The Evil Within 2

The Evil Within 2

51 Achievements


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Crafted every type of item at least once.


How to unlock the Handyman achievement in The Evil Within 2 - Definitive Guide

There's 13 different types of craftable items you can make, and they are as follows along with the resources needed to craft one of each item.......

Weapons & Ammo
Handgun Bullets - 2 Gunpowder
Shotgun Shells - 5 Gunpowder
Sniper Rifle Cartridges - 7 Gunpowder
Assault Rifle Cartridges - 1 Gunpowder
Magnum Rounds - 8 Gunpowder
Flamethrower Fuel - 1 Gunpowder

Crossbow Bolts
Shock Bolt - 2 Gunpowder & 1 Fuse
Smoke Bolt - 1 Gunpowder & 1 Smoke Powder
Explosive Bolt - 2 Gunpowder & 1 Nalis
Harpoon Bolt - 1 Metal Pipe
Freeze Bolt - 2 Gunpowder & 1 Condenser

Health & Recovery
Medical Syringe - 3 Herbs
Medical Kit - 5 Herbs

All of these materials can be found throughout the game, either from dead enemies , inside boxes or just randomly lying around the place.

You can make all of these items when you're not at a crafting table, but the resources required will be doubled.

Hope this helped.

14 Oct 2017 20:51

Noted, I will add this in later today.
By BabyishDuck on 18 Oct 2017 05:59
You also have to craft the sniper rifle and flamethrower
By Cruz628 on 21 Oct 2017 17:07
This glitched for me, oddly enough. Going to do a fresh playthrough to see if it will unlock that way.
By Large Coffee on 08 Nov 2017 14:10
Blast. It glitched for me too. :(
By Kalujo on 10 Nov 2017 18:01
not unlock... since maj one x maybe?redface
By dkpuff29 on 14 Nov 2017 10:04
Doe sit have to be on the same save?
By Sneaky G Wizard on 08 Dec 2017 21:12
I ended up getting it after a fresh play-through on a NG+ save. You ultimately still need to do at least one run through the game in order to get the Magnum anyways, so yes, it would need to be on the same save.
By Large Coffee on 09 Dec 2017 00:00
On my NG+ run and crafted one of each, what am I doing wrong?
By mudder85 on 22 Dec 2017 04:23
I had to do a 2nd NG+ run to unlock it. After my 2nd playthrough (to complete Nightmare), I did a 3rd one for all of the weapons and this on the easiest difficulty.
By Large Coffee on 22 Dec 2017 13:25
I'm 100% certain that you also need to craft both weapons.
By HerrKätzchen on 25 Feb 2018 18:14
This achievement it's glitched for me can u give me some advice to get that fucking achievement?
By Nnoitra CR on 22 Mar 2019 06:35
OK, I'm missing magnum bullets. Done all the others. Do they only become available once you find the magnum?
By FullMoonBeaver on 01 Dec 2021 21:55
fuck this is so annoying... I've done this SO MANY TIMES, it just wont pop ffs.
By Meridian 4CK on 26 Apr 2023 23:22
This achievement and “A Little Extra Kick to it” are bugged for me.
By Tanino343 on 23 Jul 2023 15:07
It appears this carries over into NG+. When I started one up, this achievement didn't unlock as soon as I crafted some magnum bullets, which I thought was the only thing I should be missing. But after I later crafted some handgun, shotgun, sniper, and assault rifle it finally did pop. (I was like 90% sure I crafted assault rifle ammo in my first playthrough, but maybe I didn't? Or maybe it didn't register that I did because I never actually used the gun? Either way, I'm guessing that must have been the other one I was "missing" for the achievement because I DEFINITELY did plenty of crafting & using all the other ammo types on my first run.)
By DenverMax27 on 16 Nov 2020 22:37
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I like how the other guide leaves out that this is missable if you don't pick up the Sniper-rifle in Ch3/4 as you also have to craft both the Sniper-rifle and the flamethrower for this achievement.
I'm pretty certain though that the flamethrower can't be obtained any other way than through crafting.

And in case you've rushed through the game and didn't pick up a medical kit; the earliest is availaible in Ch3. There's a Repair-shop next to the Warehouse with the 2nd doll in it. Go in the basement and open the door with 9676.

Also, Magnum-rounds obviously aren't available until NG+ Ch3.

01 Nov 2018 16:04

1 Comment
Thumbs up for ft ttip.
By jarvis inc on 29 Aug 2022 22:55

There are a total of thirteen different items to craft in the game. You cannot unlock this achievement until you’ve completed your first playthrough and entered new game +, as you need to craft Magnum ammo. You do not have access to the Magnum or Magnum ammo until you complete the game for the first time.

