The Cave

The Cave

27 Achievements


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Who Wants to Live Forever

Who Wants to Live Forever

Got everyone out of The Cave without dying once.


How to unlock the Who Wants to Live Forever achievement in The Cave - Definitive Guide

Well, the achievement description is pretty clear. You have to play an entire game (with three characters) without dying once. This can be pretty hard. My suggestions:

* Take three easy characters with good abilities and a quick and easy puzzle. I recommend: the knight (easy and fairly quick puzzle; special ability lets him be immune to falling damage), the monk (easy puzzle without much opportunity of dying), the scientist (easy puzzle, not much to die for here either), the Hillbilly (can dive under water as long as needed but a long puzzle).
I don't recommend: the time traveller (puzzle too complicated), the twins (puzzle too long), the adventurer (too much possibilites where you can die)

* Most important: Don't fall to your death! If you try rushing too quickly through your adventure, you will fall and die. That's why I recommend going with the knight always head on - you can prevail dying by using your special ability cn_Y.

* Try avoiding the following, avoidable deaths: staying under water for too long, getting squished by an elevator (happens often enough...), getting squished by the boat in the last puzzle on the island (if you dive underneath the boat, you will die), staying too close to an exploding dynamite, getting squished by a mine cart arriving (happens often enough...)

* If you do die - head to the dashboard immediately! Press the Xbox Guide button cn_guide, then cn_Y and quit the game! If you choose to leave ingame, the game will save and you will have to start over again! If you play on Xbox One or Xbox Series, just hit the Guide button and close the game ("menu" button on the tile), this way the game won't save your progress (thanks to Beatmosh for the tip).

* You can skip a complete passage while replaying! In the very first puzzle (where you have to lure the monster to the hot dog on the stick to pull it up with that lever), take a second hot dog with you! Carry it on at all times through the following puzzles (first character puzzle, then the mine carts puzzle, then second character puzzle)! Always carry it on until you get to the zoo. Stop now! Take a character who DOESN'T have the hot dog. Walk with him and he gets "eaten" by the monster. Now, remember the puzzle? Still got that hot dog? You can skip all that recorder getting and so on, just take your character with that hot dog, lure the monster onto the bridge and BAM - you just skillfully skipped an entire puzzle and made your journey a little shorter. ;)

* You can skip two passages (including the above mentioned one) while playing with the monk and the knight which cuts down a lot of time. Thanks to Stavia and SFDATX for this tip: "You can use the monk's telekinesis power to skip the elevator part of the knight's trial by stealing the dragon key through the wall, and to skip all of the hunter (zoo) puzzle by stealing the hot dog out of the machine."

* Be patient. Sometimes it is better not to rush too much in order to avoiding easy deaths. And good luck!

21 Jan 2013 12:30

how quick do i have to be with dashboriding
By Fastandslow on 26 Jan 2013 19:30
You don't have to be quick, actually, to go to the dashboard. I just said "quickly" in order to don't let the game save somewhere. Just head to the dashboard ;)
By XBU Philippe on 27 Jan 2013 08:44
You can also use the monk to get the hot dog out of the vending machine at the zoo to skip the puzzle with the recorder also.
By SFDATX on 28 Jan 2013 02:48
How do you finish the island puzzle without dying? Specifically, the part where you roll the exploding barrel to drain the water to allow you to activate the switch and push the boat farther.

I noticed you can roll the barrel down the slope but it doesn't go far enough to explode the necessary rocks. Do I have to line barrels up and get them to blow in succession? Up until now I've just used one barrel and I seem to have to sacrifice myself each time.
By The 8bucks50 on 29 Jan 2013 16:36
Yeah... align two barrels... and push the third one down. Simple as that ;)
By XBU Philippe on 29 Jan 2013 17:52
Thanks, I had a hunch and started to try that but got impatient :D I'll give that a shot for my no-death run. Very much appreciated!
By The 8bucks50 on 29 Jan 2013 18:58
Got this last night, and the characters XBU posted are definitely the way to go. I used the Knight, Monk, and Scientist, and just took my time, and used the knight's invincibility to jump down practically every big drop, saving a bunch of time. The run through took me just under an hour. You can use the monk to skip a lot of puzzles, including the knight's.
By MynameisInig0 on 10 Feb 2013 18:27
how is it that the monk allows you to skip puzzles?
By onnovdw on 20 Feb 2013 13:07
You can use the monk's telekinesis power to skip the elevator part of the knight's trial by stealing the dragon key through the wall, and to skip all of the hunter (zoo) puzzle by stealing the hot dog out of the machine. Both these things definitely cut down on the risk of dying.
By Stavia on 05 Mar 2013 08:55
^To add to the previous comment, you can also skip more of the Knight's quest if you have the Monk with you to steal the "Dragon Treasure" from next to the sleeping dragon after unlocking his gate. This saves even MORE time!
By justinman114 on 04 Jul 2013 02:25
Just verifying that dashboarding works. I just got this achievement with the Knight, Monk, and Time Traveller (needed her last cave painting). I died once on the monk area missing a ladder and once on the island.
By Redd Five on 29 Dec 2013 12:57
Thank you for all the great tips here. Got the achievement with Monk, Knight and Scientist. Monk made it a lot easier and the dashboard saved by butt many times! Great guide! wink
By BeautifullySeen on 20 Mar 2014 12:36
That's a great tip about the holding onto a second hotdog, but don't do it, if you don't have all the Cave Paintings, as I think you might miss a couple.

