42 Achievements
Xbox 360
Pain Train
Collide with the catcher at home plate
How to unlock the Pain Train achievement in The BIGS - Definitive Guide
When one of your batters is running home, and one of the fielders throws to the backcatcher as you approach home plate, the "collision" mini-game starts up.
You'll see a bar appear with 1/3 of it red on the left, 1/3 red on the right, and a lighter 'middle ground.' Because you are coming from third base, you'll be on the left side. Mash the A button to keep the meter in your side of the bar. If you are successful, you'll barrel through the backcatcher and score the run. As you'd expect, you'll get the achievement as well.
If it is in the side of the catcher, he'll knock your ass over and you'll miss your chance.
You'll see a bar appear with 1/3 of it red on the left, 1/3 red on the right, and a lighter 'middle ground.' Because you are coming from third base, you'll be on the left side. Mash the A button to keep the meter in your side of the bar. If you are successful, you'll barrel through the backcatcher and score the run. As you'd expect, you'll get the achievement as well.
If it is in the side of the catcher, he'll knock your ass over and you'll miss your chance.
Just force a runner to go home, eventually you will get this.
This one does not even have to be you personally controlling the runner. I was controlling the batter and making him go for a triple, when the person who was on first base when I hit collided with the catcher.
However, if you are controlling the person who runs into the catcher, a meter will come up and you will have to hit as fast as you can to win the battle and knock the ball out of his glove.
You don't have to win the collision mini-game to get the achievement though, it unlocks regardless.