The Bug Butcher

The Bug Butcher

31 Achievements


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Kill 1000 enemies with the chain lightning gun in any single game mode


How to unlock the ELECTRIC WONDER achievement in The Bug Butcher - Definitive Guide

If you still need this achievement and want to grind it, I've found a level where the Electric Gun spawn most of the time. Sometimes even 2 to 3 times each rounds.

The level is called Greenhouse 2-9

Hope it helps !

01 Apr 2017 04:27

2-9 Seems subject to the same RNG as the other levels -- a pretty even distribution of the 4 weapons. As such level 28 is still probably the best go-to for farming kills as you get more enemies in a shorter amount of time.
By OhMyGoth1 on 12 Oct 2017 23:21
Yeah this seems like it happened by luck. I've played the greenhouse 6 times and got the lightning gun once. As OhMyGoth1 said, just play level 28.
By Sco Bravheart on 05 Jan 2018 02:59
This helped a lot. Especially after reading first comment. Seemed to be less RNG when you start with the Electric gun after waiting for first spawn. Thank you for this!
By CuddIe Bunny on 09 Jan 2018 04:04
Not sure why the only vote on this is a negative one, this worked perfectly for me.

Just dodge the enemies at the start until the first power up spawns, if it isn't a power up you need then restart. If you need electric gun kills wait until the green enemies bunch up and just shoot once and it'll clear the whole area, you should be able to clear the initial wave and a few of the big enemies that spawn in the next wave in a single power up. Rinse and repeat. Thanks Death!
By Effigy on 14 Jul 2017 18:26
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Arcade mode - Floor 2 - Level 10 is the best level to grind weapons after you beat the entire Arcade mode and upgrated everything.

In this level there are those blue enemies that spit pink aliens, do not kill them and let the map be full of enemies, the game will start spawning different type of weapon more frequently because with so many enemies you will get a lot of combo and power up.
When you collect the weapon do not fire fast, but try to dose the shots in order to make the weapon last longer and hit more enemies at the same time.

I got 4 achievement in a couple of hours:
- BULLET HELL gatling gun You won this on 21 September 18 at 16:19
- BEAM MASTER laser beam You won this on 21 September 18 at 16:36
- EXPLOSION EXPERT rocket launcher You won this on 21 September 18 at 16:57
- ELECTRIC WONDER chain lightning gun You won this on 21 September 18 at 17:01

I made a video::


23 Sep 2018 20:28

1 Comment
😁thanks! Worked like a charm 😁
By zDrUnKeNMoNkEyz on 25 Sep 2018 05:59

The Chain Lightning Gun is unlocked after completing Level 12 (Floor 03). It’s one of the weapons that randomly drops while playing through the game. This will most likely unlock as you are going for 3 Stars on each Level, but if it doesn’t, start up Level 30 (Floor 05). The gun is not available on Level 9 so Level 30 is your best bet for grinding this trophy. The trophy will unlock as soon as you hit 1000. If you restart the game or die, your kill count will still be added to the cumulative total.


The Chain Lightning Gun will be unlocked after completing Level 12. From there on it will appear randomly throughout the levels. If you don’t have the achievement by the time you have all 3 stars, there are a couple of good levels to grind it on. Level 9 (Floor 02) or Level 30 (Floor 05) have the most enemies on them.