Most materials such as gunpowder can be scavenged from dead enemies. You can also find crafting materials hidden inside wooden crates or cabinets and drawers. It’s best to craft these items at a workbench so you don’t use up as many materials. You can craft items when you’re away from a workbench and out in the open if you want, but keep in mind that field crafting requires twice as many materials.

Weapons & Ammo:

  • Handgun bullets (2 gunpowder)
  • Shotgun shells (5 gunpowder)
  • Sniper Rifle cartridges (7 gunpowder)
  • Assault Rifle cartridges (1 gunpowder)
  • Flamethrower fuel (1 gunpowder)
  • Magnum ammo (8 gunpowder)

Crossbow Bolts:

  • Shock bolt (2 gunpowder, 1 fuse)
  • Smoke bolt (1 gunpowder, 1 smokepowder)
  • Explosive bolt (2 gunpowder, 1 nail)
  • Harpoon bolt (1 metal pipe)
  • Freeze bolt (2 gunpowder, 1 condenser)

Health & Recovery:

  • Medical syringe (3 herbs)
  • Medical kit (5 herbs)

There are a total of thirteen different items to craft in the game. You cannot unlock this achievement until you’ve completed your first playthrough and entered new game +, as you need to craft Magnum ammo. You do not have access to the Magnum or Magnum ammo until you complete the game for the first time.

Most materials such as gunpowder can be scavenged from dead enemies. You can also find crafting materials hidden inside wooden crates or cabinets and drawers. It’s best to craft these items at a workbench so you don’t use up as many materials. You can craft items when you’re away from a workbench and out in the open if you want, but keep in mind that field crafting requires twice as many materials.

Weapons & Ammo:

  • Handgun bullets (2 gunpowder)
  • Shotgun shells (5 gunpowder)
  • Sniper Rifle cartridges (7 gunpowder)
  • Assault Rifle cartridges (1 gunpowder)
  • Flamethrower fuel (1 gunpowder)
  • Magnum ammo (8 gunpowder)

Crossbow Bolts:

  • Shock bolt (2 gunpowder, 1 fuse)
  • Smoke bolt (1 gunpowder, 1 smokepowder)
  • Explosive bolt (2 gunpowder, 1 nail)
  • Harpoon bolt (1 metal pipe)
  • Freeze bolt (2 gunpowder, 1 condenser)

Health & Recovery:

  • Medical syringe (3 herbs)
  • Medical kit (5 herbs)
Note: You construct the Sniper Rfile in Chapter 3 and obtain it in Chapter 15, else the trophy won't pop and you will have to do a NG+ playthrough to get it.

You can craft 3 types of items:

- Ammo for every kind of weapon: You can craft them as soon as you get the related weapon. Some weapons need to be crafted, like Sniper Rifle and Flamethrower, while the Magnum will be obtained when you clear the game once. See Powerhouse for more info.

- Bolts: You can craft them as soon as you find the bolt during your journey
- Healing herbs and Medikit: You can craft them as soon as you find one.

You can craft items in two ways:
  1. Working bench in Sebastian's Office and safe houses
  2. Field Crafting almost every time
You will need resources to craft items but you can find them scattered around Union, just like weapon parts so explore a lot and collect as many items as possible. The big difference between the two methods is the number of resources: Field crafting needs more resources than the working bench so use it only in very bad situations. For the trophy, both ways work.
On NG+ you will get Magnum. So for him, it will be necessary to craft the cartridges last, then the trophy will drop.

16 Oct 2017 15:32

People, you definitely need to COLLECT a sniper and a flamethrower; if you pick up a ready-made sniper (the chapter in front of the wall of fire), you will have to start a new game. First, not ng+, something like that)
By SoulEater286 on 03 Sep 2018 02:54
If in the chapter in front of the fire wall you still didn’t pick up a ready-made sniper kit, then there is an opportunity on NG+ in Chapter 3 to pick it up on the roof, parts in the garage, and assemble it.
By Medved922rus on 09 Nov 2018 14:28
It’s not necessary to craft the magnum cartridges last, I crafted the flamethrower cartridges last and the trophy dropped. Here is the video
By Red_White on 04 Apr 2019 22:51
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You need to collect a flamethrower and a sniper rifle. Moreover, if you do not assemble a sniper rifle but take a whole one, you will have to start the game over. (Not new game+).

23 Oct 2017 18:15