The Beatles: Rock Band

50 Achievements



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Things That Money Just Can't Buy

Things That Money Just Can't Buy

Earn Expert gold stars on the 4 songs displayed on the Achievements screen.


How to unlock the Things That Money Just Can't Buy achievement in The Beatles: Rock Band - Definitive Guide

Credit for this goes to either:

"XZYOE" on
Condemn3dElite on x360a:

Approximate scores for each song and instrument for gold stars.

Back In The U.S.S.R.:
Expert Guitar Gold Star at About: 113,700 points.
Expert Bass Gold Star at About: 94,280 points.
Expert Drums Gold Star at About: 130,000 points.
Expert Vocals Gold Star at About: 160,000 points.

Can't Buy Me Love:
Expert Guitar Gold Star at About: 113,000 points.
Expert Bass Gold Star at About: 72,000 points.
Expert Drums Gold Star at About: 107,000 points.
Expert Vocals Gold Star at About: 117,000 points (Thanks Mystic Typh00n/Gjot).

Get Back:
Expert Guitar Gold Star at About: 99,600 points.
Expert Bass Gold Star at About: 105,000 points.
Expert Drums Gold Star at About: 120,000 points.
Expert Vocals Gold Star at About: c103,500 points (Possibly as high as 106k).
^ Thanks to Gjot, jimmy vanzetti, JernauGurgeh SF & stretters87.

Helter Skelter:
Expert Guitar Gold Star at About: 173,700 points.
Expert Bass Gold Star at About: 177,200 points.
Expert Drums Gold Star at About: 149,000 points.
Expert Vocals Gold Star at About: 151,500 points.

04 Dec 2009 13:31

Just got 113,389 on USSR guitar :(
By tractakid on 14 Mar 2011 18:35
Ooooh, that's just cruel!
By Xebu on 17 Mar 2011 13:05
This helped a ton man. Thanks for the stats.
By As R0me Burns on 02 Apr 2011 09:59
I found bass was much easier on Back in the USSR even though it says guitar is easier... couldn't get it on guitar and got 96,504 third time through on bass...
By bmlx5867 on 09 Jul 2011 04:56
Vocals for Can't buy me love is more than 115k, I'd say it's 117k or so.
By Mystic Typh00n on 19 Jul 2011 12:01
On Vocals:
Get Back isn't 94,500, it's about 106,000!
Can't Buy Me Love, I can confirm is 117k too
By Gjot on 16 Sep 2011 16:47
Have tweaked the figures a little, thanks for the updates.
By Xebu on 16 Sep 2011 23:36
I got gold stars for "Get Back" at 104,000 on vocals.
By aj vanzetti on 11 Dec 2011 20:11
Can confirm that "Get Back" is somewhere between 101,000 and 105,448 on vocals
By JernauGurgeh SF on 14 May 2012 19:19
I just got gold on Get Back solo vocals with a score of 106,843. I was on 103,000 going into the last phrase and didn't have gold then. Combining that with the two posts above me suggests it is around 103,500 to get the gold stars
By stretters87 on 17 May 2012 11:54
Anyone have a suggestion for Helter Skelter vocals?
By Chronovore on 14 Feb 2014 02:22
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First off, thanks to Xebu for listing the needed scores smile

This is by far the hardest of the 4 Gold Star achievements.

Some helpful hints:

-For U.S.S.R. play bass. Even though the rating for it is a 6 it plays easier than the guitar part. The things you want to watch out for on here is the triple strums, and the 8-note or so fast strum after the first two triple strums.There's a couple more triple strums after this part, and I believe a couple strung throughout in various places. You'll need to basically FC this song.

- Can't Buy Me Love is the easiest of the 4. I sang it, but play on whatever you feel comforable with.

-Get Back is a bass song. It's much easier than the guitar and with fewer HOPOs. But with this you'll need to FC it. You can probably get away with missing one very early, and possibly one late but not both.

- Helter Skelter is by far the hardest of these 4. Play Guitar, and you'll need to FC it all the way until late unto the triples (GYB I believe) You want to use overdrive as soon as you fill it up the first time, save your next bunch until after the solo, use your next OD immediately as you get it, and the next one will be used as soon as you get into the triples near the end of the song.(You probably will have some OD left over but it's okay) If you can use something close to this OD path and FC it you should have yourself some shiny gold stars.

I honestly hopes this helps you in your endeavor for all of the gold star achievements. Please leave a comment if you have any other suggestions.

I should mention, if you're in a band you're all going to need to score 98-100%. You may be able to slide in a 96 or 97 between bandmates, but you want an average of between 98-100%

17 Aug 2011 04:17

To obtain this achievement you must earn gold stars on the following songs.

-Back in the U.S.S.R.
-Can't Buy me Love
-Get Back
-Helter Skelter

I have created a way to use a computer to play drums perfectly and obtain this achievement. I have created a video tutorial for this method but I have included full text instructions as well.

Text instructions can be found here.