I just finished and got this with the Hillbilly, Scientist, and the Monk.

I died quite a few times(That stupid Ferries Wheel at the Carnival killed me twice, the character just love slipping off it). But I made sure to dashboard, before each respawning.
By EarthboundX on 25 Oct 2014 08:05
I know this thread is a bit old. But another suggestion to add is that you can save and quit and the immediately reload to save progress in each puzzle. That way if you die and dashboard, you won't have to do the entire puzzle again as you may have to do for many puzzles. It's almost like creating manual checkpoints for yourself.
By Seraph Metatron on 14 Jan 2017 12:35
If you're playing on Xbox One where dashboarding won't make a difference because when you reload ur in the same place, remember you can dashboard then load any other game and The Cave will not save, then when you reload The Cave it will be at the previous save point (before death)
By Beatmosh on 15 Jan 2017 04:01
Unlocked this one yesterday, thanks a lot.
By SPEKSNKdoaf78 on 16 Jan 2017 14:22
The Monk can also grab the bucket from the well in the Employee's Area without having to run back and forth with the crowbar and then the well crank. Just another time-saving tip!
By gaiaquasar on 16 Jan 2017 20:54
For Xbox One I assume the equivalen t of dashing is pressing home then 'Start' and chosing quit before relaunching the cave - no need for loading another game as Beatmosh says
By metallicafan459 on 20 Jan 2017 19:34
Great solution. Those tips were very useful.
By Ethigy on 23 Feb 2018 00:16
Yes, very useful tips. It is actually quite easy to die. Sometimes you just slip, jump in the wrong way or make another bad move :). Your solution helps to stay safe in the critical spots.
By Orran Durai on 09 Jan 2023 09:49
Very awesome useful tips everyone! thank you! i died SEVERAL times and the quick dashboard helped. i also triggered a few manual saves with save and quit. my team was the Knight - Scientist - Monk and it was my 4th overall playthrough. I was actually surprised to see it pop given the difficulties for others (getting it to pop) and numerous deaths... 100% thanks to the tips here!
By ShadyShall on 31 Jul 2023 00:58
Based on the number of times I've died completely by accident, this looks like it's gonna be tough.
By ALoneWolf42 on 29 Jan 2024 04:05
I did this with the second run recommended team: Hillbilly, Scientist and Twins and I can confirm this works in case you die: pause the game, then Xbox Button and Dashboard out when your character die and becomes smoke. I even long paused the game before dashboard and when climbed the final stairs with the first character, since the game didn't save, achievement unlocked flawlessly.
By NessNoldo on 29 Apr 2024 15:01
This ain't so bad. Certainly a lot easier than a bunch of other games with similar achievements. I got it on my first try without having to dashboard. Just take it easy, don't rush, and use some of the simple characters XBU suggests.

In case you're wondering -- the achievement unlocks as soon as the first character climbs up the final ladder with (or without) his/her trinket.
By EmperoxGrayland on 27 Jan 2013 07:50
Fuck me--I just finished my 2nd playthrough, and I dashboarded whenever someone died, but I still didn't get it. I must've missed one at some point.

A word of caution--during the Time Traveler's puzzle(if you're going with her) be careful of where you place your characters upon the temporal plane. In the area with the rolling rock in the half-pipe, I accidentally let go of the rock in the past, it ran over the "non-existent" 2nd person in the present, therefore fucking up my future.

Get it?


By Morpheus414 on 05 Sep 2013 07:26
OK. I've beaten the game twice now, with no "real" deaths. I've died a few times, but immediately hit dashboard and quit game, restarted and continued. But nothing!

So now I've done 7 playthroughs, and my love for this game is waning. FAST. I really don't want to do an 8th playthrough with the same results.... any advise anyone?
By GRAND NOBLE on 08 Apr 2017 06:29
Saving a lot in dangerous areas is a great idea. Places like the mine, before you catch each dynamite, and the Adventurer's task, as long as you don't save somewhere that it matters where your other two are standing, are good places for this. On the island, you can push the boat to the right at the beginning to avoid the chance of dying in the water later.
By Seeker74 on 02 Jun 2017 05:44
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I tend to go through the story with the adventurers that have the easiest puzzles (once that you won't die that easily).
My preference is:
* The Hillbilly
* The Scientist
* The Monk

These will allow you to pick up:

You can also try and get

15 Feb 2016 00:00

I don't recommend the Knight, his puzzle is a meatgrinder. In fact, the puzzle consist exclusively in exposing your characters to risk. Also, in his puzzle/level, there are several jumps and traps that, while looking easy, are an unnecessary risk due to bad controls.
Go for Time Traveller, Twins and Monk, as their levels are very safe. If you prefer the Scientist, beware the laser.

