Tetris Evolution
40 Achievements
Xbox 360
Ultra Bronze Medal
Scored 5,000 points playing 1 minute Ultra.
How to unlock the Ultra Bronze Medal achievement in Tetris Evolution - Definitive Guide
Make sure mode is set to Ultra and 1 minute for this achievment. I got it by setting the speed to 9 and tried to get as many tetries as I could (clearing 4 lines at a time). When it was clear I couldn't get any more, I cleared 1 and 2 lines until the time ran out. Achievment will pop as soon as you get the 5,000 points. I set the speed to 9 because the pieces will fall faster and you will have more pieces to work with. At the lower speeds, you don't get enough pieces to get enough points before the minute is up. Good luck!
You basically have one minute to get as many points as possible, again going for Tetrises is the key here but there is an easier way. If you set the starting speed to about level 9 or above then you should get a lot of points even from only one or two lines. At this speed you will only need to make 2-3 back to back Tetrises to get the required score.