you want to do is neatly stack all the tetrisies so that no space appears except for the space right next to the far left or right. then when you get a long blue stick, hold it with one of the trigger buttons. continue stacking until you come across another long blue stick in which you take out 4 lines, then use your held blue stick to take out the remaining 4 lines

23 Oct 2008 02:57

You have to get two Tetrises in a row, but using only two pieces. So obviously the only way to do this is using two blue pieces in a row when the grid is at least eight rows high with one vertical line clear down one side. Keep a blue piece in reserve as soon as you can, then build up the grid to the required height – then just wait for another blue piece to appear and drop that in followed by your spare piece.