Tetris Evolution
40 Achievements
Xbox 360
Score Gold Medal
Got 25,000 points in under 4:00 playing Score (Single Player).
How to unlock the Score Gold Medal achievement in Tetris Evolution - Definitive Guide
The key to getting 25000 in under 4 minutes is learning how to do T-spins. Basically you have to do nothing but T-spins and the odd tetris to lower your stack for the full time that you are playing. T-spins are sort of complicated to do when you are just getting started but once you get the hang of them they are super easy. Watch the video below because I am not going super fast at all so anyone can get these acheivements if you learn how to T-spin.
Please don't mind the baby. My son is 4 months old and was just waking up from his nap.
By OwenPaige1 on 18 Jul 2009 22:50
I meant to comment a while ago, but forgot. -_- Anyways, this video was incredibly helpful! Once I learned to look for that pattern, this achievement fell pretty quickly. Don't think I would've done it had you not posted this. Thanks!
By Matrarch on 21 Jan 2010 20:05
It is possible to do this with back to back Tetris's. It does end up being close time wise, and requires some luck. I was able to do it with back to back Tetris's in 3:47 after trying it for about an 30-60 minutes.
I kept a long piece in hold and just stacked pieces for a tetris as fast as possible and performed nothing but Tetris's the entire game.
It's also very important to be quick, lining up pieces and performing instant drops is required to save time.
I'm not great with setting up t-spins so this method is just what worked for me.
I kept a long piece in hold and just stacked pieces for a tetris as fast as possible and performed nothing but Tetris's the entire game.
It's also very important to be quick, lining up pieces and performing instant drops is required to save time.
I'm not great with setting up t-spins so this method is just what worked for me.
Tried many times, but not able to get under 4:30 it seems doing only tetrises. Dunno how you guys do it lol.
By Solario32 on 10 Mar 2013 21:19
Just did 25,000 in 4 minutes exactly and it didn't count. FYI.
By DeosamoX on 05 Jul 2021 23:02
The video by owen is good but i would also like to stress what made me successful after so many tries.
When starting with the S and Z blocks that for you first t-turn, you use a yellow box to create the T turn. Try as soon as possible to make the top of the box stay even to the right. This allows you to stack a red z block on the left and the a blue on top of it, creating another flat surface and a t-turn area at the same time.
This is very hard to explain but you can find what I mean at 20 seconds into the video that I attached.
This achievement is all practice, I haven't played Tetris in ages however I practiced this for about a day, and using the advice I give you, you can indeed do it to. This took me over 200 tries easy so don't expect to get it your first time unless you are amazing.
Thats my 2 cents, if you have anything to add please ask.
When starting with the S and Z blocks that for you first t-turn, you use a yellow box to create the T turn. Try as soon as possible to make the top of the box stay even to the right. This allows you to stack a red z block on the left and the a blue on top of it, creating another flat surface and a t-turn area at the same time.
This is very hard to explain but you can find what I mean at 20 seconds into the video that I attached.
This achievement is all practice, I haven't played Tetris in ages however I practiced this for about a day, and using the advice I give you, you can indeed do it to. This took me over 200 tries easy so don't expect to get it your first time unless you are amazing.
Thats my 2 cents, if you have anything to add please ask.
posting comments here because this video helped me more than all other videos. if you are having trouble i suggest watching multiple videos on the internet and on the games xbox live leaderboards. you have to know how to do t-spins, thats the easy part. like i said above i had trouble getting the right start, i tried to copy multiple people and this start was the best for me, you have to get to where it is all level about 4 rows high or so. copying the start of this video really helped me so if you are stuck i would try this.
once you get a good start, i probably had about 20-30 before i got the achievement, just keep stacking red and blue and keeping the last 4 columns close to even on the right. some games you just might get screwed with the wrong pieces, just keep at it and it should run good eventually. make sure to try and keep an eye on your reserve piece and the next two pieces to plan accordingly.
once you get a good start, i probably had about 20-30 before i got the achievement, just keep stacking red and blue and keeping the last 4 columns close to even on the right. some games you just might get screwed with the wrong pieces, just keep at it and it should run good eventually. make sure to try and keep an eye on your reserve piece and the next two pieces to plan accordingly.
By PHARREAL87 on 15 Jan 2012 15:24
the first 8 drops of this video make it easier for me at least to get a good start. tried about 75 games just trying to get the right start, just played starting with those moves every time i could, and if i couldn't i restarted, after 4 mins in one game i was 700 points short, hopefully i can get this soon.
By PHARREAL87 on 15 Jan 2012 01:10
The hardest achievement in the game, at least for me. All I can say is that you have to get back to back Tetrises and nothing else – if you miss even one then you may as well restart as it’s that tight. At the end, when you are close, you may want to pick off one of two lines to get you there as you might not have time to build up for another Tetris. It will take a few attempts so you have been warned.