11 Jul 2013 06:58

Does this mean that we only have to complete it on 1 instrument, example, just on the drums?
By Kanchanaburi on 16 Sep 2013 22:01
Does this mean that we only have to complete it on 1 instrument, example, just on the drums?
By Kanchanaburi on 16 Sep 2013 22:01
Yes you only need to complete it on one instrument to get the achievement. I think you can mix and match instruments as well but I'm not completely sure. Example Gold star Back in the U.S.S.R. on Guitar, Helter Skelter as a band, and finish the last two on drums.
By Crandy on 16 Sep 2013 22:14
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To get gold stars on a song you must play the song almost perfectly in most cases, as well as use your Beatlemania at the right time. For this trophy you will need to get gold stars on these four songs. This can be done on any instrument, so pick the one you're best at and play it until you can get it gold starred. Sometimes it may actually be easier though if you choose a different instrument that is easy for the particular song, as it may be the hardest song for your best instrument. The songs you need to gold star are:

  • Back In The U.S.S.R.
  • Can't Buy Me Love
  • Get Back
  • Helter Skelter
Gold stars are earned when you do very well on a song, it is possible to get gold stars and miss one or two notes, you will have to play on expert on any instrument for this achievement, like the others get used to the rhythm of the songs and practice if necessary. Finally using star power on chord sections is the key to scoring more points, look out for good places to activate. Some people find doing these as a band makes it easier. The songs you need to gold star are as follows:

Back In The U.S.S.R.:

Expert Guitar Gold Star at Roughly: 114,000 points.
Requirements: 98% or better, save your star power until the red and yellow triplets come in and use it on fast sections.
Important Tip: Practice a lot using triplets, you'll struggle with this song if you struggle to strum quickly.

Can't Buy Me Love:
Expert Guitar Gold Star at Roughly: 113,000 points.
Requirements: 99% or better, use star power on the 3-note chords and you should do this easily.
Important Tip: Like the last, make sure you've got couplet notes down.

Get Back:
Expert Guitar Gold Star at Roughly: 99,000 points.
Requirements: 99% or better, use star power decently.

Helter Skelter:
Expert Guitar Gold Star at Roughly: 174,500
Requirements: 100% and try to work out a good star power path, I made sure that I had a full bar of star power and entered it as the outro starts with the G-YB- notes, then pick up the one there to refill. Best of luck with this one.
To get gold stars you must play on Expert difficulty, if you're playing in a band then EVERY player in the band must be on Expert difficulty to be able to earn Gold stars.

Gold stars are usually around 1.5 times the 5 star score, so for example if the song is 5 starred at 40,000 points then the gold star cutoff will be around the 60,000 mark.

You need to gold star the following for this trophy.
Back in the U.S.S.R
Can't Buy Me Love
Get Back
Helter Skelter

They can be attempted on any instrument and as long as you Gold star on one of the instruments for the song, it will be ticked off on the Trophy menu.

Bass is notoriously harder to Gold star than other instruments because of the fact that its multiplier goes up to 6 so you need a higher average multiplier overall to attain Gold stars, if you mess up more than twice on Bass (especially when using overdrive) then chances are you won't gold star. A few songs in the Rock Band series have been known to be impossible to Gold star on Bass for some songs, this is especially true for "I Feel Fine" on this game which is needed for another trophy.

However on Guitar, you have more room for error but the charts will tend to be more difficult with the addition of guitar solos and chords.

If you play in a band, the gold stars can be easier to obtain because if you all use overdrive simultaneously then you will get "x4" band multiplier with 2 players, "x6" with 3 players and "x8" with 4 players, this can make gold stars so much easier to obtain.

Credit and thanks to for their leaderboards to look up lowest Gold star scores. Please note that these are solo scores so if you're playing in a band then these will be of no use to you.

Back in the U.S.S.R
Guitar: Approx 114,000 points
Bass: Approx 95,000 points
Drums: Approx 130,000 points
Vocals: Unknown but believed to be about 160,000 on Xbox 360 version according to TA (Credit to Xebu on TA)

Bass tends to be easier on this according to some, Guitar is not a bad choice for this one either.

Can't Buy Me Love
Guitar: Approx 113,000 points
Bass: Approx 72,000 points
Drums: Approx 106,900 points
Vocals: Approx 117,000 points

This one should be the easiest song to get, if you can't get this one then you aren't ready for the other 3 songs yet.

Get Back
Guitar: Approx 100,000 points
Bass: Approx 104,000 points
Drums: Approx 121,000 points but could be as low as 120,000
Vocals: Unknown but believed to be 103,000-106,000 on Xbox 360 version according to TA (Credit to Xebu, Gjot, jimmy vanzetti, JernauGurgeh SF & stretters87 on TA)

I personally did Get Back on Bass, the guitar chart was too difficult to be consistent on.

Helter Skelter
Guitar: Approx 173,900 points
Bass: Approx 178,000 points but could be as low as 177,000.
Drums: Approx 149,000 points but could be as low as 147,000
Vocals: Unknown but believed to be 151,500 on Xbox 360 version according to TA (Credit to Xebu)

This one will be the most difficult one, there isn't an easy instrument for this song. Bass chart has changing speeds in the outro which can wreck a gold star run. Guitar is easier than Bass to get gold stars personally, it's still difficult though especially the chords in the slow down section which are hard to get the timing on. There are 3 note chords in the outro which are essential to use overdrive on.

11 Jun 2014 04:01

The four songs that you will need to get gold stars on are as follows...
Back in the U.S.S.R.
Can't buy me love
Get Back
Helter Skelter
To get gold stars you will not only need to play near perfect runs of the songs listed but also deploy beatlemania at the right times as well. Pick the instrument that your best at and keep playing it until you get gold stars.

04 Aug 2013 09:59

You need to complete the songs Back In The USSR, Can't Buy Me Love, Get Back and Helter Skelter for gold stars. Gold stars can only be obtained on Expert difficulty on any instrument. To do this, you need to score a certain number of points in the song:

Back In The USSR:
Expert guitar: 114,000 points

Can't Buy Me Love:
Expert guitar: 113,000 points

Get Back:
Expert guitar: 99,000 points

Helter Skelter:
Expert guitar: 174, 500 points

12 Aug 2011 01:18