The Bluecoats: North & South

The Bluecoats: North & South

11 Achievements


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Powerful army

Powerful army

Create a powerful army by merging three armies


How to unlock the Powerful army achievement in The Bluecoats: North & South - Definitive Guide

Start a campaign on easy. Quickest way to unlock is to use the North, take control of the nearest forts, you can take two right away. The railroad will give you enough money within two or three turns to buy an two new units, combine three, and that will pop the achievement.It is really that easy/simple. You will probably Unlock this in your first campaign.

09 Nov 2020 09:40

This achievement requires you to merge units two times. You may do this naturally, but it's really easy to do right at the start of 1864 while playing as the North. Simply move your northwestern unit southeast one state to merge with the one there, and then move your next unit over onto this same merged unit to merge all three together, unlocking this achievement.