The Bluecoats: North & South

The Bluecoats: North & South

11 Achievements


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Rail Master

Rail Master

Capture the five forts in a single game


How to unlock the Rail Master achievement in The Bluecoats: North & South - Definitive Guide

I actually used the Rebels for this achievement on Easy Mode. My strategy for this achievement:

Difficulty: Easy
Side: Rebels
Year: 1862

The advantage is that you got three of the five forts with this scenario. You only need to capture the ones in Pennsylvania (upper right corner of the map) and Iowa (upper left corner of the map). You might need to intentionally lose a battle or two, but it's not hard to recover from a loss in this game.

Month 1:
- Use your Rebel unit at Georgia and move it to capture and hold North Carolina (the area with a lighthouse on the center right part of the map. The next month, you'll get reinforcements from the sea.

After that, use your bigger North Carolina force and fight your way to Pennsylvania. It should take three or four game months of fighting to attack and take over the Pennsylvania fort.

- Take your Rebel force from Kansas and attack Iowa. After defeating the defending force and a separate force to capture the fort, you should be four out of five forts captured.

Month 2 - Month 4 (or Month 5, if you run into difficulty):
Do your best to leave one Union force alive until you capture the fifth fort. You can leave your fort without a fighting fort, then you can just defend it in first person mode and hold on to it. If you're daring enough, use the force to capture Iowa, reinforce it with another unit and have a second force go east to attack Pennsylvania and capture Pennsylvania. The achievement will be unlocked soon after that's done.

12 Sep 2021 21:34

As the description says, you need to control all five forts in any match, any difficulty. This will require you to purposely leave an enemy unit alive. Otherwise, when you have four forts and there are no enemy units, the game will end.

You will likely do this naturally, but an easy method of doing it consistently is to use the exact same steps in Great strategist (200G) below, but play on Easy difficulty. When the AI unit beats your unit on the east coast on North Carolina, leave that unit alive on the east coast. Capture the two southern enemy forts, which will be no problem on Easy, and you'll have all five forts before the eastern enemy unit even reaches your northeastern fort. If it does somehow reach, defending forts is easy and you'll assuredly win.