If an accident happens, use the trick of dashboarding and closing the game (NEVER "Save and Quit" if a character dies). Of course, you can Save and Quit to take a rest if everything is OK.

24 Sep 2023 02:09

1 Comment
I did this with the second run recommended team: Hillbilly, Scientist and Twins and I can confirm this works in case you die: pause the game, then Xbox Button and Dashboard out when your character die and becomes smoke. I even long paused the game before dashboard and when climbed the final stairs with the first character, since the game didn't save, achievement unlocked flawlessly.
By NessNoldo on 29 Apr 2024 15:01

This is easiest with the Hillbilly, Scientist and Monk as their sections of the cave are fairly safe.

  • Just a few words of warning:
  • Avoid the guard with the gun in the Scientist's launch facility.
  • Stay still on the magic carpets in the Monk's temple.
  • Careful on that Ferris Wheel at the Hillbilly's carnival.
  • Watch out for the miner's dynamite.
  • At the zoo a good whack from the Crystal Cave Monster's tail will kill you.
  • The large hole on the desert island is very easy to fall into.
  • The do not swim under the boat on the desert island as you will drown.

Remember, if you die (or are about to die), quickly hit the guide button and exit to dash. You may need to replay a large portion of the game but at least you won't be replaying everything!

Don't try for this on your first run through. By the second you will have learned where you need to be careful.

I did this with the second run recommended team: Hillbilly, Scientist and Twins and I can confirm this works in case you die: pause the game, then Xbox Button and Dashboard out when your character die and becomes smoke.

I even long paused the game before dashboard and when climbed the final stairs with the first character, since the game didn't save, achievement unlocked flawlessly.

You can follow the advices and tips from the Walkthrough here to feel it easier.

29 Apr 2024 15:04

This is probably the toughest trophy in the game. You have to get all three characters to the end and up the ladder without dying. I recommend saving this until your last playthrough when you have full knowledge of the Cave’s different areas and how to solve the puzzles quickly. Furthermore, I recommend using the Monk, Scientist and Time-Traveller for this playthrough, as those characters’ specific areas have the least risk of death associated with them.

Throughout the game, I found that the main source of deaths was falling from too great a height. The game unfortunately has a lower threshold of falling distance than most platformers, which means that you need to carefully jump down ledges and always use the ropes and ladders available to you. It requires a certain amount of patience and it is tempting to rush, but in the long run it will take far less time to tread carefully as opposed to replaying whole sections because of a stupid death.

Thankfully, this trophy can be manipulated by quitting to XMB if you die. Reload the game and select “Continue” and you will start at the beginning of the section of the Cave in which you died.

At the beginning of each level, the game automatically saves, so if you die one of the characters, I advise you to simply exit the game immediately without saving and start this level again. If you continue the game or exit with a save, then further completion of the game to obtain this trophy is pointless. That's exactly how I got it.

01 Feb 2013 08:55

Having a monk on your team can greatly shorten the passage of the ZOO location: telekinesis commands a sausage machine beyond the range of the hunter’s gun.
By JohnHvat on 20 Apr 2013 14:20
However, in large/dangerous areas, do not forget about the function in the Save & Exit menu. You quickly exit to the main menu and return back to the game, having already saved your “immortal” current progress within the zone, so that you do not have to replay the entire zone.

To complete the game, I recommend choosing a Monk, a Knight and a Time Traveler for this trophy. The zones of these heroes have a lower risk of various unplanned deaths. At the same time, the knight’s zone is traversed very quickly due to the traveler’s teleportation ability (without opening the dragon gate, you need to teleport there and steal the coin).

The greatest danger when obtaining this trophy is falling from a height; in many cases you will have to patiently use the descent along ladders and ropes. Where possible, you can use a knight, because... In invulnerability mode, he can fall from any height (for example, in the episode with the miner's trolleys you will have to constantly run up and down).

Game Guide
By ducksel on 17 Apr 2013 13:58
Complete the game without dying once.

An example of such a passage:

31 Jan 2013 12:37

1 Comment
At the beginning of each level, the game automatically saves, so if you die one of the characters, I advise you to simply exit the game immediately without saving and start this level again. If you continue the playthrough or exit with a save, then further playthrough of the game to obtain this trophy is pointless.
By ALE_X on 01 Feb 2013 08:58